Chapter 10: The Audition

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"I feel so violated! Why did this spirit choose me as its revenge seeking tool?" Said Ross at the kitchen table the next morning.

"I do not know much about spirits, but probably because you are still young?" Debbie said carrying a tray of coffee and toast.

"Just don't let me play piano near you guys. I definitely do not want to kill another family member."

Ross took a sip of his coffee and thought about the spirit that currently lives inside of him. Why did it choose him, what does he have to offer and who was this poor victim and who is the person Ross should kill to set the spirit free?

"Oh, I almost forgot, I arranged an audition for you at twelve. I have written the address down for you. When you get there just ask for Bob Crain and tell them that Debbie sent you. I will see you both after work, keep out of trouble okay!" Debbie gave both Ross and Rochelle a kiss on the forehead and rushed out of her apartment with her coffee in a silver flask clenched in her hand.

There was a knock on the door a few moments later. Ross got up and stared through the looking hole, but there was no one. He opened the door and saw a small piece of purple paper lying on the ground. It was folded and had a strange picture of a bird on the front. He unfolded it and then started to read.

Dear Ross

I have read some books about different types of witchcraft and spirits, and what I realised is that this spirit that possessed you, is not seeking revenge. It simply wants to kill people whether they are innocent or not. This spirit wants you to do the same harm to others as the harm that had been done to it. I should ask you nicely to please try and stay out of trouble, especially now that you are in Chicago. Some people are not the friendliest of people around here. Just try to control the spirit from harming anyone, because it has the ability to take over your good side and make you merciless.

Please feel free to come and see me when something goes wrong.

Madame Ulette

Ross folded the paper and placed it in his pocket. In the left corner of his eye, he noticed that Rochelle was busy reading a magazine and drinking some coffee. He felt so sorry for his sister because of what he made her do, but yet she still seemed calm and peaceful about it all.

Clarke Street was overflowing with cars hooting at each other and large crowds of people screaming. Shops were filled with new product and customers brushing against one another as they came and went. On his left Ross saw a couple looking at rings in a jewellery store and wondered whether or not he also may find true love one day. He was walking along the street towards an old worn out looking building dodging dirty water streams leading to the sewers at the end of Clarke Street. The sign on the building read "Pibels Studios". This seemed kind of odd to Ross. Why would a studio look this worn out and old? The lobby was filled with furniture from the 1960's and had a strange rotten smell to it. The receptionist was sitting behind an old wooden counter with earphones on and minding her own business.

"Excuse me kind ma'am." Ross said in a shy tone of voice trying not to laugh at the woman's strange dancing.

"The bathroom is on your left down that hallway." She said pointing down the hallway behind Ross.

"No I am not here to use the bathroom. I am here to speak to Mr. Crain. Is he available?"

"Hang on for just a second." She said and disappeared into a small room at the left end of the lobby.

Ross thought of how to approach Mr. Crain and what will he be performing for his first audition? He was also scared about the spirit that possessed him. What if everything goes wrong and he ends up killing Mr. Crain and maybe the receptionist as well for not taking him seriously. The receptionist appeared a few moments later with a plump looking man with faded black hair and a long chin by her side. He had a button up shirt and wrinkled cream trousers on.

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