Chapter 14: The Scheme

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"Did you hear anything from the warden yet Chelle?" Ross said to Rochelle through the visiting booth at prison.

"No not yet Rossi. It seems like they are making up excuses not to talk to me. Did you and Auntie Deb decide on what you are going to do?"

"No not yet. Trevor said that we need to discuss it tonight during dinner. I do hope that he decided on something yet, because you know me and Auntie Deb, not very good at scheming." Ross said looking around if someone heard him.

"Yes unfortunately it is always like that with the Victors. Well, whatever he decides I hope at least I can get house arrest. Honestly, I am the only one in prison who shows the most courage. I do not understand how these other woman got arrested. They seem far too innocent to be here!"

"I want to tell you what happened yesterday. Trevor and I went to meet the studio owner in the morning." Ross said leaning a bit forward.

"And how did that go?"

"It went brilliant! He offered me a record deal. He would like me to come in on Monday to start working on my first album, and for extra cash, he hired me to play at one of his night clubs and restaurants, but that is not what I want to talk to you about. Do you remember that piano that randomly showed up at our house back in Germany?"

"The black one with the template and the green seat cover?"

"Good, you remember well! Yes that one, the last time I went to that studio there was an old broken down piano I had to play on, but yesterday when I went to perform for the studio owner, the black piano was there! I asked the manager where they got it from and he said it came from Germany and that it belonged to a Mr Krueger."

"Wait, wasn't mom's maiden name Krueger? And didn't she also have a black piano she got from her father that we lost when the truck rolled over all those years ago when we moved to New York?"

"Exactly what I thought. I am not sure what is going on, but if that piano finds me again, it is destined to be mine."

Ross was heading back to Debbie's apartment that afternoon. He was thinking about ideas on what to write a song about for his album he will be recording soon. The only inspiration he had was his mother, but she was not around to support him anymore. When he reached the apartment, Trevor was waiting outside reading an extermination notice on the building door. They both greeted each other and went up to Debbie's apartment. When Ross opened the door he could not think straight, he had nothing left to say but 'I knew it!'

The black grand piano he had come in contact with two times now became a third. Right in the middle of Debbie's apartment stood the beautiful black grand piano that read M.L.Y on the golden template.

"When did you guys get this piano?" Trevor asked out of amusement.

"I got it when I was in Germany. Luckily it found me again." Ross said calmly and laughed at Trevor's freaked out face expression.

Debbie came home from work early that evening and prepared dinner for the three of them. They were sitting at the dining room table hoping that someone will throw out a bunch of ideas on how to get Rochelle out of prison.

"I was thinking that you should call the inspector and ask him if he can come over for a cup of tea tomorrow and once he is here, you should ask him about the procedure you guys are going to have to follow when Rochelle has to appear in court and when she can appeal etcetera. Once he is done speaking, Ross must then tell him about his great opportunity at Pibels Studios and play him a little song." Trevor said finally.

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