Chapter 21: The Dream

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Ross was walking along a rocky pathway between rows of autumn colour trees leading towards a stone fence. The wind was blowing through his hair and he could clearly smell the pure scent of autumn nature in the air around him. The atmosphere was warm and calming and Ross never felt more rested as he walked along the rocky pathway towards the stone fence. He was wearing a brown and flowing jacket along with a pair of earthy green chino trousers. A woman was sitting on the fence and was staring at the running water from the river next to her. She had curly dark brown hair, a glowing skin tone and emerald green eyes. Ross thought that this woman looked very similar to Rochelle as he got closer with each step. He reached the end of the rocky pathway and stared at her for a few minutes and did not say anything for a while.

"Rochelle is that you?" Ross said softly. The woman turned around flipping her hair in the process and smiled at Ross with her mesmerizing smile.

"Mom..." Ross could not believe his eyes. In front of him stood his mother Silvia, wearing a silk dress the same colour as Ross's jacket. Her emerald green eyes looked right through him and she lifted her arms and indicated to Ross to come closer and embrace her. Ross jolted towards Silvia and grabbed her around her neck. He felt a tear running down his cheek and he stoked her curly dark brown hair softly.

"I can't believe it is you mom. I have missed you so much all these years."

"I have missed you too my beautiful boy. Look at how handsome you are, and those eyes, it is like I am looking at my own eyes in a mirror."

"Yes, they have been a reminder of you all these years. I can't believe how much you and Rochelle look alike. You are absolutely beautiful mom. You look so rested and peaceful."

"Thank you Rossi. I am here to tell you how proud you made me over the years. I may not have been there to have told you so, but I was always with you in your heart."

"How can you be proud of me? I hurt and murdered so many people. How does that make you proud mom?"

"My son, hurting people may not be a good thing to do, but the reason why you made me proud is because of how well you have been able to take care of yourself and made a success out of your life with something you love. You reunited me with my beautiful daughter and you freed me of my hateful prison. I am a pure sole again and the only thing I want for you is to be happy until I meet up you again someday. What you are doing may not be the right thing to do, but I am determined to keep you happy even if it means hurting those around you. I would not let you go through what I had to go through. You are my little emerald and it would break my heart to see you shatter." Silvia wiped the tears from Ross's cheeks and kissed him on his head.

"What happened to you mom? Please tell me so that I can understand better. Madame Ulette did not make things too clear for me."

"What Madame Ulette said was completely true and accurate. She looked straight into my memory and saw the truth. Your father thought that I only married him for his money, which was not true. I loved him more than anything else before he became rich and before my children were born. He took me on vacation to Germany to visit his old friend who was too good of a person at that time. They murdered me, and because of your father's friend's expertise in dark crafting, they tried to vanish my body and made it look like I went missing. Rossi there is however one thing she left out. The reason why they could not vanish my body was because I kept thinking of you and Rochelle the moment they murdered me. It was hope that kept my body from vanishing, the hope that one of my children would find my sole in this dark place and free me from this prison, which you did eventually. I knew your father would someday move back to that place because he enjoyed his life there too much. Ross do you remember the first time you played the piano that showed up on your doorstep? Those image that was running through your head was me who showed you what happened to me the day I got murdered. And to thank you for it I have been giving you this ability to hypnotize people through your music, just to protect you from the cruel world until you are safe back in my arms. And as for the piano that was randomly showing up every time had to perform somewhere was also me. While you were sleeping I made you write letters to people and arranged for that piano to be delivered to the place where you were performing. Your father lied to you son. My piano never got lost in the moving truck. He sold it to someone so that you would have no memory of me whatsoever." Ross sniffed and wiped another tear from his cheek.

"Thank you for telling me the truth mom and thank for being here with me all this time. I would not have been where I am today if it was not for you. And Rochelle how is she? I think I am starting to lose my mind ever since she died."

"She is perfect my angel. You have not lost you mind. She wants you to forget about it. Just know that she is so much happier right now and that you should be too. Rossi, there is however something I need to tell you. Your road ahead is not going to be easy. Loneliness is a person's worst enemy and sometimes leads to death. I need you to promise me that whatever happens, do not take your own life." Silvia said as she stroked Ross's hair.

"I promise mom. Thank you for everything."

Ross was holding Silvia's hand tightly when it began to become distorted. It was as if her body and their surroundings were becoming thin hourglass sand and began to fall downwards. The last bit of autumn coloured sand fell and everything went white.

Ross was lying on his bed and stared at the ceiling with which he was very familiar with. He noticed that he was back home in his bed and saw through his open door that Trevor was sleeping on the chesterfield couch in the hallway. Ross sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. Trevor woke up from the bed cracking and noticed that Ross was awake so he also got up and entered the room.

"Are you okay my friend?" Trevor asked and poured Ross a glass of water from the water filter machine.

"Yes I am fine Trev. What happened to me? Why are we back home?"

"Things got a bit out of hand at Mr Holder's social event. You were playing a song and then I think your head ran away from you for a moment. To make this short, the people from the gathering assaulted one another when they listened to your music. I phoned Mr Holder and he says no one is dead, just seriously injured."

"Oh no. Do you think they will suspect it was my music that caused that to happen?" Ross said tensely.

"No not all! When I spoke to him I told him that you fainted at the sight of the people bashing each other with wine bottles so I had to take you home. He then told me to tell you that he apologises that you had to see that and that you could not finish your song. So I gather everything is alright."

"Trev I am so sorry that I let this happen. I guess Rochelle's death made me lose my mind a little, but I had a dream just now that answered some of my questions. I think everything will be alright from now on."

"I am glad to hearthat my friend. Get some more sleep, I will make some breakfast first thingtomorrow morning." Trevor got up and closed the door behind him. Ross felldown with his head on the pillow and closed his eyes slowly. He smiled and soonthereafter he fell asleep peacefully.    

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