Chapter 19: The Breaking Ballerina

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It has been several months since Ross and Lourissa met each other and life was perfect for Ross. The two of them decided that it was time to move in together after going on several dates and finally after a great deal of thought, Ross decided to propose to Lourissa and of course she had no hesitation and said yes even before Ross could finish his sentence. It however became clear to Trevor that the bad feeling had towards Lourissa was true. Ross was blinded by her beauty and charm and was not able to see that she has been spending his money recklessly. Every time Trevor tried to mention it to Ross, Ross would change the subject and carry on with his day to day business. Trevor thought it was best not to get on Ross's bad side due to his murderous history towards people who upset him. Ross made plans for the three of them to travel to Germany to meet up with Rochelle and Debbie. Ross felt guilty that he has not been able to make contact with his only remaining family for several months.

"I can't wait for you to meet my sister. She is the most amazing person you will ever meet love." Ross said folding up a pair of shorts.

"You have been telling me so much about her babe that it feels like I already know her."

"I am sorry love, I just really miss her and by telling you stories about her it sort of comforts me a little."

"Well not to worry babe, in a few hours we will be off to Germany and you can spend as much time with her as you want!" Lourissa gave Ross a kiss and continued packing.

"Ross here some mail for you." Trevor said tensely as he entered the room.

"Just put it on the counter Trev, it is probably just some fan mail."

"Ross I think this one is important!" Trevor said anxiously and waved the letter in the air towards Ross.

"Trev I will go through it later..." Ross paused and stared at Trevor in the mirror. The scent of roses filled the air around Ross. Could it really be her? Ross thought to himself.

"I will be right back love." Ross said and pulled Trevor along into the hallway.

"Please do not tell me it is from her, I am very familiar with that scent." Ross said looking up at Trevor. He revealed yet another purple letter with an owl symbol on it.

"Oh no Trev, I am too scared to read it!" Ross said in a terrified voice.

"You have to Ross, what if it is important?" Ross opened the letter slowly and flipped it open.

Dear Ross

I see you have been doing pretty well these last couple of months. A new house, a new girlfriend and a new record deal with one of the top record companies. Seems to me like you are having a blast. I must warn you that something is coming your way. I sense a great sadness in your future, but unfortunately I cannot determine what will be the cause. Your future is becoming quite faded and I am struggling to make out what is to happen to you. Travel safely and remember to tell your sister the truth about your mother. This will most likely be the last letter you will receive from me.

Madame Ulette

"A great sadness? What do you think she means by that?" Ross said rubbing his head.

"I honestly do not know Ross. Let us just take things easy all right?"

The weather was cool and fresh in Stuttgart. Ross, Lourissa and Trevor were sitting in a coffee shop looking at the German folk around them.

"Strange customs these German people. Am I right?" Lourissa said with her nose up in the air.

"I kind of like them. There is so much culture around here." Trevor said and took a sip of his coffee.

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