chapter 2 "Fun~"

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#when wattpad breaks down and you lose all your work and have to rewrite it *the pain*

Dipper P.O.V

As I looked up into his eyes having many emotions running through my head 'I will never bow down to him', 'I'll kick his ass'. Every time a thought went through my head, it felt like a shock of electirity. "Bill I won't!", I said strong headed. "You won't. Hmmm well I want you to and I always get what I want!", I heard his laughter echo through the dark room. "No...", my voice trailed it became quit, dead...
"Pinetree~", my body started to shake and shiver. With the cold metallic air. "I won't no matter what you do, bill!". I said with strong will. I looked to him seeing his eye go into flames, the Cain locking me tighter, burning my skin. 'No,no,no', I kept repeating in my head. "Pinetree~", his voice becoming dark "are you scared~". His face beaming as he griped my shoulder down trying to force me to bow. I held strong , after all its been four years I'm not the same person anymore. "I'm not scared of you bill!", "you will be!". I saw him snap his fingers, as I dissapered into darkness. "Ahhhhh" it went dark, as my eyes were shutting down, a beam of gold shot through, I jumped up seeing the Cains still around me, my wrist started to turn purple with a slight red forming around the color. "Where am I?", I tried to get up to look around the fascinating room. As I stepped forward, my body slammed against the bed wall. My eyes widen from the force impacted onto my skull, this is starting to really piss me off. I looked around the surrounding area, seeing red velvet around the room. As the window were triangle shaped. "Mabel...where are you", I tried to loosen the grip from the shackles , but i didn't have the strength. I took a deep breath, as I repeated the incidents in my head. "Could this be...bil-", "yes pine tree this is my room" he started to laugh as he came towards me sliding onto the bed. "Let me go, I rather be in a cell than with you!"
"Hmmm that can be arranged, my prison cells are pretty crowded though so I'll have to kill someone to get you in what about...shooting star!", his mocking tone went through my ears as well as fear boiling, 'what would he do to mabel'. "No wait, I'll stay here you don't have to kill anyone...", "that's a good pine tree", "bill that doesn't mean I'll tell you what you want to know". "Oh really well I'll just have to wait until you change your mind, but we'll go ahead and have some fun ~" when he said 'fun~', I knew something was gonna happen and I definitely wouldn't like it. "What? do you intend on with that..."

Bill P.O.V

"Well its exactly what I said, having a mortal body an all, I never got to try out what mating is and I wanna see if I like it or not", "WHAT NO WAY IN HELL BILL!!", I heard the boy scream, as I finished my speak. "You don't have a choice, but if you bow down to me maybe I wont", 'bow to him, no way, but I really don't want to have sex with him' I heard pine tree deciphering on what to do in his head. "That hurt my feeling pine tree", I said acting butt hurt by his thought. "Bill I'll bow down to you, but I don't respect you at all. I'm doing this cause I don't want to 'mate' with you got it". "Got it pine tree", as I saw him bend his knees on my comfortable bed. And lay his head down. He got back up and gave me a serious piss off look. "Good job pine tree, but it wasn't a real bow, your going to need some practice I want you to have fear in your eyes the next time you do it", I grinned. "Whatever". "Now we can have some fun", before I let pine tree retort, I lifted his hands over his head with one hand and making the shackles stick to the wood. "No way in hell! Bill let go", I grinned even more "you scared now pine tree, I'm a god you should be scared!", I started to laugh as hard as I could as I studied his features. "Hmm you sure have grown, but still too weak", I took my palm underneath his shirt, feeling his smooth chest. "Bill!", I looked up to the boy seeing his face heat up like flames. I came closer to his ear brushing my lips against it. As I went down to his neck and licked his skin. I felt his breathing become slower. I put my knee between his legs, my hands slowly coming down to his pants. His breathing started to become faster once again. "Bill-ple-"he stuttered, "pinetree~ do you like this". "NO!!", he started to try to escape again. "Aggg your so annoying sometimes. Hmm as a punishment, were going to do this more often, ALOT more often", "NO, NEVER BILL", my eyes started to burn red hearing his rebellious voice, as I got a call from a guard from outside. I took a sigh, calming down my anger, looking to the door and back at my pine tree "Well I have something to take care of, if you don't have your clothing off by the time I get back, let's just say shooting star will be an actually star". I walked out, grinning as I went to where the guard was, that apparently had a report.

Dipper P.O.V

'Mabel', before I could revolt I heard the door nob close. I felt the shackles loosen and soon dissaper. "Freaken lunatic", I rubbed my arms and ankles still feeling the stinge. "Dame it", I looked around the room, and saw the bathroom. I left my clothing on as I went in. Feeling the cold drips go onto my skin, as I went to take the shower 'I'm gonna kick his ass'.But I need to think of a way to get out of here...I need to find mabel...
My eyes started to close as I let my head rest onto the golden tile. 'Why does he even have a shower anyways, cant he just use magic?' 'What a jerk...doing that..'
My heart still beating fast from what just happened. "I'm not some toy to use for play!!" I punched the wall feeling the numbing go into my hand.

(15min. Later)

Dipper P.O.V

As I was about to get out of the cold, shivering shower. I felt two strong hands cover my eyes. "Hey pinetree~" "Bill?!", 'I still was wearing my clothing was he gonna hurt mabel'. "Hmm maybe I will pine tree, but for now". He snapped his black gloved hands and made my clothing dispatch. My body started to get even colder. I didn't like this being exposed to some demon, no not some demon, but bill cipher!. I heard a creak as the shower started to pull out warm water. I was pulled down as I felt smooth skin. I turned around to see bill naked as well. "Ahhh", I screamed with a squealed voice. "Pine tree~" he said in a teasing voice. "Why are you doing this bill?!", my cheeks still blushing red. "Because you have information I need, and your my pine tree so why not have some fun~". I felt a shiver go down my spin. I tried to get out, but the strong hands held me down, getting me closer and closer to him. I felt his areas against my entrance. As I accidentally gave a small moan. I started to turn red. "Pinetree~ you really like this". My anger and embarresment filling me. I felt teeth go into my skin as a drip of blood came down from my neck. "Wait-", "hmmm your blood taste good pine tree". I felt his lips suck against my sweet spot as i came closer and closer to bills body. 'I'm just some tool to him dame it', "pine tree you are a tool, my tool. Your all mine. This is your new home now, and your never going to leave, and if you do your dear family will pay the price"
My eyes widened as I heard those words, my hope was crushed in one swing. "I-i-" I stuttered to say something back, but bill kept going "you will follow my rules after all I'm a god". He started to lick my neck , and sucking into my skin. I moaned lightly trying to hold it in.
His hand moved down my legs as he grabbed my areas, moving up and down. I started to arch back. 'I can't do this', I tried to punch him in the face but he caught it and started to pull my head back. "Pinetree~ don't try that again", he started to move his hand faster and I couldn't help it as I moaned out loud once more. His grin spreading on his face. My head resting on his shoulder as he kissed my lips. I closed my mouth making sure he didn't get the chance to enter. I took a break for air, and he did the same "Making it hard on me it seems". Bills hand went over top of mine, as he came overtop of me. Laying me down below him. He then started laughing, "I'll show you who is in command now dipper~". 'He said my name for the first time he didn't call me pine tree!'. I wanted to punch him in the face for doing what he just did. But my limbs couldnt handle the heated watter any longer, i was tired, exhausted, drained. " were not done yet pine tree", after his words I felt his grip grow as tight as steel as he moved his hand back and forth faster at me member. My lips started getting wider, moaning aloud, trying to his it between my lips.I felt bills touge connect with mine as he explored the inside of my mouth. I started to close my eyes panting repeativily. "Oh come on pine tree, I didn't think mortals were this weak". He then lifted off of me as he got out of the bath/shower. I let my body fall limp, but I wanted to so badly to make one last punch, but I couldn't even reach him. "Dame it", my eyes closing shut.

That night I had multiple nightmares , never ending...


To be continued...

If my boyfriend ever read this...

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