Chapter 4 'bloody hell'

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So I almost died, just a few days ago, yeah that was an experience ._. ....I don't want to have again. 'I'm in so much pain right now'
But hey when I was riding home I thought 'huh if I died you guys wouldn't be getting anymore updates' , trust me I know how that feels waiting for a really good book. :)


Bill P.O.V

"well there you go kid now your like me!, isn't that great", I threw my hands in the air waiting for a reply from the brunette. 'like you??...' I heard his thoughts as more kept dwelling in. "come on pine tree its not bad, remember you did that to yourself if you just tell me how to remove this barrier, maybe we can arrange...a deal", my eyes glowing blue as I said the last part. "No way, cipher. Don't think I'm an idiot. I can figure out a way to get out of this myself". He spiked out, I bit my tough before my rage got out of control. "alright pines~ if you believe so try it...see what happens."

Dipper P.O.V

"what?...your goanna actually give me a chance to leave....", "sure...go ahead kid see where it gets you". 'yeah right there goanna be a cost...Mabel', I started to stare down not looking at my foe just lost in thought. "why do you want Mabel cant you let her go and Gruncle Stan to...they don't have anything you want...or are you playing games...". He started to laugh and it only got louder "KID IM A DEMON WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!...and if I stopped playing games it wouldn't be as fun, and of course im not gonna let you leave pine tree your my favourite remember. But right now its kinda...boring....."

'boring.....', for some reason that gave me a chill, 'why do I have to go through all this'

Dipper- "right, your world isn't it. I don't want to be like you nor do I even want to look at you, it makes my stomake hurt, sick"

Bill- "well that hurt, hmmm...I can fix that problem just let me rip out your intestines"

he mocked me as I found it disguising probably cause I knew he could do it. I looked down at the palm of my hand as I saw a kitchen knife at the table, I ran towards it as I stabbed it through my abdomen. Surprising he didn't stop me.
I chuckled a bit but quickly cover it up 'did I just laugh', I looked down at the blood leaking wound.
Bill - "Fun isn't it, tickles a bit the first time"
'I can't die?? He did this to me!!!'
Bill- "Sure did!"

bill P.O.V

As I looked at the time, I realized its time for me to check up on my meat sackes. Seeing pine tree dwelling on wither to take out the knife. "Well pine tree I'll leave you here for a bit you can play around with that knife if you want. Bye!", I teleported out of the room without another word.

Dipper P.O.V

He left...just like that. I looked down at the knife plunged into my skin, my body turning pale. "I'm so tired...I wobbled over to the demons bed. Resting my body on it as I pulled out the knife slowly, looking at it and seeing the drips of blood go onto the floor like tears. 'Mabel...I'm sorry'
My energy was so lacking I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep.

Bill P.O.V (again~ cause we all love him)

'Now how's shooting star', opening the cell I heard the Cains crakle and a yell "YOU INSANE THREE SIDED TRIANGLE WHERE DID YOU PUT MY BROTHER!"

"HEY SHOOTIG STAR LONG TIME NO SEE", i came towards the bars as I saw her face start to heat up.

"Ohhh your worried about your brother huh, well don't, we're having plenty of fun" I smirked as I saw her lips widen.

"What the heck does that mean!" What are you doing to him!!"

'Wow she doesn't curse as much as pine tree...', I thought to myself "well since were blood related I'd say he is almost on the same level as me, but...of course he's always bottom of the Cain just like you meat sackes".

'Your blood...does that make him like you or something..'

"Yup it does!! Isnt that just great"

Mabel- "No its not!, I'm gonna beat the snazzeless out of you! I beat he's wishing to kil himself right now", she said having drips of fluid coming from her eyes.

I laughed inside 'you have no idea...'

Bill- "Well it wouldn't have happened if your brother would've just mad a deal...but well that's why I'm here, to make a compromise so to speak" I waved my hands around and smiled

Mabel-"No way in hermongolls, your gonna regret doing that to my brother. Cause when we get out of here, your just gonna be a whole big nightmare!"

I popped a vain thinking of all the rebelling I was getting from these pines "you pines sure get my blood boiled, I'm just going to have to make myself clear , and guess who's going to pay for your outbursts pine tree! You twins always care about each other let's see how you feel when your the cause for your brothers punishment!", I snapped towards her. Teleporting back to the room I left pine tree in.

Mabel P.O.V

"What!! noooo please!", I reached my hand out but he disburted unto nothing leaving me in the cell, plundering on what will happen to my dear brother....

To be continue....

~you guys can guess what's gonna happen~

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