chapter 3 escape??

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So alot of people love my fembilldip, so if you want to check that out you can. Thanks for reading you guys :-)

Dipper P.O.V

I shot up my eyes bulging out as the last of my nightmares ended. I grabbed my head as I took heavy breaths 'just a dream, just a dream'
I looked back around my surrounding still being in the same room. 'I have to get out and find mabel'
"Now pine tree your not going to do that"
I looked towards where the sound was coming from to see bill, he was dark in the shadow. 'Scary'
I saw his sharp white teeth, as he approached me. "Of course I am pine tree, now remember my rules or else you'll get punished. After all everyone in gravity falls is my play toy. And your my favorite one~"
"So your not gonna let anyone go even if I told you the formula to get passed gravity falls", I smirked letting him know that I was never going to tell him.
"Your just making this more fun for me pine tree, I got an eternity. And if I need I'll do the same to you"
'What does that mean', I thought as I stood up "bill you may think that everyone is in your hands but that's not how it works. You don't have everyone's will. Especially mine-"
"Well then I got to change that, now~"
I saw him appear before me, as he then  kick my chest making my body hit the ground. 'Crap forgot that he's a bit stronger than me'
"Pine tree that's an understatement"
I laughed a bit before continuing, "Bill if you plan to punish me by killing mabel that won't work, cause I'll- ill...kill myself!!"
Bill looked startled, as his eyes went red, "pine tree did you just threaten me??"
Seeing his eyes pitch with pure flames and rage, half of me was regretting what I said the other just was wondering what was going to happen next. "I-i", before I could say anything more I felt his fingers go up the croch of my neck. His fingers squezzing and cutting off, the flow of air. I grabbed his arm as my body was lifted off the ground. "PINETREE DONT EVER THINK YOU ARE ON THE SAME LEVEL AS ME", his hair started to turn as red as blood, my eyes going dim. "L-et-go-".
" now you think you can tell me what to do, pinetree~"
His fingers dugged in deeper cutting my circulation to where I couldnt speak. "Weak, and you thought you could escape, let me get one thing clear pine tree, I'm more powerful than any being on this earth. So if you threaten to kill yourself, its very empty. Saying that I could make you live forever. And you can see all the suffering I would want you to."
My eyes started to fade, my vision going blurry. I started to really start to see the difference in our strengths, my mind compelling on what to do. "Why..."my fingers started to lossen as they fell. Closing my eyes, I didn't want to deal with this, I just want them safe.

Bill P.O.V

I shook his body, seeing he didn't move for quite sometime, I set him back on my bed, 'I guess since you made that threat I better eliminate it'
I grabbed the boy's wrist, 'dame his blood pressure is low'.
I got over him, looking down at his features. I went down to the croch of his neck, feeling his soft skin against mine. I cooed as I inspected the blood type, my eyes glowing pure yellow.  Getting my body closer to him, I snuck my teeth into his flesh, tasting the blood. I didn't feel him move or winch, his subconscious is probably still healing. I raised my head seeing the young pine still laying down. I went over to my desk reaching out for my play toy (knife  XD) cuting through the first layer of skin. Letting blood, poor down going over to pine trees resting body. I knew this was going to be difficult with him struggling, even if he's out cold. I went over towards him bending down, as I kissed his soft red lips. Letting my blood sink into his body. I felt him start to shack as he grabbed my arm trying to stop me. I grinned, as I snuck my tough into him.  His body started to heat up as adrenalin kick in. I felt his fingers  start to sink into my flesh as I forced the blood down his throat.

Dipper P.O.V

'what's happening to me', I grabbed onto his wrist harder trying pull it back, trying to catch a breath I  swolled a bit of blood as the rest started to be forced in. I coughed into his arm continuingly, trying to get it out of my system. "you should be honored pine tree not many people get this treatment from me". My eyes started to swell up, forcing my tears back into my eyes. 'I don't want this you insane animal!', "Don't you dare offend me pine tree, in this situation I could torture you for an eternity! I might be insane but I'm no animal. Not like you beings!"  'Dame it, let go', I kicked him from below seeing that he was to busy with my arms. "So persistent, you brang this on yourself with that threat!!" I felt my lips be flowed with demon blood, as my heart beat increased drastically. 'Am i really goanna have to go through this hell.... forever... '

To be continued... 

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