Whats your name?

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Dipper P.O.V

After my face was covered in water and my eyes beat red, I looked over to the open door and locked it. Leaving myself in the bathroom, looking at my hands turning a shade of dark blue. I smashed my fist into the mirror the ends of the glass penetrating my skin. As the rest flew off in different directions, looking at my knuckles push out the shards and slowly heal up. I still couldn't get myself to sink down, into the reality of myself being immortal. Once my blood was slowly dissolved I opened the door to see bill waiting for me. "Having any issues?", He said with a non-caring tone. But there was the most evil smirk on his face and the room lingered with a sense of devestation. I stared at him slowly approaching him and sitting down on the bed. He laid there his eyes like darts to my back, "well your parents our poliet, dumb too though I don't know how you came to be so smart". I turned over to see his arm rested on a pillow and one foot over the other. "What do you mean my parents are in California??", I was completely lost at the sudden conversation of my parents. "It's a long story" he said rolling his hand around. Smiling wide he indicated that he wanted me to lay with him. 'no' I stared and his eyes started to slowly grow red. "Stupid cipher..", I said quietly changing my mind and sitting closer to him. I was questioning whether he was kidding about my parents or not. His arm wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. His lips touching my ear as he wispered "why don't you tell me about your childhood friend". I turn away and was slightly embarrassed of the subtracting distance between us. "What do you mean by that", my eyes were looking different directions trying to get out of this conversation but I don't have a clue why I feel this way. Yeah what about me~
I was shocked and stared at bill, "don't mess with me bill I'll freaking kill you". Thinking he was trying to cause me to go insane or hand him the formula.
"Shut your face pinetree", he pulled me closer so he was above me and my hands were pinned to the bed. Looking at the creature towering me "Don't treat your king like that, your much lower than I. Remember that you have an extreme privliage to be my pet~".
I was trying to squirm my way out of bills grip, as his thoughts turned to something I really didn't want to deal with.
'Why is this always happening to me'
"Always getting bad luck huh.."

Bill P.O.V

All my thought roamed on what I would do too pinetree, torture him mentally and physically of course, and more ways than one. I smirked looking below me to see a struggling pinetree. "Why don't you stop resisting. Your mine after all, and I will do whatever I please", as I thought 'that includes getting your meomery back about that oh so tragic incident' I thought. As I moved my hands closer to his waist and letting blue chains lock his wrist on the bed post. I felt pinetree breathing quicken yet again, as if he knew what was lying ahead.
I grabbed his hand in mine and then shapped my palms. Making his once often written book a museum art work. His eyes widen as he gripped the chain and pulled his back to the wooden post. Making himself seat up and his legs trying to kick the book out of my hands. "Give that back it doesn't belong to you!"
I stood up slowly getting eye level with dipper pines, putting the book once again in my hands and skimming through the pages. "Pinetree I don't know what the misunderstanding is, you belong to me and in turn this journal does too. So does every piece of your mind", I poked my finger on his forehead and smiled. As I jumped off the bed to a sinking dipper, as he sat unwillingly to the wooden post.
I flipped to a certain page where he talks about plans on how to reverse the force feild I made around gravity falls and its citizens. "You know it would've been easier on you if you wrote the formula in here. Too bad you didn't...", I said as I sat down on a chair in the room. With a slouching pinetree, unable to look up.

Dipper P.O.V

'I didn't put anything important in that book did I?',
I keep reaching for the lock and trying to undo the magic, waiting for bill to respond. I began to get lost in my thoughts, as I heard another voice peak out. 'Why don't you make a deal to save your family...You never were able to save me after all?', I looked up at bill to see if he was playing tricks on me but he was to occupy with the book to care. 'what are you talking about, your just a figure of imagination. I'm probably just going crazy, besides I would never make another deal', I thought back. 'BUT YOU NEVER SAVED ME, YOU SHOULD DIE FOR WHAT YOU DID!!'
I was throw off with that comment, I don't recall ever having a voice in my head before and it shouldn't happen now. After all it should've happened sooner if it's been there this whole time, it must be a trick bill is playing on me.
'He's not playing tricks on you Haden...'
I felt my stomach turn, I about threw up when bill looked at me. His smile turned to a sicking grin. "You upset that I'm reading your book there, pinetree", he said mockingly as he continued.
Then a click went In my head, 'he's not messing with me it's like he doesn't even know what my head is thinking right now'.
I turned away from him, I didn't care about the book. Just the fact that this person|thing knew my name.

Bill P.O.V

That's strange the only thing coming from dippers mind was the clear sound of static. Which is very out of the ordinary, I've always been able to hear dippers thoughts. I closed the book and placed a pen between the pages I left off on. 'has he found a trick to decrease​ my ability to sense what he is thinking?', I was agitated because even as I walked closer his eyes wandered to something else. 'he was thinking something but why is it now that I can't hear him?'
"Hey pinetree, do tell what you are thinking about?", I said as I gripped his shoulder and my face only inches apart from his. He looked me in the eyes, and then grabbed my collar. "What are you doing to me, cipher!", He gripped me closer, to that are lips only being inches apart.
His eyes were slightly dilated, and as a all knowing demon I know what that means. 'deep inside that human flesh, he likes me, this day keeps getting better'
"Get this thing out of my head you insane demon", he shouted. I was taken back, 'what is he talking about' I suppose he took notice of my look. He tightly pressed his lips together and let go, and stared at me. I fixed my collar 'so there is a demon in him, and he now shows up'.

Jaden I'm here because you wanted me here..You died remember,...And I thought you finially wanted to SEE ME...

There was a quick silence between the two when bill grabbed dippers hand and pulled him out of the room. 'where was he taking me', I didn't fight back after all my body was too exhausted.
"Your probably going to see your family.."
"How do you know that"
"Because it's a good way to bring me out, for you to have to go into a state of shock...But the thing is I've always been here and you never wanted me to leave"
"You didn't want me to Haden"
"What's your name"
"Why don't you try to remember?"
"Because...I don't want too..."
"Why is that, are you scared?"
I felt my skin crawl as we headed to the prison cells. "No..."
"Then why don't you and I make a deal, like old times remember?"
"I don't remember you...I don't know you..."
"You will, but for now don't you want to save your family?"
"I-i-i do..."
"Then let's make a deal"
The door slammed and bill pushed me over towards a rusty wall, and when I looked up I saw my parents, and Mabel, there hands slashed open by what looks like whips. There faces stained with tears.
When all of a sudden my hand wanted to reach for my twin sister. She also wanting to grab a hold of mine. Before I could, I was pushed aside aggressively. "Maybe this will ring a bell", bill said laughing madly. He grabbed Mabel and threw her against the wall. Chocking my mother as my farther tried to stop him. I wanted to run but the doors were locked on all sides. And I was behind rusty bars where I could only watch as my family was being beaten abruptly.
"You don't want the same thing to happen again do you Haden?"
"STOP!!" I yelled having my hands on the bars and shaking them.
I meant for the both of them to stop, I wanted some peace and quiet to think this through. It's exactly like the last time I made a deal with bill. I can't do that mistake again.
"You won't, I'm different~"
"Shut up!"
"You want them to DIE, LIKE I DID!"
"NO", Tears started to stream out as my family cries got louder and Stan started to punch the walls.
"Trust me Haden"
Then my eyes turned dark and the only thing In front of me was a waiting hand, a figure that was hidden in the shadows, and a red flame.
"Let's make a deal, and have some fun, like old times~Haden"

I stayed still, but I knew I didn't have much time until they were beaten to dead...Beaten to death....Beaten to death. *Click*
"I took my hand back, wait...You are!"
I wanted to wake up, this couldn't be real...It couldn't be. This was bad...I couldn't think of anything except for my mind to get back to reality.
Before I could wake myself up, I felt a hand grab ahold of me. And the flames reaching throughout my body. This isn't right, no no no no. I saw his smirk as he said "I'm glad I got to see you again Haden"
The grip got tighter as he looked me in the eyes with the smile I last saw him with, so long ago. "I'll see you soon"
Then everything lit up, as I looked​ at my family....They were tossed around the floor. Mabel's head contoured in a different shape than what it had originated. My farther throat slit, and my mother eyes shot red. Bill in front of the scene, grabbing a new pair of gloves from his pockets....The quietness soon arrived, as my eyes leaked tears of their own.

My family was...




(Sad I know but happy Holidays, hope that makes up for all the death in this chapter)

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