chapter 5 "well you guys know whats gonna happen, so"

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...let's get to it

Smut- just in case you didn't

Bill P.O.V

As I walked into my room, my temper rose seeing the twin asleep. Was he not having nightmares right now about being with me for eternity. I chuckled reducing my frustration a bit. Having my plan set and knowing my own punishment for him. 'can't wait till he sees what I have in store'. Going over to the limb body,and looking down upon the exhausted face. Caused by all the blood loss, "well pinetree how was your nap". He seemed to still be in his dreams not waking up till I tugged on his brown curly locks. "hey pinetree~" I said lustfully, he seemed to have a jolt up. Seeing the fear in his eyes made me grin, speaking up again and getting his attention. "Well Pinetree I would say that seeing shooting star was a pleasant visit...but well it wasn't....actually the complete opposite." My eyes sparked for a moment letting the terrible thoughts sink into Dippers mind. "what-d-did you-do??" he stuttered a little frightful but I could tell anger was seeping through his teeth. Every second I stalled the more he wanted an answer, all I did was laugh as I got closer to him. "well what do they say about twins...they can feel the same pain as the other is going through, must just be a myth...wouldn't you s-", I was about to finish when I felt the air tighten, with him trying to escape, running as fast as a hurricane strike. Wanting to see his precious twin sister. He started to tug and pull on the door nob but all failed attempts trying to open the exit way. I started my way towards the door, "honestly pinetree what makes you think im dumb enough not to lock the door". "let me out..." he said quietly. "hmmmm what was that pinetree", I said though I heard what he stated. I just wondered if he had the guts to say it again and to my face. He turned quickly looking at me with a buried flame "Let me out!!", he said with no hesitation in his voice. 'bad move', I was already at the top with my anger but this just set me over the edge. How dare he defy me and my rules, he should be grateful he's not in a prison cell. If anything, I gave him what people would kill for, eternal life!!
I steeped closer towards him my eyes flaming red "PINTREE! GET OVER HERE NOW", I shouted but he didn't move a muscle if you dont count the now shaking knees. My eyes got more darker as every second went by. "So your gonna play that way, you know shooting star got me in a bad mood earlier and as her punishment, I was going to punish YOU! But maybe I should do the same thing to both ends of the stick", his eyes flustered with confusion before I pulled a mass of blue flames from my hands and grabed the teen forcibly. "Don't you dare say a word", already knowing what he was thinking I threw him on the bed. And toppled over him. "Cipher if you hurt Mabel ill-". "You'll what pine tree?, why don't you give up and know your place you don't have any power"
"I still got WILL, bill, and if it means I have to take all my sisters pain so she can be safe. I will!!"
I heard my teeth click how hard I was holding in my anger. "Fine pinetree, I'll work with that but let's see how much you can take."
It seems he was still as hard as a rock with his decision, so as I got up to grab something from my desk. He started to get curious and then worried when I pulled out a needle. "W-whats t-t-that??", "oh well wouldn't you want to know" I teased, my anger
Starting to dwell back down. As I walked back towards him, fixing my bow tie.

Dipper P.O.V

'That's why I asked', I thought but didn't say it allowed knowing he was already pissed. 'I won't let him hurt Mabel, I'll take all the pain I don't give a shit...just please let her be okay'. I looked to where I was sitting completely forgetting that I was tossed onto his bed with his flames. Getting a sinking feeling in my stomach 'come on, please not what I think it is...wait it can't be what I think it is , I mean why would he have a needle...I mean...its not like he is gonna...d-'
As my thought was slowly drying out, I felt a sharp pierce through my skin, I winced for a moment looking up at a grinning bill. "Wow pine tree what a great guess you deserve a prize". My eyes widened as I look down seeing all the fluid out of the tube. "You didn't", "well yes I did". I tried to grab it out of my skin, before realizing what would that do. He already drugged me. But....I don't even know what this drug dose...
My eyes started getting a bit hazy as I heard bills voice a bit calmer probably cause it was so freaking easy to distract me. 'I'm so stupid'
"Well yes you are but I am a bit happier cause that went smoothly. Besides that drug will just make this more enjoyable ~"
He smiled unbuttoning his blouse. "Hahaha I don't think any drug can make you enjoyable", I laughed as I started to back away a bit. Wobbling on the blanks, as the wrinkled a bit underneath my hands. "Oh I guess we'll see then huh pinetree~". He cooed in my ear, which is strange cause I thought I moved father away from him. I looked down to see that I didn't move father away I moved closer. 'I didn't mean to freaking do that!', "well I don't know about that pinetree" I felt his hand rub against my member. As I blushed a bit, 'not this again'. I wanted to back up more but I just moved closer. I'm so lost right now, to why this is happening. As I got pushed down with bills hand, he moved ontop of me. 'Ughhhhhh', my brain wasn't even working right now. "Mhhh pine tree your making this too easy on me, as he moved both of my hands above my head. As his fingers intertwined with mine. "Yeah I'm starting to wonder why its being so easy too", I laughed angerly and nervously while trying to get out of his grip. He snapped his fingers and both of our cloths dissapered. I tried to keep my legs together not duly exposing myself to him again. But if only I wish it did that right, my body did the complete freaking opposite. "What the fuck did you drug me with bill.", I said furiously. "Oh pine tree I wouldn't know what you mean", he said trying to act dumb while laughing. I felt his hand go across my member. Stocking it back and forth making me go hard. 'Darn', I only gave him a pissed off look. "Awww pine tree don't give me that look", leaning closer to my face as he suddenly attacked my neck, sucking on my skin giving me hikys everywhere along that area. Coming closer to my ear as kiss along side of it, and bite my ear lobe. "Bill~ quit it...", my voice droused out as I kept taking pants for air. For some reason the room felt a lot hotter to me every since that drug went in me. He smirked even more widely, "oh pine tree your not going to want me to, plus that drug isn't the only thing going in you today" I blushed widely hearing him say that as I gripped his hand harder.
As I felt his hand brush back and forth making my member have a bonar. "Pinetree~ your liking this arnt you~", 'perverted demond', I thought which he obviously heared. Still strocking my member, he licked on my neck til he reached my lips wanting entrance. Which I didn't give cause I guess that's the only thing that works for my brain "pinetree", I heard mumbles as I felt a squeeze on my areas that I took a deep breath letting his tough seek in. I felt him give a deep kiss, it was warm. As my tough connected with his. He grinned, as he let me take in more air. My body started to get even hotter, "bill~bill~ stop it~", I said but it sounded like begging. "I can't control my body" taking deep breath, and surprisingly having the erging of wanting more. I didn't want this! to feel good. Still taking pants, I heard him say with a smile "I know pine tree, I'm in control~", he said seductively. As he slammed into me, I wasn't expecting at all, as I felt the thrusts get harder and harder each time. Pain filled within me, but so did pleasure which I despised. "Ngg~", I moved my hips a bit trying to match his movements. He grinned widely as he soon found my sweet spot. Making me moan loudly, I tried to cover it up and hold it in. But it felt like I was being stabbed in the back when I did hold in my moans. 'Why?? I shouldn't like this??', "but you do~", he smirked, as my eyes were getting hazy. From all the pleasure that I was now feeling inside me. He seemed to let my hands go as I gripped onto his back. My nails going into his skin. As I moved my me head closer to his chest."Ahhh bill~", I moaned one last time until he came into me. It was strange yet a warm feeling as he released. I came onto his chest feeling my body drop and go limb, panting multiple times never seeming to catch my breath it felt like the room became a bit cooler after what just happened, which felt good cause I felt like a Sana. But I didn't like the fact that this demon looked like he had the best sex in a life time. I layed there for a bit having the feeling of emptiness seep in. "God did that feel great, right pinetree~", he looked down at my naked body still exhausted from the sex. I just looked up at him, still trying to catch my breath 'no way in hell am I admitting that I liked that, it must have been the drug'
"Just did, but that works with me", I heard him say, and I could feel his sly grin grow on his face. As I blushed once again furiously. He's already seen my naked so why the heck should I care, but still...I wish I had some clothing.
"Well do this again Another time", I heard him say as he sat up on the bed looking at me. "Are you serious", "why wouldn't I be, that was the best sex I've had in years". I gave him a shocked look as I just layed there. 'I wish I was dead'
"Well that won't work cause your here with me for an eternity", he laughed as he calmed down.
As I tried to put all the pieces together in my mind, I finally got it. I didn't like my outcome although the fact that I'm gonna be with him forever means that he doesn't care when he gets the formula cause he's got a lifetime. Unlike ford, I won't die...I can't die


I have a favor to ask, I feel like my smut isn't that good and it could have improvements. So if you guys wouldn't mind can you give me some advice in the comments. Please~ it would mean the world for bill and me.

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