chapter 6 'six sins in the devil's lair'

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Bill P.O.V

I was sitting down in my throne of course, as I looked up to my 'loyal' subjects bowed before me including the uncle what was his name.....Stanford. He looked angry as usual and so did the others with the chains I had bound them to shackles. Of course, I had to have poor shooting star do something so I forced her to be my maker of tea in aspect; she was a maid. "here you go, your highness", she spoke as if an angry rattlesnake was inside her. She wore a black silute covering her whole body because who would want to see her blood running down her body. With cuts and scratches, my floor was tiled with gold I wouldn't want to ruin that, surprising Stanford wasn't looking down at it lustfully. "Well, thank you shooting star"I said with sarcasm shooting up my tone, as I grabbed the golden tea cup I stirred the liquid around watching as it soon ended. Looking up to see my henchmen come in including 8 ball, which continently watched over my little pets. "what's up 8 ball, my good old friend", I flew towards him. Hoping off I scolded shooting star to move away from my authority bound atmosphere. She quickly ran to her uncle. "well sir we've gotten done torturing the prisoners down staries. and we were thinking it's getting kinda boring....would you have any plans to-". I chippered back up as my thoughts sink in with his "well of course 8 ball I always have plans! Well, let's see what types of games shall we play...." I looked over to my prisoners as their faces became pale. My feet clicked with the solid cold floor as flames rose from the bottom of my toes. I had my own group of toys, though nothing appealed me more than Pine tree. Speaking of which, "hey 8 ball I gotta check on a certain pine tree so if you don't mine to watch these few ignorant people for a bit that would be useful I'll be right back afterwards". He added as a buddy of mine threw a gome into his mouth. Him munching on it I set for my own room. Before heading out and slamming the door I heard shooting star cry out "Let my brother go Please! Why is he so important!!", I stared back at her. She looked so weak...oh why can't pine tree give up his stubborn will, then again I guess that wouldn't make him much fun. "well Shooting Star that wouldn't help my position if I told you that reason. Besides your brother has the formula for the force field so why would I just let him roam freely around". I flung my arms around me to show how stupid her question was, sometimes I wonder how they even came up with the basics of science. Before she had any response I slammed the enormous door leading through my castle which held many secrets. Walking through the hallways of the Ferid. I opened the door to my humble abyss to see a missing pine tree...

I checked the door knob and it was appeared to be locked before I entered, he must still be in the room. I tucked in my blouse as  I called out for him and to make matters worse he didn't seem to want to respond. I decide to lurk around his mind to find some thoughts being spurted out...but there was nothing. He must have endured a lot of training to keep his mind in that good shape. Ford taught him well makes sense why he left the formula with him. Though knowing he wouldn't dare make up a slight hand trick with me. I lingered around the supposedly empty room."Now that I think about it pine tree we never went through our little chat about my six sins you must never break especially around me. I'll give you a fair warning but this time, it won't pass if you mistake your tone against me again". Still, my eyes roaming around looking for a figure to appear. As I held up one finger going up to six as I spoke each one of my so to speak sins.

1- "you answer when I call, even though your not doing that right now I'll handle that when I'm done explaining"

2- "never threaten a demon. Even though you did it once already, you better not do that again"

3-"Don't try to leave, though I would love to see you try, really~", I said the last part with a tint of seriousness.

4- "Do what I say no matter what, even if you don't want to", I said with a smirk plastered on my face as I filled down with the list.

5- "Keep in line in front of me and know your place", my thought went to his sister knowing how easy it was to get her on her knees I knew it wouldn't be the same with Pinetree. 'but will work together on that one, it'll be more fun if you don't try to obey anyway'

6- "I am a demon so you shall respect me as your master and higher authority than you animals. So if you like when were together you shall call me master, unless of course, you feel the need to call my name loudly and eagerly of course". My face glowing with delight with that 'one' rule.

"pretty easy shouldn't I say pine tree, you're getting it way better off in here than you would out there. Now come on out and do as I say", I said with holding my palm out and shaping it in a way to be inviting. "come on little toy~"

There was a quiet silence as my patience grew slim, but then he slipped up as I heard his thought.

"its now or never!"

Cliffhanger I know but next time I'm gonna be doing Dipper's pov and some other's and it'll be longer I promise. 

Words: 1009

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