Old Friends that may or may not be Human...

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It happened so fast yet my emotions came slowly, I wish I covered my eyes, when I got a splatter of blood upon my cheek. Bill Cipher.....he won't ever get anything from me now...never! What is this guys name? Wasn't he supposed to save my family? Where are you now!!! Give them Back!

*tick tock tick tick tock tick tick*

A blur of white came like a river flood over all the red and grey, the feeling of my eyes turning dull, my heart felt as if it shrunk. My scream echoed through the room as I clasped my head with my hands, I yelled in such a painful schrike "ATTAI!"

The name new to me, for which I have no clarity of soul to which a man was once a boy that I was deeply fond of. A friendship in the past, and a vengeful future ahead.

I didn't want to open my eyes because my thoughts only roomed at the idea of an unaccepted deal. Why must I know his name and still see my sister, my mother, my father on the ground. I kept them closed, I didn't want to hear anyone's voices, "I keep my deals~ Dipper~" That's not true.....

Such an unrealistic dream of someone who is held behind bars, to someone who has seen fate in action. To someone who feels inadequate to a being of Dreams and Minds. For my Master was cruel in such a belligerent manner although he brings about a new meaning of devil's servant.


I heard subtle although my ears perked up at an instant, lost to why it sounded so much like my dear sisters voice.

"You should really be thanking that demon, your master. Because Time is something that does not suit well to someone who can't come back to life."

"No this is a trick, this isn't real....that's not possible"

"Yet you see a man in front of you that can seep into your dreams?"

That fact about Bill Cipher came across my mind millions of times but time-travel would never. Physically it's impossible especially for someone like me, a nerd who had only fascination in Books not technology. I guess time-travel isn't technical.

"Pine tree are you still chatting with that insanity you built up or are you going to answer me? Maybe we should Jog your memory", as he walked over to my family while they were at the corner of their cell, he was ready to beat them to death...again. I don't want to see that AGAIN...

"Maybe this will ring a bell", he raised his hand yet again for another blow. For another Murder...

I spoke up quickly, and opening my eyes, I saw the terror in their faces...seeing my family as they were a few minutes prior to the attack. "You said that already..."

My thoughts rambled, a deal with a demon...am I going to have to see this a third, fourth, fifth, time?

"What?", Bill looked over confused, the first time I've ever seen such an expression over his face. I must have been the only one to have time-traveled to remember the effects that occurred in time.

"DO you want to see it a third time?", the endless giggle left in my head an uneasy feeling.

I hovered over the corner of the cell, I was there after everything...after such cruelty. Images again poured about my mind, before throwing up my meals that left a sick taste in my mouth. The devastating event which only occured for me.

"Oh gosh this is Insane...Cipher you came here to Jog some memories to torture me with...too bad really.... because this memory you really shouldn't have messed with" for the first time in years my smile was genuoen as I created plans for a way to end this dictatorship.

I asked aloud not caring anymore for others concerns about my mental state, because I would no longer worry about what would happen but when it would occur, "Attai How far back can I go?".

Not taking long for Bill to realize this is a demon that can evaluate time and distort it, quickly teleporting to my cell and holding his hand against my nose and mouth as if to stop the oxygen flow. To stop the deal to evaluate the situation and of the importance of this rarity. I wouldn't give up, I quickly kicked him in the chest, and step away; taking a few breaths to recover. "Take me as far back as you can go, before Bill Cipher ruled, I'll give you whatever you want, It's a DEAL!"

"Oh no you don't!", I heard off in the distance from the yellow demon.

His laugh of course ended quickly with the upcoming threat, you got a deal Dipper! Keep hold of your promise. Such an evil grin was felt in the atmosphere from both  monsters.

The world no longer ended instead it began, the sun rose and the moon reflected such luminous sky's. I drank to rid my depression, I sang to express my gloom, I read to become a man of stature, I grew to love for times I knew I was going to miss. For now this was my last deal with Attai for my body was no longer immortal. I could no longer stretch my mind and shrink my heart. This a new feeling but a dusty hope. Once again I did not see my family in prisons for I must now hide my knowledge from my enemy, for he knows lots of things but not everything.

As soon as the lights flickered and the smell of awful cooking diffuse in the air I knew that I was back at the shake. My home where we were no-longer in chains, but only invisible hands at play. Except I could remember the foreshadowing events the disasters that will occur. Such knowledge must be kept for common sense judges it to be law. That time-travel is non-existent, impossible. Although I had time to plan to counteract, for my body was now at the date of my first summer my sisters sweater scattered and my memory afloat.

Bill Cipher we'll meet again, yet this meal of nightmares is not just on one plate.

"Hey Dipper, are you awake? Lets explore, Grunkle Stan is having us put up signs for the mystery shake. Sooner we finish the better!!", Mabel bouncing and smiling on my bed to stir me awake. Such peaceful intent...such happiness.

My tears ran down unconditionally, let me savor this moment, let me show my hope and fear...for once I do not have to be strong. 

"Dipper? what's wrong?"

Tightly hugging my fellow sister in gratitude for I wish to speak my feeling my thoughts...but I know he will be watching. So For now I shall only show my Tears and my smile to you. Until I can change the future and to when I owe my debt.

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