chapter 8 (The Big Picture)

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"Let me go please bill, i wont go running off again i swear", shivering as he spoke and his arm being clunge by the blonde hair demon.
"Not a chance kid, if you really want to test my limits why dont i bring mabel with me", said the non-triangular demonded.
The boy stared at the ground as he was being haulded somewhere unknown.

Dipper P.O.V

I felt my body let lose and thrown towards a wall. The room was pitch black, only the light escaping the door was seen. Bill smirk limmering against my eyes. Everything was moving so fast, maybe beacuse the incident played over and over in my head. A rewrite of a movie and its mistakes, my mistakes. I felt myself pull over as i clashed my knees onto the ground. Something hitting me, once the demon left "Ill be back in abit". I wasnt sure if he was going to leave me in here for days. The concept of time has dwelled here in gravity falls, the weridness of all the surrounding's not seeming to phaze me anymore. I wonder how grunkel ford would handle this situation, as soon as my thoughts dwelled on him. All i could think about was how little his life must mean to the triangle decent. I should probably say that those thoughts were forced into my brain, the dark atmosphere. Making it seem like life was wanting me to see the big picture, and esylum. Starting to relize now that he must use this place to break down people, decreperate their atoms and let them seem like a puddle of mud. I cant stand it, all my relationships going downhill. Mabel, stan, wendy, soos, mom and dad. I didnt think about them til now, they must be wondering whats going on, whats happeing, why arnt they home. A slight tear coming down my face. Holding my teeth together. Trying to not gasp for air, cause the gulp of oxygen i take i know i will start to simmer. Start to think, feel, ...cry. Why did this place jsut now make me feel as if im lossing my sanity, or was it that i did it to myself.

Bill P.O.V

I left the room with hast, traveling back to where oh poor pinetree tried to get in contact with his family, oh well he'll be thinking about them alot in that room. I laughed a bit, before slaming the door open with both my hands. My arms out reached, "Im back, sorry about that little incident fellow's just a little pet trying to get away". I looked over seeing everyone in shock. A little wisper from the other twin, i heard it quitely asking where her brother was "Hey there shooting star you should no better, all of you should. Your brother 'dipper' isnt coming back and if he did it wouldnt be in one piece i assure you that". I felt her start to giggle, everyone eyes were on her now, worried if she was going insane. "You cant possible do that....He's gonna kill you for all you've done", she looked up to me with stern eyes letting out a clear liquid. I started to laugh "OH HELL SHOOTING STAR YOUR ONE TO TALK, You were the one to start this mess, not complaining. But from afar, it looks to me you hurt him alot. Enough for him to make a deal with me", i glanced over at stan and saw his confusion with my statement. "Shooting star i find it hard to believe he still loves you!". She looked stunned with what i said, but then finally budged "well he wouldnt try leaving you and your evil chamber, if it wasnt for us-me". She froze once her sentence finished, i think she could tell the flicker in my eye and the mistake in what she said. "Oh i see, ill keep that in mind. You might act a little different than you were when you were twelve but dont forget. Ive read pinetree diarry i know exactly what he thinks of each and everyone of you.". I gave a nodge at teeth o' and let him send everyone out of the room. I could get some relaxation in before i meet my old companion again. Before shooting star left she knew i would hear her thought 'then you know how he feels about you'.

Dipper P.O.V

Im starting to hate, this place i cant get my train of thought out of all the deppresing things in my life. You find it hard to think that what your thinking is actual how you feel. Why?...i cant take it. I just want someone to be with to have my back. 'Did mabel ever have my back?', looking back at the first deal i made with cipher it involved her because she forgot about me. Everyone does, they all flock to mabel, cause she's better isnt she...
"Stop it", i clunge to the side of my head and slamed the back of my head against the wall. "Stop please...i dont want to think about that anymore", its not her fault its my fault...everything is my fault. " fault...isnt it supposed to be bills is..right"
My breathing was becoming more unsteady, 'its okay...its okay.its okay.' I craddled my self trying to drift to sleep. I dont care if bill would haunt me in them its not as worse than this...

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