Future Dipper

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Hi everyone, quick note! stays safe and healthy! This virus is going crazy and it's dangerous, it's important to wash your hands! Be Safe!

Onto the chapter!

"Answer the question dipper"

I took a heavy sigh, stress obvious in my face "it's complicated..."

Dipper POV

So everyone was staring at me at this point after my fiasco in the living room, and, well things got...intense. Stans eyes were glaring as if I was not a person that he could trust. Those glares felt like knives stabbing at my back. Mabel on the other hand was definitely nervous, she looked as if she didn't know what to do. Usually she would try to cheer up this dreadful atmosphere, but I'm sure at this point she's more worried than anything else. Smart move, I wouldn't want her to try to cheer up Stan, especially with that glare. I took a harsh breath, getting Stans and Mabels attention. "Well are you going to explain", the clip in his voice made it know that this was a conversation between adults. I glanced over at Mabel and then back to Stan. A nervous laugh came out, and I took a heavy sigh "I-well if I tell you, you wouldn't believe me. And if you did, well that means shit for me so?"
Mabel was a bit taken back by my cursing, and Stan was somewhat surprised. I looked back at Stan, and pulled out the 3rd journal from my navy vest. "Here, I know that this is what you need to finish the portal", at this Stan was shocked. And I grimaced a bit at the confused looks of the two as Stan grabbed the book. "But dipper. Didn't you want to figure out who the auth-", her voice laced with curiosity. "Yeah...I know it was Ford" the two were awaiting for a continuation, "your twin brother, Stan". I gripped my hair as I let me elbows rest on my legs. "He knows who I am anyway is there even a point in hiding..." (and now they were both lost) Mabel came over to me and held me in a side hug, "hey? Th-".
Grunkle Stan cut her off, himself trying to figure out more about his own brother "dipper.. you have to explain this better..I need more infor-".
"I-I know....I get it Stan right now you really want to get your brother back, I get it...
your definitely confused about how I know about him and about this..." I pointed to the journal in his hands, "God...I get it...". I paused thinking about how bill slaughter my sister right in front of me. I pushed the thought deeper in my stomach.

It sent shivers down my spin when I looked to see my sisters concerned face. However, At this point Stan, started to calm down, "Dipper, what your saying is all true...I don't know how you know but...you do, I'll believe you so you can tell us". I looked directly at his eyes and I could see pity even worse a scared kid. I was scared, I ruined my chance and now I don't even know what-
"Dipper you can tell us", Mabel encouraged, brushing back my brown curls and then repeating the action. "Yeah, I know, it's just that..." I was lost in thought. My mind felt like a falling abyss of thoughts of what Bill would do, and what would happen. Mabel interrupt them, "do you want to get some rest, sleep-"
I stood up quickly from the living room couch, shacking from fear "No!".
"Hey! Dipper calm down, it's fine we can keep talking", grunkle Stan gently pushed dipper back onto the couch. He was shaking all over and it showed. Mabel seemed to shocked at her brother yelling, he wasn't acting like himself. Stan seemed intent to hear out all of dippers thoughts, and really dipper didn't know if he could or should....
I took a deep breath, trying to relax and get some of my thoughts in order. "...I'm from the future, where Um.. bill- he's- ah I mean it's a demon from the journals" a shiver went down my spin as Stan went to search for him in the journal. I tuned away and looked at the ground. "the yellow triangle, Ford was paranoid about him too actually..."
"Yeah I remember he was extremely suspicious about...something, with my last visit with him" as Stan was recalling his meomeries he started to narrow his eyes more and place his hand over his chin. "...actually he had dark bags under his eyes too...."
I laughed at that, which turned on a light bulb in both their heads. "Yeah makes sense, I didn't like sleeping either".
Mabel had to stop the conversation between the two, "wait so to get this straight. Your from the future...so future Dipper, and there is a demon that terrifies you both..."
I looked almost in a daze, "yeah", I said acknowledging her.
Mabel looked almost disappointed but then hyped back up again, almost disregarding the depressing atmosphere. Again trying to cheer everyone up, "Hey! Not fair you should've had me come too!", she stood up and started punching the air as if to show some ninja moves.
It hit my ears late but once it did, I felt like a thousand gun shots hit me. My eyes became dead, and a emotionless face, all the meomeries and feelings that wanted to be ignored came back. My face was blank but all my thoughts were filled with grief, and blackness.
" I would've been great, defeating evil is like are thing! Twin Power!", she giggled.
"Hey dipper? Your blanking our dude", she sat back down with Grunkle Stan. "Mabel calm down, I'm sure Dipper has his own reasoning. So Dipper, what was the reason for you time traveling?"
It was dead silent, dipper still trying to some how answer without letting anything slip through that shouldn't. "Ah right", I looked up at the two my eyes still dark trying to clear my head. I'm from the future, and there dea-....my thoughts stopped before I could even finish. I'm not okay.
I got up, gripping my hair, "hey you know, we talked a lot I'll tell you more tomorrow. You should get your rest". I went upstairs leaving the two , "goodnight". I closed the door and sat down on my creaky bed.
"I don't know what to do..." I held my breath. Trying to calm down before a panic attack started. "It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay". I constantly repeated holding my knees together, and hanging my head low.

"It's going to be okay"

Grunkle Stan POV

"I guess he was tired huh, it's kinda cool to know that time travel exists, huh Grunkle stan?" Mabel patted my shoulder.
Shacking me out of my thoughts, "yeah it is...Mabel your taking this really well", i said a bit surprised but with her personality It makes sense.
"Mabel, I think it's better if you sleep here tonight, I know it's not the most comfortable thing in the world", I said going to grab a few blankets.
"Huh? Why? Do you not trust him, just cause he's from the future doesn't mean he is different!", Mabel was quick to the defensive.
"No Mabel it's not that, I'm sure he's trying to get his thoughts in order... he isn't a kid at heart anymore. He just looks like it", she gave me a pout and quickly went to lay down with the blankets.
"Fine, but we will definitely talk together again tomorrow", I nodded leaving her to gaze at the ceiling while I went off to bed.

12 pm

I laid down which I supposed dipper was doing right now, sleep wasn't something he wanted and it was obvious at this point.
Thinking back about the conversation, Dipper, must've meet Ford. Knowing him now, they are very similar in antics, keeping things to themselves...

Dipper POV

"It's going to be okay"

"How about this"
My breath hitched, and my lungs filled with cement.
"You make a deal with me, Pinetree"

"And I'll fix everything"

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