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"And I'll fix everything"

Dipper looked up tiredly, already knowing that the demon was keeping watch. "Are you going to talk face to face bill or are you scared". I teased for a moment. However, the room filled with silence, and dipper much rather be talking than thinking, even if it was Bill. He didn't want to think that he had the time to cry or even review everything that happened today. Dipper needed to keep himself preoccupied.

I stiffened a bit, thinking that maybe my statement was a bit to cocky. I didn't want him to leave, as sick as it was.... Then suddenly, I felt my mind grip against reality and I was throw into the mindscape with a furious looking demon. I recognized the black and white surroundings, and of course the childhood room- and wait-my body-the younger version of me was currently fast asleep on the bed, as if there wasn't a care in the world. I, However was definitely in the mindscape...

I looked over my hands and noticed my height difference, this was me actually me. I smiled a bit before an unwanted gaze was staring directly at me. I looked up, giving him back a tired glare.
Ah right he was my company here...
"What", i hissed, noting the "up and down" look Bill was giving.
"Mhm not bad", he grinned as if pleased with the sight.
"Don't", I floated to the ground as his triangle shape changed back to his human form.
"Aw Pinetree~  so rebellious, how fun~", he grinned walking towards me in an easy glide.
My body being so accustomed to this form and the torture he'd bring instinctively, I stiffed to the sly voice, not moving a muscle. A shiver went down my spine as I felt his hands grab my hips and pull me closer. I looked up to see his flashy teeth and pupils wide. "And yet your so obedient~"
"No", i fisted my hands towards his chest, in an effort to push him away. I felt his hands grip tighter on my waist as it became harder to move. His nails drawing blood, I bit down on my bottom lip as the pain surged.
Bill looked over me with a fascinating eye, "interesting how you got yourself here Pinetree, I'd say five years?"
His grip became unbearably tight, bill wanting a quick answer. My head felt heavier as my body sunk onto Bill's. "Ugh B-B-Bill let- go", my hands grabbing his arms hoping to push his hands away from my hips. "Answer the question, Pinetree"
My breath became sharp as I gained my strength to meet the demons eyes.  I regretted my decision immediately, once my eyes meet furious red, and his grin was malice no longer that narcissistic smirk. An Overwhelming demonic power radiating from him. Instinct took over as I looked back down, and quickly answered " f-five y-years from the fu-future", I was trembling and my voice was shaking.

His grin seemed to get even larger, as I was shaking under his grip "Good boy~ now how did you manage to get here?".
"Uh I-I", I stuttered out, I closed my eyes tightly, my breathing quickening. At this point there was only one thought running through my mind
' I Don't Want To Be Here Anymore'.
Bill's grip loosened as one hand wrapped around my waist and the other around the back of my neck.  My face lifted back up to his, fear showing in my eyes. Bills look was full of pride, and He had that all too familiar grin, the same face that took pleasure in watching me in misery and angst. And that's when everything clicked.

This was the same Bill, no matter what time, before or after weridmagedon.
But there was one thing that made them different, The one I know has everything, and this one has yet to get it.

I felt like prey, to a hungry gazelle that hasn't eaten in years. My heart stopped at the realization, 'this Bill is even more dangerous'. I felt my stomach sink, and my eyes lock onto bills.

Bills POV

"Pinetree, I could easily send you back, we can even make a deal?", are faces only inches apart.

Oh how I've longed for this, my own little pet, I'm a bit jealous already feeling possessive over the boy. He quickly shook his head, already to afraid of saying no. "I did some good work with you Pinetree", I felt his body shudder as I grabbed his chin. My arm already around his waist, as I slipped my hand down his loose pants. Dippers face flushed as his body reacted to the touch. His eyes were squeezed shut, as his hands were fisting back and forth. I hummed as I admired Pinetree face, no longer as angry as before. I was excited and impatient and ready to appreciate my work, "we could have some fun too Pinetree".

"N-N-No..." dipper stuttered again. Bill raised an eye brow at the response.
"I'll hear out your deal?", dipper said trying to change the tune of the conversation.

I let go of my Pinetree, and let him step back for a moment as I moved my hands back to my side, nonchalantly.

"Well what do you want Pinetree?", I teased.
"Huh? What I want?", he asked a bit confused.
"Yes! What I want is simple~ I'll give you whatever you want in exchange, but keep it realistic pinetree~", I ruffled the brunette hair for a moment, before I walked around him and started speaking.
"I'll give you" as I walked around the boy I listed off what he would want "your families freedom, their lives, they won't be involved with my future chaos, and I'll even let you see them" I smirked as I was back in front of the older teen. His eyes turning watery at the thought.
"A-and my friends?"  Dipper asked a bit unsure of the deal, but his feelings were taking over his reasoning. And the deal sounded good for him, even if he wasn't apart of it. He wanted to see how much he could get out of the demon. Other than the obvious...
"Sure Pinetree, your friends too", I said sickly, knowing I had him in my pocket.
Dipper bit his lip, looking back up at the blonde and his now glowing blue hand.
"What about you?", I asked making sure I wasn't shaking his hand blindly.
"Ah your so smart Pinetree, but not to worry, all I want is you back to your own time with me of course, and that none of what you've said affects my future endeavors", I smirked.
"Your going to wipe there meomeries? And take me back", I felt my throat go dry at the last part.
"Mhm that's right", i was awaiting his hand before I started my work again. Already eager to start, seeing my own completed work, I licked my lips at the thought of the boy being mine.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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