Chapter 7 "Plan B"

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Dipper P.O.V

I noticed when I slipped up, my thought already processed through his skull, I ran out from behind his closet. Most likely full of whips and chains, approaching him like a fast wind. Heading out the door, I twisted the nob and slammed it shut quickly before he got ahold of my hoodie, that I took from the room. I was surprised that it was there; a set of clothes. 'thought he was gonna treat me like a pet, at least he has some respect for me', I felt the door bang three times, then it suddenly stopped. I dediced to take my chance. Before I made my escape I let loose and filled up with energy, the burst to run for it. The halls seemed to be very hypnotising as if anyone who entered would eventually pass out from the twist and turns. Right, left, straight, ahead, left, right, but i have a feeeling its just straight bill wouldnt want to get lost himself afterall. Im sure he knew that. Though I know how to keep my focus off other distractions, you just keep your eyes on one point/object. I keep running till I reach the tall golden door. I retained my calmness when I heard no one behind me. It was extremely eerie as if he was just watching 'of course he is always watching'.

"come back here my little pet and ill let lose on your punishment" it was bill gaining entrance to my thoughts, most likely to locate where I was. After all, I am in his domain, I decided to ignore it after all that can't be worse than not even knowing what has happened to my family, friends, Mabel...

I kept slamming on the door louder and louder, trying to get it open. My fists started to bleed, as the blood ran down my knuckles. Purple and pink circles forming on my hands. This is seeming to take forever. I feel like my hope is being drained...could this be the wrong door??

"Dipper??", I heard a silent, yet fearful voice. My eyes winced as I took one more slam at the door. "Mabel!!!" I called out her name, hoping she could get to the other side. 

I could just tell her hand was on the other side of the door wanting to let me out....but why hasn't it opened yet...

I was about to call once more when it felt as though a snake wrapped around me holding me in place. Squeezing me harder, as my mouth was covered up, and all I could see was a reflecting red eye from the shining gold color of my exit. 

I couldn't turn around, my body was struck with fear I had a feeling even if I wanted to I wouldn't. The only thing going through my mind was 'Oh my gosh', and 'shit'

I squinted my eyes through the door,  seeing my sister being chocked by a black mist. In front of everyone, this must be some imaginative trick. 'Its just a trick...bill is messing with me...why does it look so real then...I dont know but its has to be a pull' Bill was pulling on my emotions like a light easy string. It looks so real, my eyes were so red as if I was holding in all the tears and grunts. Not letting bill see me, eventually, he would and I knew he wanted to see me like this. Weak...not being able to do anything



, please...

The tears were flowing out now, it was hard; being held in one area not doing anything. I was mad at myself. Maybe if I just listen to Bill everyone will be okay...Mabel, stan, wendy. 'stop bill please ill do anything...I won't try to leave ever again...please'. I know he was reading my mind, I could tell his grin spread once my thoughts spoke. Seeing my sobs must have been a bonus, but he let her go and she looked alive of course hurt but okay...the snake like force slowly unbounded from my body, falling onto the floor. I was on my knees now... Still trying to hold my tears together. My fists were sore and all the dry blood covered my hands. I kept my head down, my eyes were puffed up and the only thing that was clear was me giving up. Me....having my sister took away, my dignity, my soul to a devil. I was angry, upset, boiling. My tears finally fell, I wiped them away with my palms. Hitting my head on the floor, I didn't want him to see, but I knew he already got what he will.

"damn it! I wish-I wish-....I could---", I stood up slowly, like my freedom was shattered. I looked over my eyes pitched, like a deep fire was inside. Unable to spark, but wanting to strike, only being cocered by water. "what pine tree, you gonna say one of your favorite lines. Hmm~", he spat towards me. "I-I-I.....I wanna kick your ass....", I let my fists fall to my sides, I couldn't punch him I couldnt do anything to defend myself...
"What pinetree you wanna eat my ass", he started to laugh loudly.

#NIKMEEOOW (xDD) 《《continuing》》

I bet the others heard it from the otherside.

He smiled viciously at me, while my head was looking at the tiles, and how far I got before he caught me. "alright then come with me now pet~", he grabbed onto my wrist forcibly. 'whats gonna happen now??', the only thing I pondered on was the future.

"oh Pinetree its punishment time for you" 

Bill P.O.V

Do I feel victorious, I got pine tree all mine now, all he needed was a little more persuasion. I should've done that from the start. 'Boy, this is gonna be fun. But first, of course, I need to teach him some manners'. The walk, more like drag was silent. He was so lost and nervous, I bet he was wanting to run away, but of course new that Mabel would be the cost for his trouble. "Pinetree do you remember my rules.", I looked over to him as his hands were trembling. He shook his head 'no'. 

'I'll have to write them down for him later', I looked over to the hoodie I gave him to wear. Since I thought he might as well not be cold. I'm concentrate at times. "well don't worry pine tree, there is really only one main one to worry about and that is that you're my property. I'll make sure you got that down like flames burning wood".

I smiled I didn't think today would go this great, this might be the greatest day of my life. My pinetree will finally give himself all to me, ill just have to fix some screw ends though I'm sure it'll all fall in place. I'll be able to get the formula and take over the world. This is going to be fun, I looked over to pine tree to see he started to realize the pattern we were headed wasn't the room. "where are we going", I heard him say slightly with anxiety. 

"somewhere fun~ My little Pinetree, I'm sure you won't think of doing something like that ever again"

P.S. if your a lover of klance comment.

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