Another episode

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"Do you miss me yet pinetree", a cold breath went towards my neck the voice seductively dark and minster, as if commanding a quick return. I turned to see the toned, handsome, and human Bill directly behind me. I hit the ground as my legs burned from the blue chains that quickly wrapped around my ankles. 'Just another nightmare', I chanted yet again and wishing for a quick end to this restless slumber. "Don't worry Pinetree you'll be back soon and you'll be sure to do what I say next time. I'll kill that demon before you even think about making another deal with him".

"Shut up" I turned around my hands clutching at the hem of his shirt, "you can't make me do anything you're not here!" My hands were grasped yet again by the demon as he whispered into my ear, "oh on the contrary I am". A shiver went down my spine before I bolted up from my nightmare.

I awoke again in a heaving mess, the clock set at midnight. It seems the more the days go by, the less sleep I get. He was too close, and I think I was too comfortable with his touch, that isnt normal. I shivered from the thought and went to the bathroom to wash my face, hot water relaxing the dark circles under my eyes. The occasional drips of the sink felt like hypnosis to go back to sleep.

I can't have another accident as I did on our fishing trip...I looked back over to my bed which looked even more daunting during the night. "Nope, not going back", I went downstairs with the third journal and started to write down the main events that led up to weridmegadon. Giddens summoning, the deal I made with Bill, and of course the rift...I clipped the pencil with my check. How can I convince "baby" Gideon to listen to me, it would be a struggle but if he doesn't summon Bill maybe that would delay Bill and his plans. 'If I could stop anyone from summoning him...' A meomery flashed of Bills' anger blasted in my mind, and I shuddered at the thought of messing with Bill's plans...on the other hand, I don't want to become a target.

"UGGGGGGGHHHH" I sighed, would it matter anyway he has always said that he liked me the best. He's always been watching I just hope not as closely as he boasts about.

I guess since today is the opening for Gideons magic show, I could talk to him....' What can you say to him that wouldnt raise any suspicion?" A foreign voice spoke.

I scoffed aloud, well now you come out Attai. I continued the conversation in my mind, why are you meddling with me anyway, do you want your side of the deal now?

"HA my end of the deal, I can get whatever I want I have all the time unless, you get caught", Attai remarked as his persona still hasn't changed from our first meeting. He still sounded just as malice as before.

"So your concern isn't for my sake, I should've known that", and as quick as the demon's voice appeared it quickly disappeared.

'If only Ford were here', I skimmed over the 3rd Journal yet again already having it memorized. I wish I could get some guidance. I turned over from the chair to look over the vending machine, no doubt Stan is in there working on the portal.

2:00 am

My eyes are going numb again, I am craving a decent night's rest and yet everyone around me is able to sleep it is so irritating. I jumped up from the rocking chair, which was "Stans property", I looked over my lisit of events and the present people I can ask for help. The only one running in my mind is, begging Gideon not to summon Bill...dame it, what a pain in the ass.

This Time-travel is already exhausting but keeping out of Bill's sight is even more stressful. I gripped at my brown curls as I quietly went back up to my room.


As I lay down in my bed waiting for the sun to rise and my sisters beaming smile and again another predicatable day begins. Mabel rushing down the creaking stairs as Grunkle sat down to read the morning magazine, I could feel his worried gaze ever since the car incident. Im just hoping that my apology will eventually drown down the suspicion of my "mental state". As we all started to sit down towards the TV, I started making my coffee. 'Sure thats abnormal for a kid to be drinking black coffee, but if I don't, I'll fall asleep and that's way worse than getting remarks about turning into an old man.

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