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Asking Alexandria were in town. What if it wasn't just for one day?

I'm gonna have to avoid going out all together. I will not be as stupid as the last time and wait for him to notice me, this time he won't be able to notice me at all.

I have changed since the last time I saw Denis, I've worked on self image a lot. I'm a much better person ever since the toxic relationship ended.

When Denis and I were together, I didn't care about anything else but us. I took his attitude and he took mine, but times have changed.

I have a son. My son. Why should I say our son when he isn't even around?

The band has gotten huge. They really got their big moment, meaning Denis will be more prude and stubborn than ever before.

I just can't wait until they're not in town. I can't stand hearing his name without wanting to punch him, let alone see him.

And the fact that they stayed in my workplace? That's even worse.

I had to protect myself and Matty from him, he wasn't anyone I wanted my child to grow up around. Ever since he said the words "I feel bummed Matty has to grow up around you" I matured greatly. I took on the responsibility of being a single parent and I reigned with pride.

Not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for what I've become all by myself.

I have a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and a loving attitude.

Matty is all I care about now. The past two years have given me more than enough time to realise that I do not need Denis.

I tried to continue my shift without thinking about the news I had just gotten.

At least they weren't staying here anymore, right?

I made my way to the lost and found, making sure to throw Denis's phone twice as hard into the large pile. Spiteful, I know.

Is it bad that it angers me to even think about his name?

The next few hours went by agonisingly slow. I thought I'd never make it out alive.

When 9:55 finally approached me, I felt delighted that I got through another day.

I made my way to the staff checkout before my boss, Anna approached me.

"Lana." She breathed, "Honey you couldn't do me a huge favour could you?"

"I mean, it depends." I mumbled, praying she doesn't want me to cover someone's night shift. I just wanted to go see Matty. I barely got enough time with him. I hated it, but I'm doing this for me and him.

"You'll get $250 extra" she persuaded, holding her clipboard tightly. "Jenna has let me down for the 10 to 2 shift, would you? Please. You're all I have that I can actually count on."

Oh for fucksake. Anna is only asking me because she knows I need as much money as I can get.

I sighed heavily. Plastering a fake smile.

"Sure, but I just need to call my mom, she's taking care of my kid."

I literally hated this place. But money is money.

She smiled widely. "Oh you star! Thank you darling! And no problem! Phones in the main office." And with that, she rushed off to go bother some other unlucky staff.

I slumped my shoulders, putting my card back in my pocket sadly. All I want is my bed, and my son. I hated only seeing him properly on the weekends, when I'm not working.

I'm glad I'm saving up, I have a couple grand in my bank account. One day, I'll save up so much that I can leave work. One day.

I made my way to the main office. The guilt was eating me alive, my poor mom.

After a couple rings she picked up.


"Mom, it's Lana. I have some bad news.."

"Oh god no? What has happened? Are you okay?" She rambled nervously.

I chuckled at her panicked state. Mothers, huh?

"I'm fine I'm fine. It's just, Anna my boss asked me to do four more hours. Is it okay if Matty stays at your house for a little bit more? God I am so sorry, I'll pay you-"

"Lana" she sighed, "that is absolutely fine. You do what you gotta do. I'm proud you're working your ass off. I'll happily keep Matty for a few more hours, he really isn't a bother. He's the little boy I never had!"

I sighed with relief. I don't know how she copes with me.

"Mom I love you so much. Is he awake now? He usually goes to sleep at 7pm? Is he still awake?"

"He passed out at half seven dear, if he wakes up what do I do?" She asked.

"Usually when he wakes up I just give him some warm milk. Sends him right off." I chuckled.

"Alright, no problem. Now get back to work!" She joked.

We exchanged goodbyes before I hung up. Standing up and rubbing myself down, I made my way to reception to get some stuff. Most of the rooms were occupied, so I didn't have to do much.

I'm just happy I'm not on bathroom duty, God that is the one job you do not want.

"Still here?" Rose asked, slumped up at the reception desk.

I nodded. "Yes, unfortunately. You got extra too?"

She nodded. "A lot of people let Anna down tonight. But hey, money right?"

I nodded and smiled before walking off to begin cleaning. "See ya soon!"

Rose and I were kinda alike. We worked crazy hours, barely had time for a social life. We were both money hungry, we needed it. In a city this huge and rich, you need money to get by.

I checked the list of rooms that had to be cleaned and delivered room service, until a certain one caught my eye.

'Room 103b, 2 bottles of champagne, 1 main course dinner, hot towels.'

Someone must be having a romantic night? Oh god. Wait, that was the same room I found Denis's phone in.

Hell no! They can live without their fucking hot towels. Gross.

I scribbled out the order. Oops?

Maybe it was just a couple? They did checkout today right?

Either way, I was not doing it.

God Jenna, why did you have to skip work. I love you, but I hate you right now.



I hAte mYself and need sleep lol

Fault 2 // Denis StoffWhere stories live. Discover now