The awaking

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The next morning I got woke to a boy who looked excactly the same as Luke with a girl.
"I'm up jeez"replied Luke.
I closed my eyes quickly before the boy looked at me,it only felt like 4am, I didn't move just in case the boy who looked like Luke did something.
"Luci, Luci, you need to get up hun"said Luke giving me a slight nugde, I groned and slowly opened my eyes to pretend that I was asleep, and rolled over.
"So Luci, my name is Jai"said the boy who look like Luke.
"And I'm Kaysey, Jai's girlfriend".
"Nice to meet you both".
"So how are you."asked Jai.
"Yeah I'm fine thanks".
The next second another boy came in with his t-shirt off and started shouting.
"Bro shut the fuck up, Luci has only just woke up".
I guess that was another of his brothers, so Luke has a twin brother and a brother, is there anyone else?.
"Oh sorry, heyy luci nice to meet you".
"Heyy, nice to meet you to".
"That's Beau, the biggest dick on the planet."said Skip from the other side of the room where the next bed was.
I couldn't help but giggle, Beau sat on the end of the bed where my legs were and crushed my feet.
"Ow!, my fucking feet!".
Everyone laughed at Beau for being such an idiot, he lifted off my feet and sat close to the edge of the bed.
"What are you doing back anyway, I thought you three weren't back for another week or so, also where is James?" asked Skip curious.
"James has gone home to sort things out and we told you that we were coming back yesterday"said Beau.
"Who's James may I ask?" I asked going slightly red with embaressement.
"Is is one of our other best friends" replied Jai answering my question.
"Us three, me, Luke and Jai, are brothers and Skip and James are our bestfriends, they have no relation".
"oh! right okay, that kinda answers everything".
Everyone smiled at me, and they all gave me hugs.
"So, we were thinking that we coud go to the beach later on then after we have finshed at the beach come back here and have a barbeque" said Kaysey.
"Yeah Luke so like I said GET UP YOU FUCKING CUNT"
"Okay, shut the fuck, we have all just woke and you might be waking up Luci's sister over there with Skip"
"You have sisters"asked Beau with a cheesy smile on his face.
"Yeah but the free one doesn't want to date".
"Why not?".
"Something that happend in the prevouis realtionship she had, I tried to stop him and sort everything but it didn't work".
Beau looked at me to say carry on talking woman, when I saw Beau give me the look, I let out a really heavy sigh, Everyone else must of saw it because everyone said that he couldn't force me to.
"In the prevouis relationship Jodie got beaten up all the time and she got raped, and you can't say I told you this you have to keep your mouths shut"
Everone nodded in agreement, and looked over to Jodie and Skip.
"Is there a reason you are looking at us huh?" asked Skip looking quite pissed off that we were all staring at him.
"No reason we were just looking over to Jodie" said Kaysey.
"Oh okay"
I unlocked my phone and checked the time, it was 9:47am.
"Jai and Beau".
"Why did you both come in shouting".
"Thinking about it, I really don't know now"replied Jai to my question.
I looked over to Beau for an answer.
"I always shout so get used to it".
"Right okay, I just asked".
"We are going out at 12, so you have a few hours to get ready, we shall leave you to it" said Kaysey indication Jai and Beau to get out and leave us in peace.
"Can we stay in here please Kelsey"asked Jai with puppy eyes.
"Ugh!, fine but don't annoy anyone okay, I'm going downstairs if you need me".
Kasey gave me a nice warm smile and walked out the door.
"So guys, are you going back to LA soon to more work or have they said you can come back for ages"asked Skip.
"We might have to go back in a month or something but all of us have to go"answerd Beau.
"Oh right okay, so did they say we we needed to do"
"No they didn't tell us all they said was that we will all enjoy what we will be doing"
"Ahh, well that's helpful"
I let out a giggle when Skip said that, I was still cuddled up wih Luke from when I turned over, Luke was really warm, and I thought it was nice (Don't even bother asking).
"Aye Luci"shouted Jodie from across the room
"Look at Beau"
Beau was sat there day dreaming
Jodie screamed and Beau jumped.
"I just nearly shit myself"
"Well you would do, if you were daydreaming"added in Jodie.
Everyone laughed at what just happened, then Jai and Beau got up.
"So we are going t let you all get changed so we can get ready for the beach" said Beau heading for the door.
"It was nice meeting you two, we shall talk more at the beach" said Jai heading to the door aswell.
"Yeah they should or maybe in the car aswell to make it less awkward"Skip quickly added in.
Jai smiled at us both and him and Beau left the room for us all to get changed.

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