The fight

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When we got down stairs, once again Jodie and skip were playing tonsil tennis, and we could hear some shouting going on.

"What the fuck"I said turning to Beau.

Beau gave me a confused look and we went and had a look to see where it was coming from, it was coming from outside, there were two girls were having an argument.

"You fucking bitch, why the hell".

Everyone but Jodie and Skip were outside watching .

"Guys what the fuck is going on" asked Beau.

They just looked at Beau then carried on fighting, so I decided if I didn't stop them then no one will and something bad will happen, so I walked in between the two girls. I know what your probably thinking what the fuck is the girl doing are you crazy, but I'm not having someone die outside of the house. One of them punched me in the nose and it hurt like fuck, but I wouldn't show the fact that it hurt and I punched her back. All of the boys looked shocked and didn't expect that the girl was going to punch me, I started to punch her in the nose and in the face and I had to get pulled off by all of the boys because the fight was now onto me and the girl.

"Who the fuck do you think you are punching me and having a fight with me you little asshole, I will brey the fuck out of you and I will put you in hospital you fucking fat bitch"

The other girl she was fighting with ran she wasn't a fanny or anything, The boys still had me held back and I got free.

"Do you really want to be put in hospital, do you because it will happen pretty soon"

The girl punched me again and I punched her back twice as hard and then kneed her in the face, the girl was beginning to cry.

"Oh my god Luci are you okay babe, come hear did it hurt, if it did I will smash her face in." I heard Jodie say from behind me.

I saw that beau had ran inside to get the first aid kit. I didn't want to get Jodie involved because she already has a caution from the police so I shook my head. I turned back around to face the girl that had hit my and she grabbed my hair and kneed me in the face. SHIT I think she broke my nose

Jodie saw what she had done and started punching her and wouldn't stop  and I had to help my best friend in this situation, we had the girl on the floor, she was in a hell load of shit here and she wasn't getting out of it some time soon Jai, Luke, beau, James and Skip had to hold us back just in case we ended up killing the girl, we broke free from there strengths and we got back over to the girl, I was sat on the girls chest and I punched once more  and said 'you better run mate.' and got off her chest and Jodie let go of her, she took my advice and ran off beau let go of Jodie once again  and ran over to me to see if I was okay. he saw that my nose was broken and I had lost a lot of blood, I knew for a fact I had a black eye as well and I was limping and I was hurting like hell but I wasn't showing any of it, I was just showing anger, they boys both got us to sit down on the floor and take a seat, I was the most hurt, Jodie wasn't effected one bit, I wouldn't of been if the bitch of a girl didn't punch me first the little cow, all of the boys and Jodie were around me and I was going dizzy and everyone was going into a blurr.

"Luci stay with us, come on we are going to get help" someone said shaking my shoulder

The next second I head sirens going off and suddenly everything went black.

I woke up in the hospital and beau was sitting next to me.

"How are you feeling Luci babe?" he asked me while giving me a big hug.

"My nose,my eye and my foot hurts but apart from that I'm fine,where is Jodie don't say she chased after that lass." I replied.

Beau looked at me and said  "aw i feel sorry for you and the doctors think that you have broke your nose and sprained your ankle, also Jodie has just gone to get me and you a tea and she's getting herself a coffee so she won't be long"

I nodded to show that I had taken in the information that he had told me.

"And she also rang your sister and she said she would get hear as soon as she can." He explained to me.

We went silent for a few minutes. Jodie walked into the room with the two teas and her coffee. She also had some flowers and chocolates for me. I looked at her hand and she had a bandage rapped around it.

"Jodie what the fuck happened to your hand?!?!" I said.

"Well you know when I punched the stupid bitch in the mouth I cut my hand on her braces and I have had four stitches in my hand but it doesn't hurt, any way i got you a drink, flowers and a box of chocolates." she told me.

Jodie gave beau and me our drinks then she gave me the flowers and chocolates. God i feel loved. She went to sit down but completely missed the chair. Me and beau burst out laughing at her. One thing you should know about Jodie is a bit clumsy.

"Jodie how the fuck did you manage to miss the bloody chair it is massive you clown." said beau while laughing.

[A/N about the fighting bit me and Katie can end up doing that but only if we get realy pissed of and that is to the max as well so don't worry at all nothing will happen to any of you because I love ya all :) xxxxxxxxxx]

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