The morning after

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I got woken up by someone being sick in the bathroom, i flung myself up and walked into the bathroom, it was Skip, I went up to him and rubbed his back to relax his muscles..... once he had finshed he looked up at me and gave me a hug and brushed his teeth.

"Too much last night huh?"I asked

"I think a little to much as well".

"You were having to much fun last night bless ya".

Skip smiled at me and hugged me once more and we both walked out of the bathroom and back into each other's room.

"What was the rush out of bed for, you woke me up".

"Oh, Skip woke me up because he was being sick".

"That boy is an idiot for drinking to much".

I laighed at Beau and pecked him on the forehead and got back into bed and got back into his warmth.

"I am so tired" I said.

"I can't tell you how tired I am"

there was a little silence beofre we both went back to sleep.


3 and a half hours later

"WAKE UP SLUTS"shouted Luke jumping on us along with Jodie and Jai.

"The fuck do you people want"I groaned 

"For you to wake up"said Luke.

"Oh haha, shut the fuck up".

Everyone was in the room and they laughed at me, I pulled the cover over my head and Beau rubbed my back seen as he got woken up as well, Jodie grabbed hold of my leg and dragged me out of bed and I landed with a thud.

"Shit"Jodie said.

Beau quickly looked over the edge of the bed.

"Jodie, be careful with her, she is injured you know".

"Sorry Beau".

Beau gave her a look and then told her to sit down and he got up and lifted me back into bed seen as i couldn't move because of my foot.

"You girl are crazy, do you know that, still drunk from last night"said James towards Jodie.

"I know I am off it today".

"Well you need to calm down a little and We all need to leave Beau and Luci alone"said Kelsey.

Everyone left the room and me and beau were left alone to ourself's at last, we ended up falling asleep again and woke up another 2 hours later.

"God damn I have never slept so long in my life"I said.

"Ha, oh I have and trust me it refreshes me".

Beau pecked me and pulled me on top of him and looked into my eyes, we had a good solid conversation with each other about some interesting thing, some silly and some amazing, I love Beau so much he is one of the best and I can't explain that more, having him is the best and I don't know what I would do without him.

"You are one hell of a sexy baba chu aren't you"said Beau.

I giggled and rested my head on Beau's chest and he began to tickle me, I started to scream with laughter and I rolled off Beau and off the bed, Beau flew up and checked if i was alright, I nodded my approval and he picked me up and took me downstairs to get some breakfest as it was only 10am.

"Good morning you two love birds"said Jai.

"Oh shut up" I snapped jokingly.

Jai looked at me disgusted and then laughed.

"We are all going to go to the park if you two want to come"said Skip.

We both nodded and then started eating breakfeast.


Half an hour later

I went upstiars and into the shower and let the hot lush water hit my body I stayed in for 15 minutes and got washed, washed my hair and then got out, put my towel around me and then went into Beau's room and got my clothes out and put them on, I applied my foundation and mascara and then put on my purple vans and then hopped down the stairs with my crutches and into the living room.


We all sat down on the park swings and some on the bark and we all had good conversations with each other, we got to a subject with was so sick that I almost puked all over Jai and then luckily we changed it quickly, we messed about on the swings for a little while.

"Hey shall we go to the fountain in a bit and see what we can do there"suggested James.

We all nodded and then stayed in the park for another 10 minutes and then made our way down to the fountain.

"Let's do, make them move"shouted out Jodie.

"Yeah, let's".

We all nodded again and then we both went one by one, I went first, I started to scream and run around the people who i got told to go to and they gave me looks and then I began to cluck and quack and even more stupid thing it took five minutes for them to move and when they did I was so happy they did. It was now Jodie's turn and I am not even going to go there with her, she went off it, she was definitely hyper today and that is final, she made them move straight away, we then moved onto Luke and it was pretty easy for him, and the game flew by it went one for loads of rounds as well, we were having another day of having the times of our lives we were loving it.

"Everyone let's got to hungry Jack's".

WE all went there and grabbed food and then went back to the house to eat, we all settled in front of the TV and watched the TV while we eat and pissed about again, a few of us almost chocked which was the funny part of it all, we all finshed up and then we began to make plans we what we were going to do later on that day 

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