On a role

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Me and Beau were looking at each other nervously, worrying about what will happen next, we were asking the boy and girl questions to see what was going on, and we got very brief answers out of them.

"Beau can you please come here".

Beau told the boy to stay where he was and to leave the gun next to him, the boy nodded and Beau walked over to me.

"What's up babe".

" well basically I have heard things that I shouldn't be hearing"

I looked at the front door and everyone was still standing there , Beau looked behind him and the boy had his finger on the trigger and pulling the gun back and pointing it to the girl's head.


The boy looked at me dead in the eye and I wipped my phone out again, I dialled 991 and he saw me diall it, he put his finger away, I had my finger hovering over the call button.

"Put the gun down" I said with gritted teeth

The boy hessitated and I gave him the look, he fianlly put it down after me being very close to the call button.

"Now the fuck is wrong with you, the poor lass has done nothing wrong to you and you are treating her like this, I don't know how you fucking dare, and then you wanting to go and shot her, WOW you make me sick,you just don't give a shit do you" I screamed out at him, I grabbed my fist and punched him square in the nose and heard a crack, Beau held me back, I was trying to get out of his strength, the boy hit me back and bust my lip, this time Beau got involed and got him to the floor and beat the shit out of him, I got the girl and brought her inside with me, while Beau came walking in after.

"Finished sorting him out, how dare he touch my girl".

My hand was coverd in the boy's blood so I went to the bathroom to sort it out.

"Luci babe are you okay do you need a special beau hug".

I heard him say as he walked into the bathroom, I laughed and nodded so he wrapped his hands around me and gave a hug and I started crying on his shoulder.

"You've had a big day huh"?.

I carried on crying in beau shoulder, Beau squeezed me a little harder for a few a few more seconds and lifted my head to face him, he wiped my tears away, picked me up and said "I've got you, never forget that and never forget that babe".

Beau placed me back down, I smiled and Beau started learning in slowly and he planted his lips on mine and I instantly kissed back, a few seconds after he started tugging on my lip wanting entrance, I teased him, he pushed me against the wall, I skilled and let him in, his tounge explored around my mouth, he grabbed my legs and picked my up, with me still against the wall [notebook moment :))] we were getting really into until Jodie rushed in, we quickly pulled away and I went red.

"Oh shit sorry, I'll just leave".

"No it's fine you're here now, speak".

"Well we need to come down stairs, luci please".

We all went downstairs and everyone was stood up.

"What the fuck" I said "what the hell is going on".

There was balloons everywhere and a massive banner and pictures of me as a baby on the walls.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCI". Everyone screamed.

Oh yeah I forgot it was august the 8th my birthday, the day has not been a good one so forgetting is was my birthday is not an excuse.

"Oh my day guys, I don't know what to say, all I can say is thanks for reminding me" I said laughing.

Everyone came up to me and got into a group hug.

"Guys can't breath, please take steps back"

We all cracked up and James went and ran into the kitchen and brought out a cake with a picture of us all on it, it was my my favourite one as well.

"Aww guys thank you so much I ju-"

Before I could say anything else I got cake shoved in my mouth by everyone, I nearly died I started to choke but managed to swallow it, we all started to laugh again and Jodie shouted "Let the night begging".

I got quite confused by what Jodie just say and Daniel turned around and then shouted "PARTY WOOP".

Then I understood it all, I was amazed by it all, I knew that they all could throw good party's but a birthday party where can I begin, I was really looking forward to this. I went upstairs to go and get ready I got in the shower and was in for about fifteen minutes or so, I got out wrapped the warm fresh towel around me and walked into mine and beau's room and opened up the wardrobe, picked out my best and favourite purple dress which had sequins all over and cut out sides with my purple high top wedges, and put them on, it took my ten minutes for that, so after I got ready I put my foundation on and my mascara and got my sparkly purple earrings and my necklace that Beau got me from our first date, and my bracelets on, then I went downstairs.

"Damn check you out babe ooohh you look great".

Jai wolf whistled and Luke shouted "damn i'm surprised if Beau won't get you in bed tonight", beau hit Luke and I blushed.

"Birthday sex hmm luci how do you think about that" said Jodie.

"Shut the fuck up all of you"I laughed.

We all chilled out for about an hour until we all had to go the venue, we all got in the taxi and we got transported there, the journey was half an hour long and I was just starting to get travel sick when stopped, but luckily we were there so I didn't throw up, we all walked inside but before I could Beau grabbed hold of my wrist and pushed my against the wall and put his lips against mine, he wanted entrance so I let me so, we pulled away from being breathless.

"Happy birthday babe, I know the beginning was tough but you managed to get through that and I'm so proud of you, we got a few tears but that doesn't matter it was a scary time and epically when you had the dream, I can't tell you how happy I am too have you, I am so lucky to be with you, I love you so much and I can't believe I have such an amazing girl to be with".

Before I could say anything Beau put his lips on mine again and we stood there until breathless kissing, when were done Beau put his hands over my eyes, and I trusted him to take me where we were going, we walked into somewhere I didn't know where, I heard Beau whispering something to someone and he told me he was going to take his away but I still had to keep my eyes shut and when I tell you open them.

There was a pause for a minute or so.

"You can open them now babe".

I slowly opened my eyes to have the most best surprise of my life I couldn't believe what I was seeing it was unreal.....

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