Getting sexy

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I woke up still in Beau's chest, still warm and snug, Beau had his arms wrapped around tight around me, I felt safe in his arms as well as Luke's, I didn't know what the hell I was going to do.

"Is Luc awake yet"I heard Beau whisper.

I kept my my eyes shut for a little while seen as my weren't ready to open.

"Not yet bro"Said Skip.

Beau nodded and pecked me on the head, I must of been asleep a while because the next film was starting, I groaned a little and Beau looked down at me, I got my eyes to open and I had to adjust my eyes, Beau lifted my chin with his finger and kissed my lips.

"Sleep good Hun".


Beau kissed me again and stood up with me still wrapped around his front like a baby, the pain was still in my nose and foot, but I wasn't letting that get to me, Beau took me to his room and sat me on his bed.

"You alright babes".

"Yeah, just in pain".

Beau pulled a sad face at me and came on top of me and kissed me and started teasing, he went along my neck and came to my pulse area and started sucking and biting, I was holding on to Beau neck, this love bite he was giving me was the most turning on thing in the world,I was giggling like crazy and I couldn't stop, he slid his hands down my back to my bra strap and stopped , at this point I was giggling really loudly and playfully, Beau moved on from the love bite and came to my lips and kissed me passionately this went on for a few minutes until he pulled away and then came back in, Beau was wanting entry so I teased a little and kept my mouth shut, Beau put his hand on my sides and made sure he tickled me, he was doing that, I laughed and Beau got what he wanted, we were moving at the same time and speed, Beau started taking my top off and I took his trousers off, and then he started to take me off as I took his top off so I was left in my undies and he was left in his boxers, Beau looked straight into my eyes, and layed me down, we were about to get physical I knew it, I flung my legs onto the bed, so Beau could get on top of me better, and then it started we carried on kissing and then Beau got physical and it got my pulse racing, we were both laughing ang giggling like crazy and for surer we were enjoying our self's and then it started to serious.


An hour and a half later

Me and Beau got up and sorted our selves out and put our clothes back on and went down stairs and into the kitchen, no one was in the living room everyone was in a the garden doing something, we both got a can of Pepsi max each and then sat on the sofa, a little out of breath, we both flicked through the channels and found cat fish on and we watched that for a little while and then flicked some more to find something else, we were doing this for a while until we found the titanic just starting, Beau looked at me and started getting excited, I laughed and got excited as well seen as I love the titanic and Leonardo DiCaprio, we sat and watched quietly cuddled into each other, the titanic is so sad I cried loads through it.

"Aww baba chu don't cry".

Beau wiped my tears away and we carried on watching for me to start crying again and Beau having to wipe them away again, Beau pulled me in closer and cradled me.

"Aww it's okay, don't cry babe, it will be alright"Beau soothed.

It was almost the end of the film and we were sat there watching it all the way through and I am not going to lie here I saw Beau cry bless him, Beau had to wipe my tears away five times through that, when the end titles came down on the TV screen, I put my head into Beau's chest to try and stop myself  from crying, Beau cradled me even more and pulled me onto his lap.

"Shh it is okay".

Beau lifted me head up and looked me dead into the eyes and pecked me softly.

"Don't cry, or you will get me going again".

I laughed at that remark and Beau grew a massive grin on his face seeing me happy.

"That's better".

"You are so helpful, you sexy buba chu".

Beau smile got even bigger and we flicked through the channels once more just listened to music on the charts until one of the new MTV channels came on and we sat peacefully watching.

"Do you want to go out tonight"Asked Beau after the show was finished.

"Yeah sure, as long as I am with my buba chu".

"And and as long as I am with my baba chu"

We both smiled and Beau picked me up from the front again and went to the back door.

"Everyone get ready, we are going out".

Everyone got up and went to there rooms and got ready.


An Hour later 

We were all finished getting finished and it was 8:30pm, we all walked out of the door and got into Beau's car and some people went into Skip's car and we all went to the town, after a 10 minute drive we were at the town and we all got out and walked down a few streets to get to a really good club, when we got there we all had to show our ID cards and we got let in, we went to the bar, got our drinks and sat down at a table next to the dance floor, it took No hesitation for me, Jodie and Kelsey to get on the floor and all the boys followed staight after, this is where it was about to get funny and where we were all going to piss about.

"You ready for this"Jai said in my ear so Icould hear.

"Of cousre I am".

We all got our sexy dancing and our stuff going on and the night was set off to a good start.

[A/N vote, comment, and please please share so I can get some good things on this book, it would help me massively, love you loads and I hope you enjoyed this chapter hehe I got it to become sexy with Beau and Luci hehe Love you all :) <3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]

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