Chapter 2

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jujurocks gave me feedback and told my to put cliff hangers, so I did add a little more to the last chapter. Soo sorry it was so long, the last chapter. I have shortened this chapter, and from now on, chapters wont be so long anymore! Whoopie! or... Aww!!! :D OK, I have a couple things to tell you all. Thank you for reading!!! Although my book isn't BOOMING with popularity, it's still means so much. Please just wait for the newest chapters. With all the homework, setting things up, etc, I haven't had much time to do my story and frankly, sometimes I'm just too lazy. Anyway, chapter will be coming up faster (I hope) and I will do my best for your "entertainment." :D Enjoy!

 By the way, this isn't edited... :P

Chapter 2

There was a door. It was the color of red velvet, the framing was well detailed and the handle was made of beautiful brass. There was a little lock on the bottom of the handle smaller than the handle itself. At the bottom of the door, something was carved in it… It was all alien-like and creepy. 

            Amber grew frightened of being possessed by aliens. Although the “writing” was familiar, that made her ever more scared. She ran out of the room and slammed the door shut. She slid down into a sitting position. “Should I tell mom? What’ll she think? She might think I did it and yell at me though… Should I tell anyone at all? What would Skylar do? What the?! Why would I wonder what she would do? Should I open it? ARG! This door is creeping me out! Gosh, darn it! I should’ve never touched the curtain. Scratch that, I should’ve never went in the room at all!” Amber thought frantically. “OK, you’re not going to be possessed,” Amber told herself, “It’s probably just a closet. A mini pantry to keep snacks, maybe...” Amber stood up and walked in the room again.

            She stared at the curtain that would reveal the door again. The tension overwhelmed her and so she went outside where the movers had arrived. She watched as box after box left the multiple trucks with bulky men dressed in blue overalls carried them inside, beads of sweat rolling down their faces. One of the man’s white hat fell off trying to remove a couch from the truck. Amber thought of retrieving it for him, but was too shy to. She looked around and saw a woman, with fiery red hair, and a muted blue dress. It seemed to hug her body and next to her were what seemed to be her son, daughter, and husband. She and the boy looked excited to meet the new neighbors (us). The boy seemed familiar… Hmm… The girl looked about my age. She and her brother had the fathers hair and skin color. They both had olive skin and dark hair, nearly black. Her hair was dead bolt straight and she wore a purple long-sleeve with a silver vest over it. She wore a pair of boot-cut jeans and a Converse. She was pretty! She didn’t seem over-excited to meet us, but in a… neutral state. The husband however seemed annoyed. The woman was carrying a large, poorly wrapped item and so was the man. She waved and smiled with her bright white teeth sparkling.

Amber didn’t know what else to do but to wave back with an award winning smile. She had no idea why people raved on and on about her features. I mean, look at the girl! She had great clothing choice, GORGEOUS, MIDNIGHT BLACK HAIR, olive skin, and hazel eyes! What could be better?      Barbie dolls?! No. Barbie’s aren’t welcomed in this story. Moving on…

“Hello, darling!!! My name’s Mrs. Nosbi. We live right across the street,” she said, pointing to the fairly large, muted green colored house, “This is Jacob, Allison, and my husband, Mr. Nosbi! We are very happy to see the two families of yours be our newly arrival.” “Newly arrival… I sound like I’m a baby or something…” Amber thought, but kept smiling. “We brought house warming gifts!!!” Mrs. Nosbi squealed happily. Mike’s eyes widened. “A, kid! It’s you!” Jacob shouted. He ran into the garage and greeted Mike. They began chatting about Mike’s toy monster truck. Mrs. Dimmel came out smiling her pearly whites and hugged Mrs. Nosbi. “Debby!!! How great to see you again! I think you’ve gotten thinner since the lipstick convention!” she cried. “Oh! You’ve noticed! Here, this is for you.” Mrs. Nosbi declared. Mrs. Melbine walked out drying her hands with a hand towel. “Oh, you must be Linda! Nice to meet you!” Mrs. Nosbi squealed. Mrs. Melbine’s face lit up ridiculously and hugged back. IIn the package was a basket full of perfume, soaps, lotions, all that junk, “ladies” had. Skylar came out and squealed and thanked Mrs. Nosbi for the perfume, lipstick, and all the “good stuff” and rummaged through the basket.

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