Chapter 6

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FINALLY!!! Chapter six is in. I think this is the most exciting chapter I've put on wattpad so far, so get ready... Psh, what am i talking about. Just read it. It's the best chapter in my own little way. Again, not as long as chapter 1, but just saying, no chapter is going to be that long anymore... :P

Enjoy! BTW, if you have any actress or actor suggestions, feel free to say so.

“Yeah? What is it.” Allison asked, drying her hands with the paper towel. “Do you know a guy named… Bryce?” Amber asked, leaning against the wall. “Yeah. He’s really nice. Why?” Allison continued, throwing the balled up wet piece of paper towel into the garbage can in the corner. “Nothing.” Amber whispered. “I have social studies next class, and I should get going. See you free period. I’ll introduce you to my friends, Julia and Kaitlyn. Bye, Amber!” Allison cried, walking out of the bathroom. “Bye.” Amber replied. Amber walked out of the bathroom, and rushed to second period.

                  When getting to math, the class didn’t really get homework or even schoolwork. It was all about how high school works, rules, schedule, etc. Lunch was at 11:45. By the time it was lunch, Amber was starving. Before lunch, she headed to her locker to get her lunch money. “Great… Conner’s there…” Amber thought, “I guess I can skip lunch today.” She slowly began to turn and walk away. But Conner had already seen her. “Hey, Amber!” he said excitedly. “Uhh… Hi, Conner.” Amber said, scratching her neck. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “My lockers right there… I needed  to get my lunch money.” “Oh. See you later, Amber. Gotta meet some of the guys.” He replied. “Kay, see yeah.” Amber replied, relieved. Amber got her money and rushed to the cafeteria.

                  It was a really white room with cream tables and counter tops. Amber walked up to the lunch lady. The verities of food were reasonable; hamburger, pizza, or hotdog. Classic American food; or at least that’s what Amber thought. “Pizza please.” Amber said. The lunch lady nodded and slapped a slice of pepperoni pizza on Amber’s tray. “Thank you.” Amber thanked, as she went along the ‘buffet-like’ aisle of food. Amber’s lunch ended up to be a slice of pepperoni pizza, apple slices, loose corn, a carton of milk, and a lemon parfait.

                  Amber turned around scanning the busy room for an empty seat, or even better, an empty table… But no, there wasn’t an empty table… Amber didn’t want to look like some idiot so she began to walk through the mess of people. “Amber!” she heard someone say. She looked around. “AMBER!!!” she heard more clearly. Amber spun around, clueless of who was calling her until she saw Allison pushing through crowds of bunched people. “Hey! Come sit with me! You can meet Julia and Kaitlyn!”

                  Allison smiled, leading Amber (and her lunch) to a table with two girls sitting there. One with brown curly-ish hair with brown eyes, pale skin. The other a red head with green-ish hazel-is eyes also with pale skin. “This is Kaitlyn,” Allison said, high fiving the red head, “and this is Julia.” Allison finished, hugging the brunette. “Hi.” Amber said shyly, slowly sitting down. “Hi,” Julia and Kaitlyn said smiling, “Jinx!” Kaitlyn yelled. “DARN IT!” Julia laughed. She gave Kaitlyn her mini soda can of Coke and turned back to her lunch smiling. “Amber, right? Here, you can take this as a welcome gift.” Kaitlyn said giving Amber a mini pack of sour patch kids. “Thanks! I love candy.” Amber said, opening the packet.

                  “Doesn’t everyone?” Julia joked. “Haha, I think.” Amber said, tossing a gummy into her mouth. “Oh, Amber, can we come over tonight?” Allison asked. “I guess,” Amber replied, taking a bite of her pizza, “I mean… Mr. Dimmel doesn’t care much about anything, and… My mom starts work when I get home anyways so… Yeah, I’m pretty sure you guys can come over.” “OK, cool.” Allison said, eating her nutella sandwich. The rest of the day was pretty much a waste.  No homework, schoolwork, nothing. She got into the bus and sat in the back. She stared out the window when a boy with dark hair and pale skin slouched in the seat next to her. Amber stared at him. He looked over at her. “Oh, sorry, were you expecting someone else to sit here?” he asked. “No, no. You’re fine.” Amber reassured, turning back to the window. After a moment, he spoke again. “Are you sure, I could sit elsewhere, you seem gloomy that I’m here.” “No, I’m fine; just bored.” Amber answered. “Oh…” he mumbled. “Wow, you’re a real conversation stopper, Amber…” Amber thought to herself. Amber stiffened, thinking that he was thinking she didn’t like him.

                  “So uh… I’m Amber. I’m new here. I’ve met a lot of people. What’s your name?” Amber asked shyly. “Oh. I’m Mark,” He said, enlightening, “Who have you met?” he asked. “This guy named Bryce, another guy named Conner, two girls named Julia, and Kaitlyn, and…” Amber thought about whether she had met anyone else. “And you, I guess.” She finished. “Oh. Not what I’d call a lot of people, but O.K., you’re meeting all the nice people. Conner’s a little annoying, but really nice.” Mark informed. “I’ve heard, and experienced…” Amber rolled her eyes, “He’s been bugging me all day…” she said, twiddling with her fingers. “Yeah, he does that.” He laughed. Amber shot him a look. He just laughed more. Amber gave him a little “friendly” shove. They were both laughing.

                  Amber ended up conversing with her new guy friend until he had to go. His house was in the neighboring neighborhood from Amber’s neighborhood. “See you later, Amber.” He smiled. Amber had learned that Mark was good at selling stuff, is a boxer at school, and got a ton of money all the time. His parents weren’t rich, which Amber liked. One thing she felt about Mark was that he seemed… Like he was hiding something… Psh, but that was ridiculous. She had had enough with the rich people around her. Except for Allison… Allison was fine. It’ seemed she wasn’t rich at all.

                  When Amber came through the back door, she yelled, “I’M HO-O-O-O-OME!!!” She threw her backpack in the corner of the kitchen and hung her coat up by the doorway. She walked through the little TV area and went in the elevator. She presses the button with the “3” on it and up she went. She walked across the tile floor and down the hallway and into her room. She sat on her bed staring at the third curtain. She wasn’t as afraid this time she stood up and moved the curtain away. She reached for the brass handle. She slowly began to turn it…

                  DING DONG, DONG DING!

                  Amber jumped. “Goodness!” she quietly yelled. She ran out of her room and looked down the balcony and out the front door windows near the top of the doors. It was Allison, Kaitlyn, and Julia. Amber was so excited, she ran down the two flights of stairs instead of the elevator. She saw Skylar go for the door. “NO I GOT IT!” Amber screamed. Skylar turned around and tapped her foot with hands on her hips. “You’re a weirdo.” Skylar said. “And you have bad come backs.” Amber pushed. Skylar scoffed and walked into the elevator. Amber unlocked the front door. “He-e-eyyy!” the three girls said. “Hi you guys!” Amber said, “Come on in!” The girls piled into the house and Amber led her new friends to her room. All three stood by the third curtain. “You guys know?” Amber asked Kaitlyn and Julia. They nodded. “Open it!” Kaitlyn squealed. “Allison said she’d make you do it next time she came over.” Julia reminded. “Guys, it’s probably just a pantry… No biggie.” Allison said. Amber groaned. “Do I have to?”

                  “YES!” Julia and Kaitlyn both said. “JINX!” Julia yelled, “HAHAHAHA, HA! Hand it over.” Julia laughed. Kaitlyn mumbled, “Fine,” and gave Julia a pack of licorice. When they were done with their jinx trade thing, they turned back to Amber. “Now open the door.” Kaitlyn smiled. “Amber looked at the curtain. She moved it away and tied it so it wouldn’t fall back when she was opening the door and scare her to death. She reached for the handle again, and turned it. She heard Kaitlyn giggle, excited to see what’s inside and probably Amber’s reaction. Amber flung the door open and hopped back onto her bed, almost being killed from being horrified. She closed her eyes and intended to never open them until it was closed.

                  “Oh. My. Gosh.” She heard Allison say. “COOL!” Kaitlyn laughed. “That’s not possible…” Julia whispered. “What…. WHAT IS IT!!!” Amber yelled from under her hands, wrapped around her face. 

Well! that's bascially it for now. I will surely upload/update soon. :)

Oh and... What do you think is in the door?

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