Chapter 8

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I know. It's short, and not very interesting, but I'm low on interest on this story. Too busy with my other stories!!! But keep tuned. :D

She thought about running back to tell Lauren, but realized how late it was already, and decided to tell her tomorrow. Amber almost fell asleep with thoughts above “Ethan” swirling around her head. She thought she was dumber than her brother, Mike when she hadn’t thought of it before. Ethan was the guy at her old school who was the best artist in the world. He was always drawing a girl who looked EXACTLY like Lauren. He’d mumble to himself and always seem dazed. He had the exact features Lauren explained; hazel eyes, light freckles, olive skin, and he always had a bed head type of hair style… He was pretty cute, Amber had to admit, but he was Laurens. Amber laughed. That seemed to drain what was left of Amber’s energy, and she fell asleep soon after.

                  ~                            ~                      ~                      ~                      ~                      ~        

*Laughter from Lauren and Ethan* “It’s soo good to see you, Ethan.” Lauren said hugging him. “It’s been so long…” he replied, hugging back. “Wanna go pick some apples?” Lauren asked. “Race you there…” he said smoothly, running towards the tree. “HEY, GET BACK HERE!” Lauren yelled, laughing hysterically. Amber turned around smiling, but then saw a dark shadow. A sign said “DO NOT ENTER.” Amber turned back, and Ethan and Lauren were already climbing the tree. Amber looked at the door. She saw a magnifying glass on the grass nearby. It got bigger and bigger until on it, Amber saw “SHE WILL FIND HIM” scratched on the glass. Amber spun around again and saw a shadowy figure stare at me. Amber stumbled back hastily beginning to run but instead tripped and fell. “Who are you?” she screamed. “It doesn’t matter. All I have to say is to not help your friend find him and if your assistance is done, your friend will suffer your consequences…” it shallowly whispered.

                  Amber woke suddenly to the sound of Mike, whining he didn’t want to go to school and to the sound of the annoying alarm clock she had. She slapped her alarm clock off and got ready for school… When breakfast was ready, Amber ran down to be served… Amber shivered. She’d never get used to saying that… When going down, she saw the cook, Melanie again. Amber got up the nerve to say something. “Hi. I’m Amber.” She blurted out. Melanie stopped and stared. “I’m not really supposed to talk to my masters but… Hi.” She replied. “Oh. So… Um… I’ll talk to you later?” Amber asked, not knowing what else to say. “Sure.” She answered, uneasily, continuing her errands. When Amber finished her breakfast, she raced off to school. She couldn’t wait to tell her friends about “Ethan,” but mostly, she couldn’t wait to go back home after school and tell Lauren.

                  “Hey! Over here!” Amber heard Allison call out. Amber smiled and ran towards her friends. “Guys, guess what…” Amber said. “What?” all three asked. “I know who Ethan is…” Amber confessed. Everyone gasped. “Who is it?!” they asked. Amber shrugged. “This guy from my old school…” Amber answered. The girls seemed to return to an uninterested state. “What?” Amber blurted out. “Face it. You lived in California. Your ‘old school’ is in California. WE CAN’T TAKE A MYSTERIOUS GIRL IN A MYSTERIOUS FARM WORLD THING ON A PLANE RIDE WE CANT AFORD TO CALIFORNIA!” Kaitlyn screamed. “No, we’re not. I’m just going to tell Lauren where to find him, and then ask her to just write me on her progress…” I replied. The girls didn’t seem very impressed with Ambers plan, but it was Amber could come up with… Later that day, Amber told Lauren her plan, hesitantly. Her dream haunted her actions.

                  “Wait… Ethan moved to… California?!” Lauren asked, surprised.“Yeah…” Amber answered, rubbing her arm. “Fine. I’m going out to find him.” Lauren said, determined, as she packed up some food and extra clothes. Amber rubbed the back of her neck. She wasn’t sure whether  she made the right choice. Lauren rushed out the door, and when Amber followed, Lauren had disappeared. Amber ran back into her room and looked around. No Lauren… She ran downstairs in search of Lauren, and as she passed the front door, someone rang it. She back tracked a little and opened the door. She saw Bryce standing there smiling. Ambers eyes widened and she shut the door in his face.

                  “GOSH! WHY’D YOU DO THAT?!” Amber yelled at herself. She breathed in easily and re-opened the door to a confused Bryce. “Uh… Hi?” he said. “Hi..” Amber said, embarrassed. “I was passing by your house and thought I should stop by, see how you’re doing.” Amber squealed and shut the door again. “GOSH! STOP THAT!” she screamed. She opened the door again and apologized. “I’m sorry, I have… a spazzing issue.” Amber lied. Really!? That was the only thing you could think of?! she thought in her head. “Ok….” Bryce answered, obviously confused. “I think I’ll go now. I still have homework…” he said, turning to leave. “No, wait!” Amber said, taking hole of his arm. He turned. “Thanks for stopping by.” I said, “It was sweet of you to do so.”

                  Bryce smiled a dazzling smile which made Amber have butterflies, and then he turned to leave. Amber felt content leaving a good impression… Kind of… She shut the door and slid to the floor, leaning against the door.  As she was daydreaming about a good life, she saw Lauren pass her.

                  “WHOA! Lauren, what are you doing here? I thought you were gone.” Amber said, amazed. “No, no. I’m off to the airport. Wanna come?” Lauren asked, smiling. “I want to, but what about my parents, and school?” Amber asked her. “They’ll never notice. You’re with me. If you haven’t noticed, I kind of know how to… Disappear…” she said, grinning. “YOU KNOW MAGIC?!” Amber asked excitedly. “No, no! I’m just not noticed…” she said, half smiling. “Well… O.K…. Do you think I could bring some people along with us? Wait until tomorrow until we go. Promise?” Amber asked hopeful. Lauren paused and thought about it. “Fine. But only until tomorrow.” She said, crawling back in through the door. Amber sighed content. “This’ll be interesting.” She said. 

Like I said, it's short. I know. but anyway, you know the drill:





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