Chapter 2~ Him and Warped Tour

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*Cleo's POV*

It was the night before Warped tour and Ann and I were restless. All four of us were restless actually. All of us were excited beyond compare. We watched about seven movies before Dan and Ally fell asleep. It was about four in the morning when I felt the effects of being tired. We were going to leave an two hours but I still decided to sleep. I looked over to tell Anna something only you see her already out cold. I laughed quietly and curled up under my blanket.

*Kellin's POV*

"Wake up man we have sound check, then signings at the merch tent! Get your ass up!" I heard Gabe yell from the little tour bus living room. I came out of the small room I shared with Jack and Jesse. Everyone else was awake and changed. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a box of cereal then headed back to our room. I was missing my old girlfriend a lot, but she cheated on me multiple times with the same three guys. I shouldn't forgive her, and trust me I wont. To be honest I wanted someone to fill that space. When I ate and was changed I met the guys outside of our tour bus and we walked to our tent. I joined Justin who was helping un-pack some albums. Lots of fan girls came up to get stuff signed the minute we got there.

"Since you cant get your mind off that ex of yours, why don't you look for a girl here. Look at all of these willing girls!" Jesse said. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't want just anybody." I said as I tossed a box behind the tent.

*Cleo's POV*

"WAKE UP GUYS LETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!!" I yelled suddenly filling the room with life. Ann did my makeup and we got breakfast on the way. When I saw the stages and everything coming into view my heart almost pounded through my chest. My contacts were itchy but I didn't care. My brother gave Ann and I fifty dollars and we began to spread out.

"Chloe text me when Sleeping With Sirens begins so we can meet up with you guys!" Dan yelled as he walked away. I yelled back an ok. Ann and I gave each other cheesy smiles as we saw the PTV tent next to SWS's. I bought a whit Warped Tour shirt so I could get both the bands to sign it. I also bought SWS's new album.

"Who first?" Anna asked.

"Sleeping with Sirens obviously!" I pulled her away to the line. The line actually went faster than I thought. When we reached the table I wanted to scream I was so happy to be meeting my idols, but I stayed cool. Jesse, Justin, Jack, and Gabe then I walked over to Kellin. I was seriously dying inside. He looked up at me and smiled when his eyes locked with mine. I could have sworn he blushed. Maybe it was just me. I smiled back.

"So what's your name?" He asked me looking at me every once and a while as he signed.

"Chloe." I said.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." he said with a wink. I giggled and blushed.

"Thanks." I said shyly as he handed me my stuff with another wink. I began to walk away.

"Wait, Chloe!" I turned and Kellin beckoned me back.


"Do you think you could come back here after we preform? I want to see you again." He smiled.

"Sure. See you after the concert then." I smiled back and gave a small wave. Was this dream or a sick joke. Nope it was real. Ann came up behind me.

"Oh my god did that just happen?!" She said.

"Yeah." I said breathless. I looked back over to the tent where he was. He didn't look anybody in the eye like he did with me, and when he smiled they looked fake,

"Now Pierce the Veil! C'mon!" Anna said dragging me away. I got my shirt signed by all of them and they were so nice.

Just as we finished I saw Kellin and the guys start heading for the stage, so Ann an I hurried to try and be the first ones there. And we were only a few other people. We stood right at the barrier. I texted my brother to let him know where I was and him and Ally soon found us and stood with us. Ten people started to crowd around us.

*Kellin's POV*

That was her. Chloe. She was absolutely beautiful. As I walked out on to the stage with the boys I saw her in the front with two other girls and a boy. I really hoped the boy and her weren't dating.

"WHAT'S UP WARPED TOUR 2013!" I yelled into the mic. Everybody screamed.

"Good. Good." I said. We sang eight songs and I couldn't wait to see Chloe again.

"Thanks for being awesome fans we love you!" I yelled again before we got off stage. Back at our merch table more people swarmed for autographs and pictures. Pierce the Veil was up next and I waved to Vic and Tony as they passed. I still didn't see her.

The crowd around us cleared around the same time PTV finished. And that's when I saw her walking over. I smiled at her.

*Cleo's POV*

He smiled at me.

"Hi," I smiled back. "You guys did great!"

"Thanks. Did you have fun today?" He asked.

"Totally" I said happily. It was one of the best days of my life. Then Jesse came from the back and put his arm around Kellin's shoulders.

"Who's this buddy?" He asked.

"I'm Chloe." He lifted up his sunglasses to get a better look at me.

"Hi Chloe, I'm Jesse." He held his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm aware." I half laughed as I shook his hand. Jesse went off.

"Yeah, you better run you little bitch!" Kellin said playfully then threw some punches into the air. Jesse laughed from the back.

"Your not tough Munchkin, stop showing off." I heard faintly then I laughed.

"Munchkin huh?" I asked.

"Hey Cleo, we have to go." Ally said as she walked up to me. Then she smirked and mouthed "Five minutes."

"Before you go can I write one more thing on that CD?" Kellin asked with puppy dog eyes. I giggled and handed him the Album. He flipped open the cover and wrote something on the booklet quickly. He handed it back.

"Cleo come on we are going to miss te bus to the parking lot!" I heard my brother yell.

"I have to go, thanks Kellin." I smiled as I began to walk away.

"Sure thing. I hope to see you around soon." He smile back with another wink. I walked back over to where the others where and I was smiling like an idiot.

"So..." Ally said in a sing song voice. "What was that?" I blushed.

"I don't know." I shrugged still smiling because I couldn't stop.

When we were back in the car I went into my bag and pulled out the CD. I looked at all their signatures then opened it to find something amazing on the booklet.


Hehe evil cliffhanger

*rubs hands together laughing evilly then chokes*

Sorry if its short.


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