Chapter 6~ Lost

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*Cleo's POV*

Four months. Four months ago he told me he was leaving. Four months ago he told me he loved me. Four months ago I heard his voice. I haven't heard anything from him or the others in a couple of weeks. I began cutting again because I felt lonely and I hated the pain of the people you loved leaving. I know it had been a little over a month for us together but I loved him. I truly did.

It was around eleven and Dan and Ally just went to bed. Vic had stayed with Anna and I whenever my brother was gone, but Anna was acting really weird after Vic had gotten a text and came over for the night. I didn't give two shits about what was going on. I watched TV knowing I should go to bed but Vic told me I couldn't fall asleep just yet.

"Vic we have school tomorrow! I need to go to bed." I said tiredly.

"Yes I know but, we need you too stay up. Don't worry about school tomorrow, we've got it covered." He said.

"If I wasn't as tired as I am, I would question that more." I said rubbing my eyes. He laughed.

Now it was around eleven thirty and I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Any minute now." Anna said looking down at her phone.

"Okay. Maybe not any minute." Anna said two hours later.

"I'm going to be so screwed in school." I mumbled.

"Alright then maybe you should go to bed." Vic said a little disappointed.

"Finally." I sighed falling into my bed. I fell asleep to hearing Anna and Vic's mumbled voices fade.

*Ann's POV*

Kellin was supposed to land an hour ago, and he was supposed to come and surprise Chloe.

"Where the fuck is Kellin?" I said to Vic once Cleo had fallen asleep.

"I have no idea he texted me when he was getting on the plane like ten hours ago." Vic said checking his phone. I hate seeing her look like she was dead on the inside. She didn't tell us but I knew she had even begun cutting again.

"Let me text him again." Vic offered. I went into the kitchen to get a drink then came back out.

"He said he's on his way now. Should we wake up Cleo?" Vic said.

"Oh no,no,no unless you want to die. When she's asleep and you wake her up especially when she's upset you'll get hurt." I warned.

"So what do we do?" Vic asked. I shrugged I really had no idea.

"I guess he could spend the night, then she could wake up and find him. That'd be cute." I said. Vic nodded. We waited around and twenty minutes later there was a light knock at the door. I pulled open the door quietly and Kellin stood there looking tired. I let him in.

"Whoa you look tired." Vic said to him as he walked in.

"Our flight got delayed by four hours because of some storms." Kellin said. "Where's Chloe?"

"She's asleep. We tried to keep her awake but after you didn't come for awhile we told her she might as well go to bed." I said. He looked disappointed. "Her rooms in there. You can stay the night." I pointed down the hall.

*Cleo's POV*

I woke up and I couldn't move. I thought it was a dream because something was keeping me from sitting up. There were a pair of arms locked around my waist. Ok this was really a dream. The body next to mine shifted and the breaths came out normal, whoever this was, was now awake. I kept my eyes closed,I was a little scared. Who ever it was now snuggled their head into my neck. I listened as the person got up and left my room opening my door and closing it quietly. I sat up an looked at my alarm clock. It was eleven on a Friday morning. I had completely missed school or at least any learning part of it. Great. I put my head in my hands. I'm blaming this on Ann and Vic. They were the ones who made me stay up half of the night. Then I got this chilling feeling. Who the fuck was in my room. A ghost? No I'm grown up I don't believe in ghosts. Maybe it was all a dream, maybe it was because I missed Kellin. I sighed and got out of bed. I pulled open my curtains then walked to my door where a note was which read: We are gone but your not alone, Vic,Ann,Ally,Dan. The radio was on I could hear it through my door. I swallowed who would be here with me? I opened my door slowly and heard someone singing along with the radio. That voice. My heart skipped. Could it be Kellin? I swallowed and walked into the kitchen. There was no one in there though. I was really confused. Then all of a sudden I was picked up from behind and spun around.

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