Chapter 11- Desicions

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*Cleo's POV*

I woke up in the middle of the night and sat up. Something was wrong.
"Oh my god, blood." I said shakily.
"Kellin. Wake up." I shook him.
"What's wrong babe?" he asked.
"Drive me to the hospital." I said grabbing some clothes and changing quickly. We walked out into the hall fast.
"Where are you two going?" Dan appeared behind us.
"The hospital." I said.
"I'm coming." Dan said grabbing his jacket and we jumped into the car.

"We need to get a doctor." Kellin said nervously as we approached the desk. I explained and they pushed me away to a hospital room. They ran a few tests but I already knew the answer. They let Kellin and Dan into the room with me. They hugged me and sat down beside me. A doctor came in and leaned against the counter. He gave us all a sad look and I turned my attention back to my hands.
"Give it to us straight." I muttered.
"You had a miscarriage. I'm sorry but the baby died." the doctor left us. I stared blankly at my hands and let a few tears fall. Kellin grabbed my hand and held it tightly. I got changed back into my clothes and we headed home.
I saw Anna sitting out on the front steps with Vic and Ally and they stood up as we got out.
"Chloe I'm so sorry." Ally said hugging me tightly.
"I just wanna be alone right now." I said pushing past them and went into my room. I cleaned up and flopped down onto the fluffy sheets. I cried.

I woke up a couple hours later at around one in the afternoon. everyone was out in the living room watching TV. I went over and sat on Kellin's lap throwing my legs over Dan's lap. Kellin stroked my hair and we were all silent. I fell asleep again only to wake up to the smell of Chinese. I ate quietly along with every one else. A cloud of sadness hung around everyone.

I crept out of bed when I was positive Kel was asleep. I threw on a beanie and a sweatshirt and walked down to the liquor store. Hey, I'm legal drinking age. Don't judge. I pulled open the heavy glass door and just grabbed the one I always saw my brother get. I payed and walked back. I got some weird looks from people on the street. I was known around town as Kellin Quinn's girlfriend. Which was true but the looks people gave me were haunting, like I wasn't what they expected. I unlocked the door quietly and went into the Kitchen.
And I drank.
And drank, an drank.

Yes, I'm stupid. I stumbled to bed and fell asleep. then I woke up with a massive headache. I looked around. Kellin was still asleep an I didn't hear anyone awake. I checked my phone and saw I got an email.
I got the job! They said for me to be prepared for at least seven drawings a week. I was okay with that.

And so the week goes on like normal and Dan and Ally decide to stay longer. Every night I snuck out and bought more liquor, I was addicted.

It was a Monday night and everyone was asleep except for Kellin who was out with his band. I was on the floor of my room with three empty bottles around me and one half full one in my hand. I heard the door open and close.
"Cleo what the hell are you doing?" Kellin asked as he walked into the room setting his jacket down.
"What the hell does it look like, if you don't like it mind your own fucking business." I said.
"Calm down-" he began.
"I don't wanna fucking calm down!" I stood up. I couldn't think straight all I knew was that I was pissed. He nodded.
"Well I'll be on the couch if you need me." He walked out. I sat back on my floor and finished my drink.

The next morning I woke up, tucked in my bed. I jumped in the shower because my hair smelled like alcohol and found Kellin asleep on the couch. A pang of pain hit my heart, knowing that we wouldn't have our baby that we had talked so fondly about killed me. It was killing him too. We barely looked at each other now. We didn't cuddle when we slept anymore, we didn't have that same feeling we had a couple weeks ago. I had different thoughts about him now. I still loved him, but it wasn't the same anymore.
After I got out of the shower I went into the kitchen were Kellin was hearing up some coffee.
" about last night." I said. I faintly remember yelling at him.
"No problem, I understand." he pulled me into a hug and kissed me. It wasn't the same either. I walked back and sat on my bed. I was thinking. There wasn't anything between us anymore. I looked at the promise ring. I sighed. Dan and Ally were leaving in a couple of days. Maybe I'd go to Cali for a little while.

Later on in the day I talked to Ally about it.
"Your going to find boys, love them, then that feelings going to go away. You'll find the perfect person, weather it be Kellin or some other guy." she said. I nodded.
"Can I move in with you guys?" I asked as Dan walked into the guest bedroom. I told him what I had told Ally.
"Sure, so how are you going to tell them?" Dan asked. I shrugged. I walked out into the hallway and pulled Anna aside.
"Lets go on a walk, get Vic." I said.
"What about Kellin?" she asked.
"He's with the band." I said. Vic joined us and we walked around downtown then sat on a bench. I told them my feelings.
"So I'm moving to Cali." I said. Ann's mouth dropped, but then she nodded.
"You sure about this kid?" Vic asked me.
"I'm sure. It's not the same anymore. I'll visit I swear.'' I said.
"How are you going to stay with Kellin?" Anna asked.
"I'm not."

Muahhahahahha cliffhanger, lmao.
So I have decided this book is coming to an end. But who knows I might extend.


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