Chapter 7-Well then,

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*Cleo'a POV*

I hugged my brother when the plane had arrived. Him and Ally were moving today. It was horrible I kept having nightmares about me never seeing either of them again. Then I hugged Ally.

"We'll see you soon hopefully,When I have enough money" I said.

"When we can we will visit you, I promise." Dan said hugging me once more.

"You better go your planes leaving." I pointed out. They hugged me one last time.

"Love you guys." I said sadly. They got on their plane and Vic, Anna, Kellin and I watched their plane fly off. I took a deep breath. Kellin hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

I went back to Kellin's house to help him move the last of his stuff from his apartment. Most of them where boxes of his clothes.

"You may be the only guy I know that has more cloths than the average teenage girl," I laughed. He tossed some more clothes in another box smirking at me. We drove back to my house and we saw Vic and Anna leaving in their car. We waved and started to bring the boxes inside. I pulled opened the dressers and helped fold the clothes. I got bored and turned to look at Kellin who was going through his bags. I rolled one of his shirts into a ball and threw it at him. He turned and smiled playfully at me, taking another shirt and throwing it at me. We went back in forth running around my room throwing cloths at each other. He cornered me and I tried to run past him, but he tackled me onto my bed.

"Think you can get away huh?" He said.

"Yeah kinda." I giggle.

"Oh well I don't think that will be happening anytime soon." He says with a smirk.

"Oh and why is that?" I ask with a flirty look printed on my face. He responded by lowering his body on top of mine and connecting our lips.

*Anna's POV*

When Vic and I entered the house with some boxes, it was rather "Loud".


"Twenty minutes is all we asked for." Vic murmured.

"I feel awkward." I said while walking over to put down the boxes.

"You can turn on the TV to drown them out while I go grab some more boxes if you want." Vic suggested and I just nodded and lean to give him a kiss.

After turning on the TV and turning up the volume all the way to 100 I could still hear Kellin and Cleo being "loud".

Vic came inside to see me sitting on the edge of the couch so he just chuckled while putting down the boxes and walking over to sit next to me on the couch.

"They need to stop." I pretty much shout over the sound of everything in the house.

"Their having fun" Vic responds with a chuckle.

"But Cleo is supposed to be all strict and mom like not all weird and yeah." I yell again which gets a laugh from Vic.

"Maybe she wants to be a mom" he responds.

"No little kids allowed in this house." I yell while standing up to walk outside and Vic follows behind me.

"I'll go tell them to stop." Vic says with one last laugh before going back into the house.

After about five minutes the sound stops and its just the sound of the TV and then Vic walks downstairs and out of the house and gives me a big hug from behind.

"Haha hi are they done?" I ask with a laugh and he just smiles in return.

"Yeah they're pretty embarrassed too so talk about it all the time." He says while spinning me around to face him before giving me a light kiss.

"I'll be sure to do that." I say with a light giggle before walking back into the house to see Kellin and Cleo walk back down stairs with red faces.

*Cleo's POV*

I walked straight into the kitchen grabbing a box of cereal. Well I didn't expect them to be home that soon. I turned around to see Ann standing there crossing her arms.

"Oh don't act like that won't ever happen to you!" I said shoving her. She shoved me back and we laughed. My phone started ringing. I looked down and saw it was my brother.

"Saw anything and I'll hurt you." I told her before answering.


"Hey Chloe we just landed. What have you been up to?" He asked.

"Oh nothing much helping the boys move in-" I started.

"LOTS OF THINGS HAPPENED!" Ann yelled. I jumped up and she sprinted to the living room.

"What is she talking about?" He said.

"Nothing oh hey we are heading into a tunnel." I said trying to end the conversation.

"You sound like your in the kitchen." Dan said.

"How do you know what our kitchen sounds like? Listen I've gotta go talk to you later." I said and we hung up.


So Anna (@summerkiss_1993) wrote like all of this. Bc she was sleeping over my house and I haven't updated so she took the matters into her own hands.

And this part was bound to happen ;)

Any who check her out and I'll have more posted tonight. Thanks!



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