Chapter 10-Visits

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*Cleo's POV*

It was still really stormy out from the hurricane that began two days ago. Everybody was at work or recording except me. I was searching up jobs online that I could do from home. A few had caught my eye once and a while but I wasn't interested. I really wished I hadn't quit school so I could have gotten a job in some animating studio. Then I searched that in Google.
Another thing I've always wanted to do was draw for tattoo shops or draw album covers. So I searched that up.
A tattoo place came up on top and I liked what I saw. I read the page and found a number.

"Downtown Florida Tattoo shop, how can I help you?" A woman said.
"Hi, I was searching up jobs and I saw that your shop was looking for an artist. So I was wondering if there was any applications?" I asked walking around my house a little bit. She asked for my email and a few other things.
"So we know a bit more about you, why would you choose the home station? And give us some background on any schooling?" She asked I hear her pen click.
"Well I'm pregnant so I thought working at home and drawing stuff for customers from home would be the best. I was on my last year of collage but I had to drop out for family reasons." I said. She told me she'd email the application and a few things for me to fill out and bring in.

It got darker but it was only two in the afternoon, and more thunder and lightning appeared. I hated being home alone when power goes out. I sighed and walked into the kitchen to get a drink. something caught my eye and I moved back over to the window. a man. I saw his silhouette as lightning flashed. Must be a neighbor I shrugged and moved over to the fridge and sat back down on the couch.
There was a banging at the front door. I froze and stared at it. Who the hell would be out during the beginning stages of a hurricane? I walked over shakily.
I opened the door a crack.
"Hello?" I said.
"Chloe, my how you've grown." I slammed the door shut and double locked it. He's back. I grabbed my phone and called Kellin.
"Hello?" he said.
"He's h-here. He's back! I'm alone and he's right outside!" I stammered.
"What? I'll be over." he said and the line went dead.

"Why the fuck are you stalking my girlfriend?" I heard Kel yell from outside. I peered out the window and saw Kellin getting out of his car and coming up to my dad who was sitting on my front steps smoking. He stood up slowly and faced Kellin.
"That's my daughter there. I'm here to take her back home and teach her not to run away." he said with an evil grin. Kellin shook his head in disgust.
"You should lay off crack and get the fuck away from here!" Vic pulled up and jumped out of his car.
They yelled back and forth and I watched. then my father strode away, like nothing happened. I ran to the door and whipped it open. I hugged Kellin tightly.
"Thank you. I don't know what he wants with me!" I said. I was scared horribly now.
"If he comes here again we're calling the cops." Kellin said kissing my forehead. Ann came running up to us.
"Lets get inside."

We sat around the kitchen table talking like normal until my phone rang.
"Hey Cleo, I have a surprise!" I heard Dan say from the other line.
"What is it?" I said eagerly.
"We are coming to visit next week!" he said.
"OH! God we need to clean the house, it looks like shit. When are you coming?"
"We should be there Friday night. Is that fine?" He asked.
"Totally, I have something to tell you when you get here too." I said glancing at Kellin.
"Well us too." he said. We talked for a few more minutes then hung up. I decided not to tell him about Dad or else he'd flip shit.
"We need to like really clean this house." I said glancing around at the house. "Dan and Ally are coming in two days for a visit."

*Two Days Later*

I sat in the Airport next to Ann while Vic and Kellin went to get coffees. Dan and Ally's flight was actually coming at 3:30 in the morning so all if us were still half asleep.
"How do you think they are going to react?" I asked Ann. it had almost been a month and I was showing.
"Ally is going to be way too happy, I'm not sure about Dan though." she said with her eyes closed. I looked over out the large window watching planes arrive and disappear into the air. They came back with our coffees and the four of us sat talking about really stupid things.
"Hey wake up." I heard and opened my eyes.
"What..?" I mumbled rubbing my eyes.
"Dan and Ally's plane just landed. Lets head to the gate." Kellin took my hand and we walked over and waited until we saw them. I put an oversized sweater on because it was freezing.
"Cleo!" I heard. Dan ran up and hugged me. I hugged back tightly, then hugged Ally.
Whatever somehow managed to all fit in Vic's car and drove back to our newly clean house.
We ordered pizza and talked about everything that's been going on.
"So we have something to tell you!" I said taking a bite of my pizza.
"Us too, you go first." Ally said.
"I'm pregnant." I said taking another bite of pizza"
"Holy shit you grow up fast." Ally stood up and hugged me.
"Congrats Cleo." My brother sighed. "I trust you won't be like mom and dad." he said hugging me.
"Never. So what about you guys?" I asked.
"Well I'm pregnant too!" Ally said.
"No way! OH! My god. Twining." I laughed and hugged her.


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