Chapter 12- Hearts

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*Cleo's POV*

"Hey Kellin, Can I talk to you?" I asked when Kellin had come home.

"Sure what's up?" he sat beside me on the couch.

"I think we can both say this isn't working well for us. So I'm going to Cali." I said. He gave me a hurt look.

"What? Are we breaking up!" He said.

"Yeah." I said sadly. He looked distraught. I stood up and he followed me.

"But I still love you!" He said.

"I love you too, but It's not working. I'm leaving tomorrow." I said. His heart broke and he gave up trying.

"Fine." He walked out the front door. I sighed and continued packing up my stuff.

The next day Vic and Anna were coming to the airport and Kellin was Out on the couch.

"Can I at least get a hug before you leave?" He said standing up giving me a shy smile. I hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly. He kissed my forehead and I pulled away going into the kitchen. I pulled the ring off of my finger and left it on the counter. I let a tear fall as I walked away from it. It was good while it lasted.

"Thanks for being here you guys." I hugged Vic and Anna before we got on the plane. "Tell Kellin I said bye, I never did." I swallowed.

"Of course. Bye girlie." Ann said hugging me one last time. I joined Ally and Dan as we got on the Plane.

-Two Years Later-

I fell onto the couch after work. I was racking in so much money, I was an artist at a tattoo shop. I in fact even have a tattoo now, a music note on my middle finger. My bank account had over sixty thousand dollars on it. I was planning on getting my own place.

"Hi Aunty Chloe." My nephew mumbled through his plate of Cheerios.

"Hey Shawn! Sup Ally." I said. She smiled at me and I went to grab a snack. The TV in the den was on Palladia and I sat down answering some emails when something caught my attention.

"Ally! I need to go to warped tour tomorrow!" I said. Kellin would be there. I wanted to see him but, what if he had another girlfriend? Then I'd go see Vic.

"Sure, But Cleo, you still love Kellin don't you." She sat down beside me.

"Even after two years I do, I made a huge mistake, would he ever take me back?" I said biting my lip.

"Not sure but you can borrow my car tomorrow." she said.


"Ill be back later!" I yelled. I was leaving to go to warped tour like I did two years ago and I fell in love. I hoped in the car and drove down the street. I made it just in time as Sleeping With Sirens were setting up. I saw Gabe at the tent grabbing something. The others were on stage.

"Yo Gabe!" I yelled. He straightened up and smiled when he saw me. I hugged him.

"Oh good it feels like forever." I said.

"What brings you here!" He said.

"You guys!" I said.

"Kellin still talks about you." He said.

"Really? Does he miss me?" I asked. Gabe nodded.

"I got to go see you later!" he said heading for the stage. I snaked my way to the front and watched. They sang then the last song came.

"So this is a new song, I wrote it about a girl I was in love with- Well I'm still in love with her actually, This songs called, All My Heart." Kellin said. My mouth fell open. Oh god he wrote a song about me. At the end the crowd cheered and they ran off stage. I ran also heading for the tent. I flipped up my hoodie and watched from far away as fans got stuff signed. The fans cleared away and I confronted Kellin who was turned away from me.

"Thanks for the song, I still love you too." I said. He turned around with a confused look then he smiled and laughed.

"Chloe!" He picked me up and spun me around. I hugged him tightly.

"I was wrong. So wrong. I'm so sorry." I said tearing up putting my face into his shoulder.

"I shouldn't have let you get away, I should have done something. What have you been up too?" He asked.

"I got a job, almost over sixty thousand dollars saved, I bought a cat." I said. He laughed.

"Oh you've always wanted a cat. What did you name him?" He asked getting a drink of water.

"Riff. Like a guitar." I said.

"I got that," he laughed. "So will you take me back?"

"The real question is will YOU take me back, I was the asshole." I said.

"Any day."He hugged me. "Will you move back?"

"Probably, I'd have to go back to Dan's place first anyway, but I'd have to go home by plane right? Since your on tour." I asked.

"Nope this is our last stop you can come back on the bus with us." He said. I smiled.

"Oh god I'm stuck on a bus with you five? I can live with it. When do you go back?" I asked.

"Two weeks. Can you last?" he joked.

"Maybe." I said. He laughed. We talked for another hour then I headed home to pack. I couldn't believe he would take me back after I was such a Bitch to him. The next two weeks flew by and early Monday morning Kellin came to get me.

"I'm so happy you two are back together! This time forever right?" Ally said.

"Hopefully." I took his hand. Dan came walking up with Shawn in his arms.

"Who's that daddy?" He asked. Kellin knelt down to his level.

"That's your uncle Kellin." I said.

"Hi Uncle Kellin!" Shawn said then ran away with a toy truck. I laughed. We grabbed the last of my stuff and said goodbye.

"Thanks for letting me stay!'' I told them and we left with hugs.

When I got on the tour bus I was gladly greeted by everyone.


its short and its a filler I know, but its an important filler.

WHOOOOOOOO two chaps in one day!

So on the side bar is the song All My Heart, which I'm pretty sure you've all heard but still... And yes I know All My Heart came out a while ago but lets just pretend that it was just written Kay (:



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