Chapter 4~ Not Expecting That...

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*Cleo's POV*

It had been two weeks since Kellin and I had began dating. Anna'a parents kicked we out of her house so Dan let her move in. Ally and Ann had managed to keep the secret of Kellin and I away from Dan.

It was around nine when I got a text message I rolled out of bed to read it.

It was Kellin.

K: breakfast?


K:I'll be over in ten.

C: k see you!

I crawled out of my bed and opened my curtains. It was rainy out. I sighed and went to the guest bedroom where Anna was asleep. I pushed her off of her bed an she hit the ground with a thud.

"I'm awake." She said standing up. I laughed.

"Good. I'm going to breakfast with Kel, you wanna come?" I asked. I knew she felt like the third wheel when she was with us, but I hated leaving her alone.

"No thanks." She said.

"I was always wondering, what do you do while I'm gone?" I asked.

"Oh... Well... I... Watch TV, work on drawings, you know and go on walks." She shrugged walking out to the kitchen.

"Oh ok." I said following her. I made us some coffee and walked into my room. I threw on my jeans and black Breaking Benjamin shirt and walked back to the kitchen. There was a knock at the door and I hopped up to get it.

"Hey." I said and let Kellin in. He hugged me and kissed my cheek. We went into my kitchen to tell Ann we were leaving. She was already gone from the kitchen.

"Bye!" I yelled. I think Ally was upstairs.

"Wait is your boyfriend here I want to meet him!" She yelled down an I heard her come down the stairs. I had forgotten she hasn't met him yet. She came down the stairs.

"Kel this is my sister-in-law, Ally, Ally this is Kellin." I said. They said hi too each other and the three of us started talking. Then Ally got a text.

"Your brothers on his way home." She said.

"Alright well we're out, bye." I said. We left and drove to a Friendly's.

*Ann's POV*

I left the house through the back door as Cleo went to get the door. While those two weeks had gone by I had started to hang out with Vic. Well more like dating him. We wanted to keep quite for a while. As I walked downtown I saw him leaning against the fountain. I walked faster.

"Hey." He said when he saw me and he hugged me.

"Hi." I replied with a smile. We walked around for a little while then it started to Rain. We headed for cover at the coffee shop down the road. While we were there we got breakfast as well.

"Hey, since theres not a lot we can do, wanna head back to Chloe's place and watch some movies?" I asked when I finished my coffee.

"Would she care?" He asked.

"Nope." Because I knew she wouldn't. We got up and headed back down the street.

*Cleo's POV*

We walked out of Friendly's and made our way to Kellin's car before the girl that was stalking us caught up.

"Does that always happen?" I asked as I turned to see her looking around.

"Every single time I try to go somewhere." He said as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked.

"I dunno. What do you want to do?" I said. He shrugged. So we drove around for a couple minutes.

"Hey lets go back to my place and watch some movies!" I said. We drove for another few minutes to my house. I saw the Tv on in my living room. And two figures on the couch.

Then I heard Anna laugh. Who else would be in there with her? I looked over to Kellin and he shrugged. I opened my door and we both stood in the doorway. I was really confused.

"Wait what?" I said. It was Vic and Anna on the couch watching movies. They turned around.

"You see that too right?" I asked.

"Yup." Kellin replied.

I walked into the living room.

"So this I what happens when I'm gone." I said snapping my fingers. Ann jumped up.

"Well uh yeah." She said.

"Well hey Vic." I said. " how long this been going on?"

"Two weeks."

Then I heard someone coming down the stairs. Kellin and I whipped around. Low and behold.

"Oh hey Dan!" I said. He looked down at mine and Kellin's locked hands.

"Hey an what the hell." He said.

"Hey Dan this is Kellin an that's Vic." I said nonchalantly. "I'm dating him and she's dating him." I said.

His face was mad.

"Well I'll see you later babe." He kissed me then left.


Gah this sucks and it's short.

*shame face*

-DragonGirl54 (fuck it im not gonna change my name anymore in these from like forever ago but im now xComaBabyx so whatever)

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