Chapter 5~ Damn Touring

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I've got a special chapter now to make up for the really short one and not uploading until late at night. So this is a long emotional chapter. Enjoy! 


*Cleo'a POV*

-Two weeks later-

I couldn't sleep for some reason last night, I kept waking up. I laid in bed as I heard my brother get up and get ready for work. Then Ally started the washer machine. It must have been around six in the morning. I was thinking about getting up and helping Dan with breakfast but after that day he was mad and hasn't talked to me. I heard the front door open and close then voices faded. I sighed and jumped up walking into the living room. I was still hung up on why Ann hadn't told me sooner about her and Vic.  

I watched Tv until around eight when I got bored and decided to go on a walk. The streets were already busy at this time. I walked past a Hot Topic and saw about three girls looking at me. I swallowed and walked a little faster. Then I heard some mumbled voices and turned my head slightly to see behind me, and there they were. I kept walking trying not to pay attention. I turned down streets to see if they really were following me. And they were. I finally stopped and turned around. 

"Why the hell are you following me?" I asked. The three of them stood around me. Almost like a horror movie. 

"You look familiar." One of them said. 

"Well I live around here, so that gives you guys a reason to stalk me?" I said. 

"No we've seen you in a magazine before." Another said. 

"Well you probably have the wrong girl." I said pushing through them. 

"Nope it looks like you." The first one said, I turned around and they were looking at a magazine. I walked over and they handed it to me.  

It was a picture of Kellin and I when we were walking home a couple of days ago, hand in hand. 

"Oh. It does look like me." I said. Biting my lip. I handed it back to the girls. 

"Well is it you? Are you dating Kellin Quinn?" Another said. They appeared to be like thirteen and wanting to know. I leaned down so I was closer to them. 

"It is me and yes." I smiled at them. "Sorry about snapping at you I don't like people following me." 

They freaked out and asked me for a picture. I was a little confused. But I said ok. I wasn't famous, and I was dressed pretty shitty. They took the picture than left. When I was about to walk away a black SUV pulled up beside me. Great a murder van. 

"Hey bitch!" I heard I looked as the window rolled down. 

"Hey copper top!" I said. "Hey Jack!" I leaned on the passenger door. 

"What are you doing?" Jack asked. 

"Taking a walk, how about you guys?" I asked. 

"Going to go get some coffee for the gang you wanna come?" Jesse asked. 

"Sure!" I said and hopped in the back. We got the coffees and drove back to their tour bus. 

"We picked up a hitch hiker." Jack said as we walked into the small area. 

"Hello people." I walked in shutting the door behind me. Almost instantly someone hugged me from behind and spun me around. 

"Hey princess." Kellin said. I turned around to hug him. 

"Hey Kel."  

"Awww." I heard another girl in their with us. I turned my head and saw Ann sitting on the couch with Vic. 

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