St. Particks day

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I really like St. Patrick's Day. I just always have. It reminds me of some of the reasons why I'm so lucky. We are all very lucky people in some way. I feel like I am lucky because 1)right now, I could still be in Oklahoma away from the my family and friends, and away from Minnesota, an incredibly beautiful state, where I've grown up most of my life. 2)I am alive today. I was just a few hours away from death when the umbilical cord was around my neck and the water broke before I was born. 3)I live in America. America compared to many other countries is amazing. We have food, mostly all clean water, less poverty than many other places, electricity, and we are free. Yes, America does have flaws. But what country doesn't?4) my parents are still alive today. There has been many close calls with my parents. Suicide, actual murder and a really bad car crash that very nearly killed my dad a few months before I was born. 5)I have amazing friends. They are all actually more like my family. I love them all so much.

So, those are just 5 reasons why I am a lucky person today. What are yours?

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