Chapter One

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"How could you do this?" she whispered. I cried.

"I'm so sorry!" Tears streamed freely down my face and i wanted to scream.

Life sucked sometimes, but we all learned to live with it. In this case i didn't want to live with it. I wanted to curl up and die right there in the middle of the road. Her body was bloodied and a huge gash marred most of her face.

Her blue eyes were starting to film over and i knew i was losing her. I squeezed her shoulders and i cried more and more. No, I only just found her. She was my best friend and if anything had ever happended to her, i would die. But at this point, my promise was looking more like a reality.

"Destynie, stay with me, please!" I shook her gently, my body wracking with sobs. "There's so much i haven't told you!" i whispered.

"I love you, Melinda. You were always my best friend. Sisters till the end, remember that? In fifth grade? We pinky swore and everything. Hold that promise for me?" she asked. I nodded, despite my dispair. She cries. "I love you." she whispered before her eyes fluttered shut.

"Desi, don't go. Please?" The panic had evaded and i just tried to hold my heart together during her last few moments. All my fault, it was all my fault.

I never thought life would suck so much. I lied. I can't live with it. Every time i think of Destynie, my heart breaks a little more and i want to curl up in a ball and cry until my tearducts couldn't produce any more salty water. I missed her blonde curls and blue eyes. I missed her splotchy red cheeks and her way of explaining stupid things. I missed her laugh, and her jokes. But most of all, i missed my best friend.

Destynie and i planned to grow old by each other's sides. To raise a family and to get married. It never would happen for her. She was dead to the world as far as anyone knew. I just hoped she was somewhere where she wanted to be.

For months i didn't eat, i barely slept, but i cried. I cried a lot. It seemed like the dam that had held me together had broken and i couldn't do anything but sit in my room and cry. Spring passed, so did summer. And fall. Winter came, and i couldn't help but be reminded of her death. The death of my best friend.

That night, we were in a car, on our way to the movies. Laughing and telling jokes back and forth.

Her laugh filled the car and i smiled.

"I'm totally serious! He was drooling everywhere!" she giggled. Her eyes never swayed from the road, considering the asphalt was slick with black ice and her windsheild wipers were on full blast to dodge the oncoming snowflakes.

"Eww!" i squealed. I could picture it. Johnny Rodes' braces up in my face and his big eyes staring at me hungrily. I could feel her pain. Johnny wasn't the most attractive guy, but he was sweet and at least deserved a lttle attention from Destynie. Especially since he had a huge crush on her.

"I know! But i couldn't back out. Everyone would have called me a sissy!" she said. I laughed.

"No one thinks you're a sissy, D. You're too strong and serene to be called a sissy." i said.

She shrugged. "I know, but it's not an image i want to start for myself. So i sucked it up and pushing all my personal morals aside, i kissed him square on the nasty drooling mouth." She shuddered. I grinned.

"That bad?" i asked. she shook her head.

"You don't know the half of it." She laughed and i couldn't help but join in. Destynie had this thing about her that made her laugh contagious and you always feel the sudden urge to hug her. She was just one of those people.

"So how about you? I hear you ran off with Dan Svenson..." she probed. I shrugged.

" There's nothing to tell, except he made a move at me and i politely told him off."  I said nonchalantly.

"Nothing? You think that's nothing?" she asked looking from the road to me.

"Nothing." i nodded.

"Bullshit, now tell me what actually happened." she said. I couldn't argue. She knew me too well.

"We met up, he pulled me aside, asked me out, and i turned him down. That's it. Nothing more." i said, miming zipping my lips.

"Now tell me what you said. Every word." she scolded. i sighed.

"Fine, he asked me out and i didn't just say no. I said fuck no. Happy?" i asked. Destynie tsked.

" You think I'm happy? Linda, you haven't had a boyfriend since ninth grade after Jason Whicker broke it off because he wanted to be with Brooke Hall. I can't believe you said no to Dan. He's a total hottie. What was possibly going through your head?" she asked.

"He has a big nose." she glared at me. I raised my hands in surrender. "It's true!" i defended. She sighed and shook her head.

"You're so picky." she said. I nodded in agreement.

"Just don't look at it as picky. Look at it as...waiting for the perfect guy." i said. She rolled her eyes.

"Perfect guy my ass, there's no such thing!" she said

i disagreed. "Is too! And how would you know? Have you ever looked for one?" i asked she scoffed.

"Of course not."

"Then how do you know?" i asked.

" I just do, okay? If the perfect guy existed then there would be no such thing as imperfection. Just like if you or I were perfect, what would make us special?" she asked rehtorically.

"Our care. That's what makes us special. The fact that we care about each other. In the end, that's all that matters." I said. i had a faint sense of deja vu and suddenly, two bright lights blinded me. And i fell.

I had been lucky enough to only get out of the accident with a concusion and a few stitches. Destynie though, lost her life. The empty seat in my classes brutally reminded me of my prior sophmore year.

It was horrible, to see that so few people cared about Destynie. I always thought everyone loved her as much as i did. She didn't deserve to be lost on that cold black pavement. She didn't deserve to die at the age of sixteen. She just didn't. Destynie was a good person, and if God was real, he wouldn't have meant for something like that to happen to a person as sweet as her. God has some serious issues and a cruel way of expressing humor.

I looked outside and watched the first snowflake fall.

"Humor me, God. Humor me." i said.

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