Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up the next morning, and all I could think was....why does the ceiling look weird? I sat up on my elbows and rubbed my eyes sleepily. There was my same dresser, and I was in the same bed, and I had the same curtains up, but everything was in the wrong place. I looked around blearily and then it all came rushing back, the pleasant dream faded away quickly.

A knot of excitement curled in my stomach. I was on my own! I had money in the bank, I was getting a job, I had a car, and I was doing great in school....I'd also kissed the guy of my dreams!

Wait a second.

My dreams? What the hell?

Sure, I'd had a couple dreams about Jonah every once in a while, but I didn't think too much of them, especially when I was teasing around with Cole and kissing him and stuff. My heart fluttered.

Still, where did I come up with this "guy of my dreams" nonsense? Cole wasn't right for me, and I saw that now. But I wasn't entirely sure Jonah was either.

Should I really be doubting myself?

I rolled over and sat up, swinging my legs out of the bed. I practically skipped to the bathroom and I opened the door.

"Woah! Hey!" Jonah said, covering his man parts. I covered my eyes and backed out of the bathroom with a "sorry!"

When I was alone with my back to the door, I felt like my heart was going a mile a minute.

"What the hell?" I mumbled. I tried to calm my racing heart.

I ran over the events of last night. I knew I didn't sleep with him, I'm almost positive that I would have remembered if that happened.

So what was he doing here?

"Jonah?" I called to the other side of the door.

"Uh...yeah?" he said. I could almost see the blush on his face.

"What are you doing in my apartment?" I asked. He chuckled.

"You fell asleep during the movie last night, and I carried you to bed. I didn't sleep in the bedroom, I promise!" He defended. I smiled.

"Then what are you doing in my bathroom?" I asked. I thought I heard him chuckle again.

"Well, I used the other one earlier, and for some reason it flushed and then over flowed and wouldn't stop flushing, so I pulled the system. I'll fix it later, don't worry." As if on cue the toilet flushed and he stepped out, almost knocking me on my butt, seeing as I hadn't moved away from the door. "And I had a glass of water and really had to pee, so I snuck in while you were sleeping to use your bathroom." he blushed and had a smal smile on his face. I suddenly became very self concious of what I was wearing and looked down.

A thin tank top and booty shorts, without a bra. My cheeks burned red.

His gaze drifted up and down.

"I kinda like this look. You should wear it more often." I looked him up and down, he was shirtless and only wearing his low slung jeans. My mouth watered and I looked away.

"Y-you should probably go put more clothes on..." I said, my face turning redder.

He stepped closer.

"You don't like the view?" He asked. I shook my head.

"It's not that I don't like it....I just don't think you should be walking around shirtless all the time, Cole could show up any time." He stepped closer and the back of my legs hit the edge of my bed.

"Didn't you just tell me last night that you wanted to be with me?" He asked, his hand reaching up to cup my face. I wanted to lean into it and kiss his palm, but I faught the urge with every cell in my body.

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