Chapter Fifteen

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I rolled over out of bed, teetering on the edge of the floor and my mattress. I shifted my weight a little and thwump! I stared up at the ceiling of my bedroom.
My bedroom; of course it wouldn't be that way after today. It would be an extra bedroom. For guests, and not my mother's daughter; not for me.
With a groan I sat up on my arms, looking around. It was still semi-dark outside and I could just barely make out the numbers on the clock on the other side of the room.
6:37 am it flashed. Groaning even louder, I got up on to my feet and pulled off my pajamas. I vaguely remember last night. Of course, it could have all been a dream. Meeting Darren, kissing Jonah, singing to a large crowd of people....defying Cole. It could have been a total dream, one my subconcious just made up while I was asleep.
I pulled out a new bra and underwear and yanked on a simple thick strapped tank top and basic flare jeans. I brushed out my hair and tied it back, to keep it out of my face for the move.
I packed up the last of my clothes and carried a few boxes downstairs to my car. The movers would be here at nine to get the big stuff and the extra boxes. I took down four out of my ten boxes and put two in the trunk and two in the back seat. I decided I could fit one more in the front passenger seat if I moved my suitcase to the back seat.
Once I had my car full I pulled out of the drive and went to my new apartment.

I walked in and was incredibly surprised. The clean carpet made the walls look cleaner and the tile in the bathrooms and the kitchen really improved its appearance.
I had cleaned the walls the best I could yesterday and I seemed to have done a decent job. I set down the boxes in the back room and heard the door bell ring.
I answered it and saw about five to ten movers.
"We're here to make a delivery to a Melinda?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. He held out a form and I signed it.
"We have a couch, and dining room table with chairs." he said. I nodded.
"Right this way!" I told them where I wanted the couch and the table and they obediently did it.
I liked the way everything was set up, it felt like home already.
I picked up around the place and deep cleaned in places we missed. The doorbell rang about an hour later. It was the rest of the movers with my things. I had them put the bedroom things in the back and my desk in the extra room.
The day before I put out an add for a roomate and have gotten about three emails. Although I haven't had time to read them.
When everything was moved, and the movers were gone, I collapsed on my couch.
The apartment looked really nice. All the furniture had been placed correctly and I was happy.
I unpacked about three boxes when my stomach growled really loud. I hadn't gone grocery shopping yet so it looked like I'd have to go get my food.
I grabbed my shoes and coat and keys and walked out.
It was sunny outside with a light cool breeze floating around. It felt an awful lot like the day Destynie had died, before the snow blew in. I climbed into my car and drove out of the lot, turning at the entrance and driving to the nearest Shari's. I remembered when we went to the lake one summer, after she got back from travelling.

We were in eighth grade and I had strived all summer to achieve a swim suit worthy body for our weekend at the lake. Destynie came with us, like all trips.
We were sitting beach side, watching Rachel and Maggie play with Vannessa.
"You're lucky you have sisters. I hate being an only child." I scoffed.
"They get on my nerves a lot. Sometimes I wish I was an only child. It gets really annoying when they won't leave you alone." I said.
"It gets lonely being all alone. I mean, sure it's nice sometimes but you always feel like you're missing something, someone to talk to." I looked over at Rachel.
"I never have anyone to talk to." She chuckled.
"And why not?" She asked.
"Well, I'm the misfit in our family. It's like they don't pay attention to me, or even acknowledge my existance. I'm just....there. And they can't get rid of me. I think they'd sell me out first chance they got, or had a reason to anyway." I said. She pulled her sunglasses down and looked over at me.
"They wouldn't sell you out." She said, quite confident that they wouldn't.
I thought about Michael. My mom and him had been married for about two years, however long Vannessa's been around. She's two now.
"One of them wouldn't even hesitate." I said. She looked at me curiously.
"Who?" She asked.
"I pulled off my glasses and looked up at the sun, setting lower in the sky. We'd have to go back to the campsite soon, just so we didn't get eaten to death by bugs.
"Michael. And my mom would back him up, being the faithful wife she was."  I sneered.
I hated how my mother always succumbed to whatever Michael had wanted or thought. It annoyed me, made me think like I wasn't part of the family. I was just the annoying child that couldn't go anywhere or accomplish anything. I was the misfit, the one they never bothered to include into anything.
"What happened to her by the way? She used to be the perfect second mother." Destynie said. I looked over at her.
"That's what I've been wondering ever since she got married to him." I said. Destynie was quiet for a while.
"I really miss my mom." She said. Her parents had split back in third grade and she rarely got to see her mother. There were some complications with her dad and step mom. They resented her mother. And Destynie had been fighting to live with her for a long time.
"I know." I patted her hand. Trying to comfort her at least a little bit.
The rest of the weekend was spent lakeside and fun, without the adults.

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