Chapter Nine

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I followed Melinda out of the classroom. Even though she threw away that note and didn't answer my question, I still followed her. Stopping of course to pick up the scraps of paper she tossed in the trash. I wasn't finished with this note, at least not yet.

I stared after her retreating figure as she walked the opposite direction to her locker. She seemed so frail and alone, even when I met her, she appeared lost to everyone, unable to feel again; hopless.

I'd say I liked her, felt feelings for her, but I was unsure about it. She deffinately had something in her that no other girl had.

I could list all the things that I like about her. But I won't do that, at least not yet. I had plans for her and me. I had a way of making everything right itself. It was going to take some time, that much I knew. She would need to figure things out for herself eventually, and maybe she'd even be pissed at me.

I didn't want her to belong to anyone else. There was just something right about her being with me. I felt like I could be myself around her, without fear of anyone judging.

There was one person I didn't like that I knew would ruin everything I've been trying build. Cole. Just saying his name made my chest tighten in anger. I wanted him gone. He didn't deserve to be a part of her life. He wasn't here when she needed a person in her life to care for her. He wasn't here to help her when she needed it, like the incident in the parking lot the other day.

He was just a cold, heartless boy who wanted to ruin her life. To get in her pants even. I didn't like it when he came up to me the other day.

"Hey, you're Melinda's friend right?" He asked with a small smile. He looked out of place, awkward and a little embarassed.

"Yeah, who are you?" I asked; Instantly gaurded and preparing for the worst to come.

"My name is Cole. I used to go to school with Melinda." He stuck out his hand and I reluctantly shook it.

"Nice to meet you." I gave him a fake smile and wondered what he could possibly want.

"I was just Melinda single?" He asked, looking a bit sheepish. A light pink tinged his cheeks and he glanced away from my eyes. I stared at him, sizing him up.

"You're that boy that was playing in the mud the other day. Aren't you one of Amanda's friends?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, I'm actually her cousin." He admitted. I nodded.

"Yeah, I see the resemblance. So I'm sorry but what was your question again?" I asked.

"Um...Do you know if Melinda is single?" he asked. Before I could answer he apparently felt the need to explain himself.

"It's just that I've had my eye on her for a while and I didn't really want to make a move at her when she was going throught that rough patch with her friend Destynie. I thought it would have been horrible of me to go after a girl who was still mourning the death of a best friend." He looked kind of sad and I could see a little pain in his gaze. Mixed with love and compassion. He really fell for her, didn't he?

"Well she is, but I don't know if she's into someone else." I just wanted this kid to go away. I wanted him to stop reminding me of the pain that Melinda went through. I mean, we are guys, but we're not that heartless. No guy is. We just tend to not be so mushy because we don't trust people with our fragile hearts. You call it a player, we call it a way to find the right girl.

Although there are some exceptions to the guy population.

I watched his reaction.

"Do you think she would go out with me, just out of curiosity?" he asked. I immediately bristled at the comment.

"Maybe, I don't know her type." I said. He nodded and shrugged.

"What would it hurt to at least try? Oh well, I'll catch you later, thanks man." He clapped me on the shoulder and walked towards Melinda's general direction. I caught her eye and smiled. Then as fast as I could I whipped out my phone.

Don't trust Cole, he just wants to get into your pants.



I spun the combination into my locker and grabbed next periods books. I was reluctant to go to class so I lounged in the hallway for a while. A little freshman ran past and then skidded to a stop.

"Hey Jonah, did you hear? Marshall was beat up by Cole! Then Melinda left with him. I can't believe it, someone actually beat up Marshall!!!" He ran away, probably to tell all his other freshman friends and I was left standing alone in an empty hallway.

I decided that I couldn't let her go.

I ran to the other side of the school, passing by a defeated Marshall clutching his groin and crying profusely.

I slammed through the doors outside just in time to see Cole's car dissapear around the corner. All I felt as I went back inside minutes later was hatred towards the one and only Cole.

A/N okay so I'm sorry this chapter is so short, I thought I'd let you guys have a look into Jonah's head. Pretty freaky stuff right? Does he like her? Does he not? Well obviously we can all see his dislike towards Cole. Do you really think Cole's that much of a bad boy now? I think he's kinda like a giant teddy bear. Just like my guy friends haha!! they're all softies as far as I'm concerned. :D so a few questions.

1) would you all like a look into Cole's mind?

2) Do you think there's more going on than we think?

3) should I tell you about what happened between Melinda's mom and Michael?

4) Can you tell I like M names??

haha! anyway that's all for now! vote comment, add to your reading list I don't care!! But please could you tell your friends about my story if you like it? I'm thinking about changing it to kind of a romance story 'cause I think that's where it's headed!! haha <3 you my fans!!!


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