Chapter Twelve

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Melinda was silent as we drove to the nearest apartment building that had a vacant spot for her. She seemed more than a little distant and reserved. As if deep in thought. I smiled over at her and she caught it out of the corner of her eye, smiling back.
I thought I maybe liked her, more than a friend that is. She was pretty with her dark hair and knowing eyes. She was funny, and smart, and most of all, she was kind. Cole did nothing but irritate me. He drove me insane because all I could do was watch her begin to fall for his smile and looks. I was almost positive he just wanted in her pants.
Although I have been wrong on more than one occasion. Melinda wasn't sad anymore. I think it had more to do that she wasn't alone and by herself a lot of the time. I also believed that moving away from her family is helping as well.
We pulled into an apartment complex, it looked nice, and not very expensive, although I think she might have to give up appearance for price.
When we climbed into the car I told her about a job I could get for her and she kindly declined. She wanted to get a job on her own terms.
"This place looks nice." I said. She nodded.
"It does. I'm more worried about the location though. It seems, oh I don't know, a little farther away from school than I'd like." She said. I nodded.
"Well let's go inside and see what they have." I offered. She nodded and we climbed out of the car. I locked it and we walked up to the administration office.

"Well our facility is four star and we have lots of positive reviews from previous renters and I'd be happy to pull that up for you," the lady offered.
"That won't be necessary. I was just curious as to how much a one bedroom apartment would run for on the monthly scale." she said. The lady smiled.
"Well for the one bedroom it is three hundred and fifty dollars for gas, water and rent. Although you are allowed a maximum amount of water usage and electricity before you are charged extra for your use." she stated. She pulled out a blueprint of the apartment and Melinda leaned over to look at it.
The floor plan was only about a thousand or so square feet and had one long hall leading into the living area and branching off to the right towards the master bedroom. The apartment had a one and a half bath with a full kitchen and dining area. The living room was a decent size and the bedroom was as well.
"It looks nice. I like it. What is the age limit for an emancipated minor?" Melinda asked.
"Sixteen at max." the lady said. Melinda nodded.
"Okay, I'll take it. I need to move in this weekend if that would be okay?" She asked. The lady nodded and drew up the paperwork. Melinda signed it with her elegant signature and produced the fee in cash. The lady said she'd see her soon while handing over the key and we left.
Melinda seemed happy and open as we drove around town in my car.
"Well, thanks for coming. I know I should have probably looked around some more but I liked this one. The floor plan looked roomy. At least she showed us a couple pictures. I'm nervous to see what the apartment is like because if it's all disgusting I'm going to have to clean it." She laughed. I looked over at her.
"I'll help you clean. It's no big deal, and besides it's your new place, who else is going to help you move furniture?" I asked. She smiled.
"The movers. You really don't have to help with anything, it's just a little cleaning and bringing in extra boxes that didn't make the move in the truck." she said waving it off.
"Melinda, I want to help. What's with you and this modesty thing? It has to go." I smiled and she punched me lightly on my arm. We drove up to the Starbucks where we met and she got out of my car and into her own. I stood up and watched longingly as she started it and waved while backing away.
Her car stopped and she rolled down the passenger window. I walked over and leaned in.
"Mindy's party is in the evening right?" I nodded.
"Well will you help me clean the apartment tomorrow morning at nine?" she asked. I laughed.
"Yeah, of course! I'll see you tomorrow morning." I started to back up and walk away when I heard her yell, "Bring gloves!" and drive away.
I was all smiles when I drove home, just thinking about how amazing tomorrow would be, besides the fact that I had to do chores. But also I was kind of excited that she would have her own apartment. I started to daydream about waking up with her next to me and going into the kitchen to make breakfast...her in my shirt. I quit thinking about those things. She's with Cole, and I still need to figure out how to tear them apart.
It wasn't at all what she'd expect of me, but I decided that her week has been hectic enough. Not to mention that I've never met her family and from what she says they don't sound much like a family. Except for maybe little Vannessa.
I climbed out of my car and walked up to the house, oh how I wish she'd just look my way.


I had been at home playing Modern Warfare 3 and listening to heavy metal rock music to get my mind off of melinda, so far my attempts were failing miserably. I threw my Xbox controller down and stood up to go find a snack in the kitchen. I hated Jonah, and the fact that he's so protective of Melinda. Is he her boyfriend? I didn't think so! Is he her brother? Nope! Does he like her? Well, that's the one thing he won't admit. Even though it's obvious.
Being with her this afternoon had made me feel happy and completely level headed unlike how I felt on previous occasions. Or like right now.
Jonah was just someone I'd have to push out of her life forcibly if she won't do it herself. I'll make him jealous, and wish that he never even fell for her.
I made a sandwich and sat at the kitchen table, lost in thought.
He must really like her to be threatening me. Although it should really be the other way around. I chewed quietly, wanting to badly to just get rid of him and be done with it. It just wouldn't, couldn't be that easy. He was too close to Melinda, and I knew she'd suspect me without a seconds thought. Especially since she likes him back. She won't admit it, but I can see it. She didn't like me as much as she did him. I'd have to change her mind. I'd have to show both of them that it would only end in disaster if they were to be together. I'll have to make sure that Melinda stays with me, and only me. I had to. I just had to.


After getting all the paperwork in order I drove back to my house to begin packing. I had picked up some boxes from a friend and carried them up to my room. Vannessa came running in.
"Lindy!!" she sqealed, "I've missed you so so so so so so so so much!!" she wrapped her little arms around my hips and squeezed.
"Hey there short stuff. Wanna help me pack up my stuff?" I asked. Vannessa nodded and skipped up the stairs beside me.
"You could come visit me sometime. We'd have lots of fun, play boardgames and watch Dora." I suggested. Vannessa laughed and nodded so much that her little curls began to fall off to the side and out of the bow in her hair holding it all back.
I laughed and we folded and filled boxes, not to mention putting aside a few sets of clothes for the days before I could unpack. After we had packed a majority of it all we sat at the computer and looked through different kinds of furniture for my house. I decided on a light blue couch and some yellow throw pillows for the living room and a dark brown oak tv stand for the flatscreen sitting on the dresser in my bedroom. I picked a nice brown rug with yellow in it and also a few wall hangings to compliment it all. I got some new light fixtures and a beautiful dark furnished dining room table with six chairs. The rest I decided I'd have to go get at Wal-Mart or something. I already had a bed and table to match but I still need kitchen supplies along with cleaning stuff and food.
It was 10:30 and I looked over to see Vannessa zonked out on the extra pillow on my bed. Her little cheeks pressed against the pillow and her curls spilling in waves around her small delicate face. I loved her so much, I actually felt sorry for the fact that she was stuck here with mom and Michael.
I pulled her little shoes off and slid her gently under the covers of my bed. She didn't stir in the least. I shut down my laptop after ordering the furniture and sending it to the new address and put away my laptop. My life was changing, but I couldn't be sure if it was a good change or a bad one. I was banking on the good change but things could still take a turn for the worst. I shut the light off and climbed in bed next to Vannessa, at least, if things did take a turn for the worst I still had people like Vannessa and Cole.

And I hated to admit it, but Jonah too.

A/N thank you! All of you! I appreciate your support and I'm very happy you enjoy She Cries! I'm thinking...Potential Watty Awards?? HUh? Leave a comment and tell me what you think!!! ;) happy Tuesday!!!

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