Chapter Five

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At lunch, I quickly ran out to the courtyard on the South side of the school, hiding my face from anyone who dared to look at me. I really didn't care about that senior. She wasn't important to me. I know I overreacted. I just snapped at a snide comment and I honestly didn't know what got into me.

I found a semi-dry bench beneath a large oak tree and sat down with my sack lunch in hand. The sky was still really cloudy, and the wind blew gently. As much as I hate to admit it, I was freezing, but it was better to freeze than go back inside and be stared at. People still haven't gotten over the little fight I had with the senior and I really wished they would just go back to ignoring me, that would make things a lot easier for me.

I sat on the bench, tucking my feet under me to keep my jeans from getting soaked and opened my sack lunch and stared at the ridiculous contents. A bag of carrots, and a cheese stick. Whatever happened to my daily homeade cupcake? There wasn't even a sandwich! I frowned and wondered how the hell this was classified as a lunch.

Dear M,

No more cupcakes! Your doctor is getting mad at me for loading you up with sugar. Healthy eating is good for you! Have a nice day!



I sighed and munched on a couple carrots while I waited for the lunch bell to ring; signaling that it was time to return to class.

I heard muted footsteps behind me along with the sloshing of much and rotting leaves and I looked over my shoulder to see Jonah shuffling through the muck in my direction. I groaned inwardly and looked down at my pathetic lunch. Good thing I didn't have much in my stomach, otherwise I think I would have puked with nervousness. Jonah sat down on the other side of the bench; ignoring the splattering of water on the seat.

He was quiet for a moment before he spoke.

"Would you mind explaining what your little episode was about a couple weeks ago?" he asked. I blushed and looked up at him. This was the first time we had actually had a conversation in a long time and it felt amazing to hear his voice in the silent afternoon. I basked in the deep undertone internally, then shook myself. Don't be an idiot Melinda!

"I don't know, she just triggered a sensitive spot." I waved it off but he didn't seem to buy it.

"Melinda, are you sure you're okay?" he asked. I shrugged and frowned down at my lunch again, but we both knew it was to avoid his gaze as well as his question.

"Never been better." I lied.

"Really? Because I don't think that's it. There's something you're not telling me." he said. "I planned on talking to you and spending some time with you and I really wanted you to meet my family and friends. But then you blew up and walked off, so my question is, what the hell happened?" he asked. I shrugged. I picked up an orange carrot stick and nibbled on it, staying silent and looking away pretending to be fascinated with the moss on the trees. Winter was almost over, then spring would come. Only a few more months and then I'm free for a while. I just had to make it for a few more months.

"There's nothing wrong, no matter what crazy idea you've gotten this time." I said with fake innocence. I knew he wasn't buying it, but I kept up with the facade as well as I could.

"I don't believe that. I think there's something underneath there that you're afraid to show me. Just tell me!" he begged. I looked over at him and then turned away, taking a deep breath.

I wanted to tell him, I so did! But I couldn't, or well I didn't want to at the same time. If he knew I probably just scared away my only friend.

I  sighed, annoyed. Then I realized that what I really wanted was to let out the pressure and pent up feelings, so I did. Although at the same time I knew all too well that I shouldn't.

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