Chapter Twenty Two

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One Month Later

My mom sat in her hospital bed, looking weak and like she would crumble to dust any second. The doctors said I only had a few more days with her, but a few more days seemed more like seconds. She sat up her, pale arm reaching for me. Her face looked so white against her blazing red hair that I thought I was seeing some ginger from The Borrowers, a movie I'd watched when I was three.

"Melinda?" I scooted closer and grasped her hand tight.

"I'm here, momma." My mom let two small tears escape from her eyes. I felt like swiss cheese, everyone kept poking large holes into me and I felt weaker and less stable by the minute. Most of all I wanted to cry.

There'd been so much loss in my life that I felt like I was falling apart. My mom clutched my hand tightly prabably using all the strength she had left.

"I want to tell you something, baby." I nodded and allowed her to continue. Nothing, not even losing Destynie, has been as painful as watching my mother become weaker and weaker by the day. I knew she was leaving. I knew she wouldn't ever come back. There were no treatments to help her, the tumor was spreading and I knew she only had a day or two.

"I love you, so much. I love your sisters, Michael, and you all very much. I even love Destynie, though now I'll be with her. I want you to have custody of Vannessa. I had written that in my will, in case Michael argues about it." tears were spilling over her eyes. I tried to hide them and keep them locked in, at least for her.

"There's plenty of money transferred into your savings. I know that you will raise her as well as I should have. Take care of her because she'll need you." It was becoming harder to lock the tears up in my chest. I wanted to sob into my mom's shoulder and beg her not to leave. I wanted her to stay here with me. I was being selfish. But I felt like I had a right to be. I'd worried about everything and everyone else that I didn't allow myself to be selfish and stay with her. I wanted to be selfish now, and I want to for the rest of my life.

"I can't take care of her, mommy." I said quietly. She shook her head.

"You can, and you'll do better than me." She stroked my cheek and a tear escaped from my eyes. I felt angry and sad. I couldn't lose her....I couldn't.

She gripped my hand tighter and rested her arm by her side again. Where her warm hand had just been made my face feel cold.

"I love you so much. Make me proud." A tear escaped from her eye and her eyes fluttered shut. Her grip on my hand weakened until she wasn't even holding on anymore. I was holding on to her.

"Mom..." I whispered, tightening my grip on her hand.

She didn't respond and I felt my chest clenching up.

"Nurse!" I yelled. A middle aged woman ran in and I released her hand and stood, smoothing my slacks. I looked at the heart monitor and it was a straight line. I knew what that meant, when I really wished I didn't. I started to breath shallowly and I felt my chest get even tighter.

She was gone. And I didn't need anyone to tell me that.

One year later...

"Eat your food, Vannessa. You'll be late!" I called to her. She scarfed down the last of her coco puffs and I handed her her blue and brown back pack. She was starting second grade today, and she was already at the top of her class.

It had been a year since mom had passed, and the first two months I was a wreck. Vannessa hadn't fully understood what had happened until I was forced to tell her. She was so much stronger than I ever was.

I kissed the top of her head and she kissed my cheek.

"Have a good day squirt." I smiled and patted her butt as she pranced out the front door. I grabbed her bowl and placed it in the sink when I heard her footsteps come running back. I turned and she plowed into my middle.

"i love you, Lindy." She said into my stomach. I hugged her back.

"I love you, Nessa." I pushed her on her way.

"Now get going, the bus is already at the corner." She ran off and I watched at the front door as she stood behind the other neighborhood kids.

Jonah's arms wrapped around me and he kissed my neck.

"You're doing the right thing.." he muttered. My heart swelled for the guy I loved. I nodded.

"I sure hope so." Jonah was quiet as we watched Vannessa wave and then climb on with the other kids. I was sad, but also happy. She was finally becoming her own person, and I had something to do with that.

Somewhere, I felt Destynie smiling down on me, with all the pride in the world. I missed her terribly, but I've accepted that she was in a better place, with my mother. Sure the last two years had been difficult, but that's what makes life a challenge. And the fact that I didn't wimp out, made it all that much more worth it.

Jonah's arms tightened on my waist and I gazed adoringly at my lifesaver, my hero.

He smiled down at me and pressed his lips to mine.

Life sucks, then we die. But what you make of your sucky life, is how you make it all worth it.

Jonah was the best thing to ever happen to me. And I had never learned more from him than I did when I first met him. Life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

At twenty three years old, Jonah proposed to Melinda.

At Twenty four, she had twins. Two daughters one, she named Destynie, and the other, after her mother, Rissa.

Seventy years later, Jonah and Melinda died in each other's arms, old, wrinkled and most of all, happy.

Life isn't worth living, if you don't give it a chance.


Thanks so much for reading! You are all amazing!! I'm sorry if this story was bad, or if you didn't like it at all. It was my first Wattpad story. I just want to say thank you to all you people who stuck through it and supported me. It's been worth it. There won't be a sequel, Melinda's story is over and so is Jonah's. I think this story teaches us all that the hand we've been dealt, is the hand we will win the game with. Thanks again!

Lots of Love,

Cheyenne Hood (JoLeeXD)

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