Chapter Two

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My room was freezing cold, due to the fact that I left my window open. Even now, small droplets were plopping on the window sill. Despite the time, I hopped out of bed and slammed the window shut. It was 3:19 in the morning. What a ridiculous time to wake up. I crawled back into my queen size bed and huddled under mounds of covers. I didn't feel much these days. Only bitterness. How strange is that? to feel only what you wish would disapear.

All too soon my alarm beeped loud and obnoxiously. I hadn't slept a minute since I hopped out of bed. Sleep eluded me, and it looked like I just might make it up in science where barely anything happens. I brushed my hair and teeth and put on my usual school attire. Converse, faded jeans, and an ambercombie and fitch sweatshirt. perfect for the rainy boring weather outside.

I grabbed my ipod off its dock and went downstairs to greet my all too preppy family.

eggs were burning and so was the toast. Mom was frantically running around the kitchen not knowing what to do or how to handle the situation so I quickly stepped up. I shut off the burner and took the pan, tossing it in the sink and running water over it, making the eggs soggy and unapealing. I ran to the toaster and forced the button down. The toast popped up, scorched and completely black. I grabbed it and bounced it around in my hands, tossing it into the sink as well.

"Oh, Melinda, what would I do without you?" My mother asked. She'd do absolutely everything without me, and we both knew it. She clapped her hands together and smiled.

"Oh well! Looks like you and your sisters will be having cereal for breakfast! I'm off to the country club to do a little liquid therapy. Have fun at school!" she kissed my forehead, grabbed her purse and left me to fend for myself.

What a perfect mom right? Self absorbed, conceited and a horrible mother. Could it get much better?

My step dad came stomping down the stairs tying his tie.

"Morning." I said. He nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. Have you heard anything on the Jude case? It's supposed to be closing, if I can get the defendant to seal the deal at two mil. Think I can? What am I asking, of course I can! Did your mother burn the toast again?" he searched the pantry trying to find some sort of snack to take to work. he closed the cuboards in dissapointment. "Apparently so, hey have you told your sister to turn in her permission slip for the field trip next thursday? No you haven't. Never mind. Well, off to work, I'll see you this evening at dinner. Love you." he kissed my forehead, grabbed his brief case and left.

"Hi?" I said with a small dorkish wave to no one. I never even got one word in. Then again, that seemed to be the norm. "No it's okay, I'll make sure Vannessa has her permission slip. Yes I did have a nice morning, thanks for asking. No I didn't pass my geometry test. Why? I forgot to study, but don't worry I'll get my grade back up. Thanks for the support." I mumbled to myself. Pouring a glass of milk I pondered why I was an outcast in the island of well fit toys. No joke, everyone in my family had their own place in society. I, on the other hand, had nothing. Squat. Zero. Nada.

Small feet came pattering down the stairs and my youngest sister walked out onto the hard wood floor in footy pajamas.

"Lindy? Is mommy and daddy gone?" she asked. I smiled. Vannessa was my favorite of my three sisters. She had short curly dishwater blonde hair and the biggest blue eyes I had ever seen. She was only five and still stayed at home during the day, with our house keeper Gweneth.

"Yes, mom and dad left. You 'll see them at dinner I promise." I said. Mom was your average country club crasher with major dough and my step father, Vannessa's dad, was a very successful lawyer that had some major ties. Too bad they were both so self centered that they missed Vannessa's birthday. For the third year in a row. Vannessa was turning six today and that meant she needed birthday spankens.

"I don't care about mommy and daddy. I want you to be here at dinner Lindy. So you can have cake and sing to me." she came up to me and hugged my waist. I couldn't help but smile at the little kid. Ther perfect moment ended when Maggie walked in.

Maggie was a brunette with green eyes and a small heart shaped face. She too had a different father. Her fifteen years stood exactly five foot six inches off the ground and she was one of the most athletic people I have ever met. Behind her, followed Rachel.

Rachel was eighteen and the most popular girl at our school. She had to die for red hair and hazel eyes with a killer body that only super models could sport. She was the trendy one of our family. She looked more like our mom, who has red hair and blue eyes as well. Vannessa looks like my step dad, who's name happens to be Michael by the way.

I was the odd one out. I had black hair and brown eyes and I was a mere five foot two. Maggie stood taller than me. All my sisters looked at least some what similar, while I was left alone by myself. As usual.

"Happy birthday Vannessa! I have to run but I'll see you at dinner!" Maggie blew a kiss to Vannessa and walked out the door.

Rachel stopped by the closest mirror and re-applied another coat of lipstick and adjusted her mini-skirt. She made kissy noises at Vannessa and without one word, left. Vannessa looked older than her six years, and grimly smiled up at me.

"I won't see them at dinner, will I?" she asked. My heart broke at the serene expression on her face and I shook my head, not wanting to lie to her.

"I don't think so." I said truthfully. She nodded and went to the cabinet to find cereal.

I was reluctant to leave Vannessa but Gweneth came and dismissed me saying I would be late for school. When Gweneth made a descision, it was best to obey.

My school was one of your average high schools. There were different cliques for everything and people did stupid things. How normal can you get? I lived in a wealthy neighborhood. My mother was a gold digger, but I guess you can't really deny the opportunity to actually be rich. Michael made a very healthy amount of money, especially for a family of six.

Some kids were staring at me as I trudged through the wet grass of the court yard and whispered excitedly. Go ahead, stare, you think I really give a shit?

My first class was on the opposite side of the school and I litterally had two minutes to get there. I speed walked and just barely made it to my Lit. class on time.Three seconds after I walked into the room a low monotone sound came from the speakers and I sat in my seat.

Everyone turned to stare at me. I couldn't help but wonder what the hell it was they wanted, until I realized they were staring next to me, not at me.

I looked to my right, and sure enough there sat a boy.

"Uh, hi." he waved awkwardly and I looked away.

"I'm Jonah. What's your name?" he asked. I didn't reply and he didn't say anything else.

Mr. Vendez ordered us to take out a piece of notebook paper and a pen for note taking and I obediently complied.

"Are you a new student?" a husky girl voice asked. Jonah innocently looked at Amanda Kiser and nodded. His gaze didn't once travel to the cleavage she was practically pushing into his face. I was completely confused. Amanda was the bitch of the grade who got whoever and whatever she wanted. I wasn't jealous, because I could really care less about having a boyfriend or being at the top of the social food chain. She was the one who was jealous, and it was only because my family had more money than hers.

"Where'd you come from?" Amanda asked.

"Dallas." he said. Amanda immediately ruffled and purred her next words.

"Oooh. A cowboy. You bring your lasso?" she asked. she flirted. Flipping her long blonde hair she absently straced her arm from the shoulder to her wrist, showing off her bare neck. He seemed unfazed by this as

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