Them telling you a bit about their past

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Some are short and some are long 


"So, I was basically this kid that would run around and prank people", he laughed and shook his head, reliving the memories. "What kind of pranks?", you asked and giggled/chuckled, watching him. He shrugged and laughed quietly,"trip people, do the shaving cream and feather trick, scream loudly in the car for no reason, ect. I was an asshole", he laughed and shook his head. "Was?" "Shut up"


"So when I was little, my dad taught me guitar. I think I was about 7 when I could play Kiss on my acoustic", he smiled at the memory and you did as well. "That's really cute, what was your favorite song to play?" "Heavens on fire", he replied and began to play the song on his guitar, closing his eyes. "It sounds better acoustic, trust me"

Foxy (somewhat of the pirate accent)

"T'was a long time ago, but I still remember it like it t'was yesterday. Ma and pa decided it t'was time fer me t' get a pet. I decided t' get a dog and I named 'er Callie. Callie was th' best dog, she would always wake me t' bring 'er outside and I would get so mad. But she saved me as well", he smiled slightly at the thought and closed his eyes. "What did she do?", you asked and tilted your head. "After me parents had a fight, I was upset and decided t' leave. Well, I brought Callie wit' me. Well, along the way, I ended up falling and broke me ankle. Callie ran 2 miles back home and brought me parents t' me", he smiled at the memory and you did as well. "That's so sweet"


"Yep, so my mom taught me how to bake when I was around 3!", Chica boasted proudly and smiled, decorating her cake. "Do you remember the first thing you ever made?", you asked and she smiled, nodding. "vanilla bean creme brulee". "By yourself or?", you questioned and she nodded, smiling. "Yep! I burnt it though.." 

Golden Freddy

"Yeah, my brother wouldn't stop pranking people so I decided to get him back. I ended up hurting him really bad", he chuckled at the memory and shook his head. "What happened?", you giggled/chuckled and he laughed. "I decided to do a scare prank, so we watched Halloween. He went to bed and I wore the mask and grabbed a knife. At around midnight, I went into his room and woke him up. He got scared and began hitting me and I went to hit back and the knife went into his arm on accident", he laughed at the memory and you blinked. "Poor Freddy.." "Hey! He put a snake in my bed!" 

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