The Tease

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Requested by @once_upon28

Killian's POV

I had a date with Emma and she was coming over to the ship for dinner. I had it all set up for a romantic dinner.

"Killian Im here!" I heard Emma say.

"Come aboard love." I say.

"Actually can we go somewhere after dinner?"She asks.

"Sure Love." I say.

"Great thank you." She says.

After diner we walked down to the local bar. I sat down at a table and Emma walked over to me and took off her coat and showed me her outfit. (Photo above)

"Emma! What are you wearing?" I ask her.

"Just something that I found. Do you like it?" She asks me.

"Well yes, but dont wear it in public." I say to him.

"Im going to go out on the dance floor. Come with me." She says.

"Emma come here. Dont go out there." I begged her.

"If you dont want to then I'll go dance with another guy." She says.

I grab her hand and pulled her to the dark part of the room.

"Swan what are you doing?" I ask her.

"Oh nothing." She says climbing on the table.

Once she is on she crawls froward and bring her face to mine.

"Emma..." I start but she climbs on my lap.

"I love you." She says and kisses me.

Her lips still on mine as she guides my available hand to her chest. She pulls my hair as she deepens the kiss. She pulls her lips off mine and takes them to my neck. Then she bites down hard and sucks on my neck for awhile. She kisses me one last time and gets up. She grabs her jacket covers herself back up. She walks to the door winks at me and left.

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