Frozen singalong

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Requested by @killian_emma_ouat

Emma's POV

"Please Mommy. Please Daddy." Our daughter begs for the tenth time.

"Are you sure you wanna watch Frozen. We have been watching it everyday." I tell her.

"Please Mommy. I love you." She says and hugs me.

"Okay fine." I say.

"Gets you every time doesnt it." Killian says.

"Oh shut up." I say to him.

Half way through the movie she had fallen asleep on Killian's chest.

"I'll take her to her bed. Then Im going to shower." He says getting up.

Killian went upstairs and then I heard the shower go on. Maybe I'll surprise him.

"Killian." I say opening the bathroom door.

"Dont let them in dont let them see. Be the good girl you aways have to be. Conceal dont feel dont let them know. Let go let go. Cant hold it back anymore. Let go let go. Turn away and slam the door. Here I stand and here I'll stay let go let go. The cold never bothered me anyway." Killian sings in the shower.

"Oh my god." I say laughing.

"Emma?" Killian asks moving the curtain so I could see his face.

"I came here planning to have some shower time with you, but you seem busy." I say still laughing.

I went back downstairs and now every time we watch Frozen or Killian takes a shower I cant help myself, but to laugh.

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