His crazy

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Requested by @once_upon28

Ok lets pretend that when Emma shares her heart with Killian he gets magic.

Emma's POV

I walked into my house and Henry was looking at something or should I say someone.

"Henry whats going on?" I ask him.

"Oh Im just watching Killian be a drunken weirdo." He says.

"What is he doing?" I ask him.

"Look for yourself." He says.

When he got up he moved out of the way and I saw Killian.

"Hand on. Hand off. Hand on. Hand off." Killian says magically taking his hand on and off.

"Killian what are you doing?" I ask him.

"Swan my hand can come off." He says.

"Killian your such a dork." I say to him.

"Hand off. Now look its back." He says.

"Okay that enough with the hand." I tell him.

"Hand off. Hand on." He says.

"Stop it Killian." I say to him.

"No mom its funny to watch. He has been doing this since he came here drunk." Henry says to me.

"Henry its not funny its weird." I tell him.

"Mom Killian is a weird dork and you love him for it." He says to me.

Henry left and Killian was still making his hand go on and off. He looks at me and waves to me with his hand and then his hook. Why am I in love with this weirdo?

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