I Want One

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Requested by @captainswan8802

Emma's POV

I looked at the photos of Killian that I took for no reason. I just thought he looked so cute. I am going threw these pictures and see other photos of everyone and their babies. I never raised Henry and I love Killian I think I want a baby. Actually I know I do, but Killian probably doesnt want one.

"Emma, where are you?" Killian asks.

"The bedroom." I yell back.

He walked in and kisses my head. I just love him. He raps his arms around me. I feel safe and loved.

"Whats wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing. Just going though some photos." I tell him.

"When you do that something is always bugging you. Come on Love tell me." He says.

"Killian really Im okay. I was feeling alittle sad, but not anymore." I tell him.

"You can spy liars Swan and I know when your lying to me. Now please tell me." He begs.

"Its stupid." I say.

"Thats what you said last time when you were worried about Henry not spending as much time with you as he used to." He reminds me.

"I just dont think I should tell you." I say.

"And why is that?" He asks.

He moves the chair so he can see my face. He sits on the bed and takes my hand and pulls me on his lap.

"Killian really Im okay." I lie.

"Emma, please." He says.

I looked into his blue eyes and started to cry.

"I cant." I tell him.

"Hey baby come on." He says.

"I dont want you to leave me." I say.

"Emma Im never going to leave you." He says.

"Well Im scared to tell you." I say to him.

"Emma you can tell me anything. I will never leave." He says.

"Okay. Well everyone either is having a baby or already does. I..." I say but stop and cry.

"You want one." He says.

"Please dont be mad." I say looking at him.

"Emma Im not mad. You really want a baby with a pirate?" He asks.

"Yes I want a baby with you. I want a life with you. I get it if its too fast." I tell him.

"You know Love, I want that with you too." He says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes really." He says and wipes my tears away.

"I dont know what I would do without you." I say and rest my head on his shoulder.

"I love you." He says and kisses my head.

"I love you." I say and snuggle into his chest.

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