To Much Time

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Requested by @Captainswan8802

Emma's POV

"Emma hurry up. We have to find them." Regina says.

"Regina Im going as fast as I can." I say.

"I want tear those two away from each other. I mean one day to hang out is one thing but a whole month always busy. I cant take it anymore." Regina says.

"I know you want Robin to yourself, but its not the end of the world." I tell him.

"Well do you like not being able to be in the arms of your pirate?" She asks.

"Well no I miss him, but following them is another story." I say.

We got out of the car and followed them into the forest.

"Okay ready?" She asks.

"For what?" I ask.

"We zap them with magic and knock them out." She says

"Your insane. Im just going to talk to them." I say.

"NEVER GOING TO WORK!" She yelled at me.

I walked over to Killian and Robin.

"Hey Swan." Killian says.

"Hey can we talk?" I ask them.

"Sure whats up?" Robin asks.

"Regina is going to zap you guys with magic because she is mad that you two are spending lots of time together." I tell them.

"Really?" Robin asks.

"Yeah. She has lost it." I say.

"Okay I'll talk to her." Robin say.

He walked away and she gave me a dirty look and walked off with him and Killian turned to me and smiled.

"So it was all Regina's idea. You didnt do it at all." He says with a smirk.

"Ok maybe I agreed with her just a bit." I tell him.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say and kiss him.

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