Difficult Family

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Amy stood facing Ruby with a slight smirk of her lips, "It has been 3 months since the last time we had a testing battle."

Ruby stepped back a bit, "T-those things were unfair!" she said, clearly shaken, "Besides......you can't-"

She was cut off by Amy as she kicked her side. Ruby landed in the center of the training room. "Throw the turtles out." The four were driven out of the training room. A button on the wall was pressed and gates came down, cutting off the training room from all of the rooms. Amy smiled, "What luck."

The five ninjas positioned themselves around Ruby. She quickly got to her feet, holding a defensive stance. The circle began to become smaller as the five closed in. She hissed slightly, her body trembling. Suddenly, two attacked from both sides. Ruby blocked as best as she could, using both her arms for each one, but they were weak from starvation and she could barely block. She kicked one in the stomach and knocked the other off their feet. She jumped out of the circle. One came swooping in and caught her arm, throwing her into the ground. She clenched her teeth and kicked him in the face. Amy and her other soldier came in. Her follower jumped over her and grabbed her arms, holding them behind her back. Amy began to punch her face, making Ruby's nose begin to bleed. She gave a sort of growl from her throat and she threw off the one holding her, kicking him into the opposite wall. She faced Amy and glared at her, "Always a coward to fight me alone."

Amy smirked, "Testing your skills is always the first thing on my to do list." She began to attack her with various attacks, with Ruby countering them all.

Outside the gates, the four were watching with anxiety.

"She will never last out there. She isn't strong enough." Donny said.

"Not to mention that she is fighting her sister." Mikey said with a small shrug.

"Well then what do we do?" Leo asked, glancing at the battle every once in a while.

Raphe growled, "I hate feeling helpless." He turned to the gates and grabbed the bottom. His muscles strained as he pulled up of the gate. The gears groaned and slowly began to travel up. "Are you all going to just stand there or help me?" He grunted. The other three quickly got in line with Raphe and pulled with him. The gate resisted, but gave way after a few moments of suspense. All of the gates opened.

Amy stopped attacking and looked at the turtles in disbelieve, "How?!!!"

"You're not the only one with ooze in your blood." Leo said, pointing at the black wings folded against her back.

She hissed, her wings coming out full length, "Impossible." She quickly flew out of the place, her ninjas following.

Ruby sat on the floor, her breathing ragged and blood coming from her nose and mouth. She laid down, "I always hated those tests......"

Splinter came in, "You were not at your full strength. That must have been tiring, go get washed up and rest for today. Gain your strength."

Ruby got up slowly and went to the bathroom. Splinter sighed, "This is terrible. More trouble will surely follow. Let us help her out as best as we can. Step up security."

"Working on it." Donny said, running off to his room to get more cameras and some traps.

Mikey shook his head, "It was only 8 o'clock in the morning..........a perfectly good one too."

Leo patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, it won't be that bad. It will be some good training for us."

Back at the abandoned building, Shredder and Amy stood on the roof. Shredder was wearing his armor again and he seemed frustrated.

"I thought she would be no trouble to you!!!!" He said.

"I'm sorry master, but the turtles-"

"Turtles!!!!! Not those troublesome creatures!!!!!!" Shredder's voice elevated in volume. "Leave me!"

Amy quickly flew off, heading back to the city. She needed time to think, and sort things out. She growled, "Those turtles have ruined everything."

Ruby lay in her blanket, also thinking, "Typical, first person shredder sends is my only relative. Thanks for the gift.......Shredder."  

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