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Donny looked out of his room, moon illuminating the training room. He was awoken by the sound of footsteps and muttering. Ruby sat in the middle of the room, her ears low and her tail curled. Sheela lay curled in her lap.

"Ruby? What are you doing awake, it's 1 in the morning." He said softly. Ruby's ears twitched and she looked at him.

"Oh, I was just thinking...I couldn't sleep." She rubbed her kitten's head gently.

Donny sat behind her and drew her close, "What are you thinking about?"

Ruby leaned against him and placed her hands on his, "Just about the recent events." She smiled, "I do a lot of thinking in the early hours of the morning."

Donny smiled softly and kissed her on the head, "Want to talk about it?"

Ruby bit her lip before saying, "Do you ever feel like there are too many monsters?" She sighed, "Sometimes I feel like there are nothing but monsters filling my life with fear."

Donny held her closer, "It happens every once in a while, but it helps to think about the many heroes that have slayed those monsters for you. I often think of my brothers and how they've helped me."

Ruby turned and looked up at him, "You would be a really good therapist." she gave him a small peck on the lips, "You're my hero."

Donny's face went a bit pink and he placed his chin on the top of her head, "I will always be here for you and I will never leave."

Shredder laughed, "A perfect weak spot for the little rat..." He had heard the whole conversation with a bug that was currently roaming on the ceiling, "All I need to do is destroy those pathetic creatures and she won't be able to defend. Amy will be trickier, but not impossible." Suddenly his bug was cut off. He growled, "What's going on!!??"

Sheela meowed and sniffed the robot but she had just smashed and pawed at it. The thing slid and she kept on pawing it, making it slide all the way out the door and into the tunnels. Ruby picked her up before she could follow, "We've got to get a door." She said softly.

Donny chuckled, "Get back to bed and no more early morning thinking, instead, I suggest you sleep."

Ruby laughed softly, "Alright, goodnight." She gave him one last kiss before heading back to bed. Donny headed back to his bedroom and was about to closed the door when Ruby grabbed the door. She clutched her kitten and looked at Donny, "C-can I sleep in your room?" She asked softly.

He smiled a bit and nodded a bit, "Just go grab your mat."

She went and grabbed her mat, laying it next to his and laying down. She snuggled in her blankets and sighed softly. Donny looked at her with a small smile and laid on his own mat. Ruby was already asleep as was Sheela. The small kitten curled in the arms of the girl. He chuckled softly and fell asleep also.

In the morning, Mikey shook his head, "Ruby is not in her room and Raph said she's not in the tunnels. I don't know where else she could be."

Leo sighed, "Where is she? Maybe Donny will know." He went and knocked on his door, "Donny, hey, you awake yet? Are you feeling okay?" He opened the door and gasped. Ruby was asleep, curled up by Donny. Donny himself was actually wide awake. He pressed a finger to his lips and pointed at Ruby.

"I'll tell you all later." He mouthed. Leo nodded and closed the door.

Mikey frowned, "What's wrong?"

"I found Ruby." Leo said and pointed at the door.

Mikey tried not to smile and walked off to watch some TV.

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